League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1322: Ye Che, wild position!

But there is talent, it is useful to grow up, at least this so-called dark talent, in this 5v5 tower battle, there is no use of eggs. ?? Bayi Chinese network W = W = W ≤. ≤81ZW. COM

However, the black and white tower owner promised a lot of benefits, although this game is estimated to be very difficult to play, but for these benefits, she had to promise to be with this Ye Che team.

On the other hand, the six-star senior summoner Li Fei’s face is no different, a very easy-going look.

"Now, I would like to remind you of the 5v5 tower war regulations, because the base will be destroyed and will die. Therefore, after one party concedes defeat, the other party must unconditionally cease the war and then withdraw from the summoner canyon at the same time, otherwise I will force intervention and severe punishment! !?"

Everyone nodded and said clearly.

"So, the first battle of the 5v5 tower battle, officially started!"

As soon as the voice fell, the audience cheered.

On the other side of the battlefield, Maugham’s gaze on the other side squinted at Ye Che’s eyes, and the corner of his mouth provoked a sneer, then fell on Li Fei’s body and said: “We are also old rivals, so we don’t play any foreplay. See you in the direct canyon battle!"

"It's just what I want."

Li Fei nodded.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, a powerful energy field, rising from the two people, Li Fei's body around, the dim soil elements and the golden gold particles contend with each other, only between the elements The operation caused the air to fluctuate drastically.

On the other side, within a hundred meters of Maugham's body, it is like a river of green rivers, and countless monsters transformed from water-toxic elements, in which various forms are changed.

All five-star senior summoners, including Ye Che, stepped back and brushed, and then looked seriously at the two men contending.

"Li Fei is proficient in the heroic skills of the Golden Earth system. The main battlefield is on the way down. That is the same for Maugham. It is also a strong master of adc. This kind of alignment is fair, otherwise if these two people are assigned to other positions, then we will instantly It will collapse."

In the ear, the sound of Bai Liechi came.

Ye Che nodded. This is very clear to him. The senior summoner below six stars mainly focuses on direct combat. Above, the main practice is the canyon battle.

So at the point of the canyon battle, the six stars will end five stars.

At this point, the two people's breath became stronger and stronger, and finally reached the critical point. Suddenly, the surrounding images suddenly became blurred. When the recovery was clear, Ye Che was already standing there and magnified tens of millions of times. In the division canyon!

The tens of thousands of square bases, dozens of kilometers of summoner canyon, let Ye Che's heart boil.

"I am adc this is undisputed, the remaining four positions, you assign yourself, as for you..."

Under the spring, Li Fei’s gaze fell on Ye Che’s body. After a slight certainty, he asked: “Do you usually have a practice of alliance warfare?”

"Yes." Ye Che nodded.

In the high-level tower, playing a league battle requires thousands of symbols, so the six-star senior summoner is below, many people have been in the world for hundreds of years, and they can't even play hundreds of games.

"There is nothing. Since you understand basic common sense, then I will allow you to give priority to the position." Li Fei said.

Modo on the side immediately blew his hair, staring at Li Fei's cold road: "You let him the second-seater summoner, choose the position first, don't you think it's ridiculous!?"

Li Fei brows his wrinkles, he is a six-star senior summoner, why has he been questioned by the five stars?

But in order to win, he still explained: "You also said that he only has two stars. He is not familiar with the canyon battle. Then the proficient position can never be one. If you take an unfamiliar position, it will frequently send people. The bureau will be a must, but it is better to let him take the position he is good at."

"I agree." Baichi Lie nodded.

At this time, after hearing Li Fei’s explanation, Modo’s face suddenly looked a lot better, but saw Ye Chezheng holding his chin and staring at himself in a weird look, and a sigh of fire came up again, coldly shouting: “Kid, don’t Blame me for not reminding you, if you have lost our game because of you, be careful that I have licked your skin!"

"Oh." Ye Chedao.

"Fuck!" Modo's face was dark again.

When Li Fei saw it, he quickly interrogated and asked: "Ye Che, what position do you want to play?"

"In the middle of the single..." Ye Che said casually.

"Ah?" Li Fei was dumbfounded, and Modo’s face was black and it was dripping out of ink.

"Oh, wrong, I am playing wild." Ye Che made up a sentence, and at the same time stunned Moto.

Li Fei suddenly took a sigh of relief, but Modo was about to blow up. He saw Ye Che’s eyes. He couldn’t understand, this kid just deliberately disgusted himself.

At this time, the alien Rab Rai snorted and snorted: "Then I assist."

"I am on the order!" said Baichi Lie.

Li Fei nodded and said: "The lineup is certain, I am on the adc, Baichi Lie on the order, Modo, you are in the middle, Ye Che playing wild, Rabe Lei assistant! So now, start to contact the hero, lock the hero skills Let's go!"

As he said, he turned his body and fell his eyes on the goddess of war standing in the spring, and then began to lock up.

He is practicing the golden earth elements, the most suitable for the goddess of war, the magic shield of the goddess of war goddess, with the elements of the earth, can immunize an arbitrary hero skills, but also his hero with a selection rate of more than 9o%.

Then, Modo locked the heroic skills of the Stone Man and made a hit. A month ago, he used the heroic skills of the Stone Man to instantly smash dozens of enemies.

Baichi Lie locked the emperor, her heroic skills, closely related to the emperor.

Rabelai chose Tam, so that with the wheel mother's own shield, he will save him the most likely to survive.

At this time, Li Feidao: "I finished it, take the first step, you will catch up!"

As soon as the voice fell, the power of the hero around his body violently swayed. The whole person crossed the tens of meters and quickly rushed to the wilderness. However, just after leaving the spring, his degree will slow down, otherwise the blue consumption (the power of the hero) will be very serious.

The increase in mobility here is closely related to the power of its own heroes, and the power of heroic skills is also related to the elements. It is much more free than the simple alliance of heroes.

At this point, the other four people have quickly locked their heroes, and after getting their heroic skills, they walked quickly to the spring.

Only Ye Che still stayed there and hesitated, looking at a hero, and fell into meditation.

This summoner canyon battle, there is no talent rune, no summoning skills, everything is closely related to their own abilities. When fighting, it is not a one-of-a-kind, I will give you a look, this will be a new way of fighting. So to lock the wild hero skills, he must carefully consider it.

However, he also has an advantage, that is to understand the essence of the dark class, converted to here, it is a hero talent!

"Dark class heroes..."

Ye Che's gaze, began to sweep the heroes in the spring.

Ps: I have to fight, ask for support~

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