Just when Ye Che chose a hero, there was a small virtual shadow of the Summoner Canyon on the battlefield. August 1st? Chinese? Network? W?W (eight) W?. (8) 8 (eight) 1? Z? W (1). ?COM

The elders pointed at it: "This is the visual manifestation of the canyon, and the 5v5 tower war will be presented directly."

This point, those senior summoners have long known, so the more intense the atmosphere. I stared at the scene intently and enthusiastically explored the outcome.

At the same time, in the Summoner's Canyon, Ye Che is still speculating about the possibility of a hero.

In the League of Legends, there are many heroes of the dark type, doomsday, big bugs, widows, nightmares, clowns, etc., but they are vetoed by Ye Che.

In the previous test with the black and white tower master, he now, the buffs in the wild area, only one independent, the end of the brush wild efficiency and the e-skill "dark wind" in the wild monster's rebound is closely related, so pass directly.

The shortcomings of the big bugs are skill accuracy and maneuverability. In this canyon battle, without specific specifications, Ye Che has no confidence to hit.

Then the nightmare, the widow, the clown and the like, it is necessary to have the previous gank, but Ye Che is missing this point. His heroic power is only Samsung. It is easy for gank not to be ruined.

Therefore, it is necessary to choose a type of education, and can play a group battle and can play the late stage, but also the efficiency of brushing the field.

Suddenly, Ye Che’s eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes condensed in a man wrapped in transparent light blue magic armor. He held a huge black and blue sickle, like a twilight. Death.

He is extremely tall, and his body is cold, and his body is evenly lingering, and the color of the spring water in the area is mysterious and strange.

"Well... it's you, Calthus!"

Ye Che said to himself, and then the mind began to lock him up.

Karthus, named Death Singer, is a deadly song. This is a big brush. As long as the knife is up, it has the absolute dominance of the group battle in the later period, especially in the narrow area of ​​the wild area. The ability of the ground.

Of course, all of this is based on the ability to make up the knife.

Once the wild area has not been revised, when the buffs have their younger sons, the death songs are low, all because of his “salvation” mechanism.

The "ridiculous" theory is not much different from the "dark ball" of the ball girl. It belongs to the ball explosion. The difference is that the "ridiculous" cooling time is extremely fast. At the first level, only one second of the cooling is completed. Time, and more terrifyingly, this skill can cause double damage to a single target!

For example, if two small soldiers are squatting together, "ridiculous" hitting them at the same time will only cause ordinary damage, but if you hit a single soldier in a limit direction, the damage will double, double the damage, even more than the "dark method" of the ball girl. The ball is even higher.

It is terrible to use this to brush the wild.

The red and blue buffs and the cymbals are all single, and the f6, as well as the stones that can split many small stones, are not enough to look at the extensive damage of the dead song e-skills, gaining the economic degree and the efficiency of brushing the wild, will be more than the average The field is much faster.

And if you match that piece of equipment...

Thinking, Ye Che's mouth is hooked up, and at this time, the four heroic skills of the dead song in addition to passive have been completely removed, with a specific circulation line, lingering around Ye Che body.

Of course, this is only Ye Che can see.

Then, he bought the hunter's amulet, and a bottle of reusable syrup and jewelry, then rushed to the big army.

This jewelry eye is extremely delicate, such as the ring is generally worn on the leaves of the fingers, the mind can move, you can fly out.

However, Ye Che was stunned on the road. Now, just after purchasing the hunter's amulet, there is a golden hand that has been suspended from his body.

"It turned out that there are still disciplinary actions, but only after purchasing the wild equipment. It seems that the summoner skills are not created by Ai Xi, they are supposed to be out of the air, and they are originally part of the Summoner's Canyon." One sound.

However, since there are disciplinary actions, how do you touch the flash, the transmission, and the like?

Ye Che’s eyes flashed a doubt, and immediately asked Li Fei.

"Initial parties can only have one summoner skill, such as weakness, punishment, sprint, transmission, etc., you can choose, but flash, this requires you to reach level 6 before you can touch. Summoner canyon battle and pure alliance Different wars have a lot to do with their own strength. If you do not limit the use of flash, the weak will meet the strong ones and will be killed when they are at the first level. It is too unfair, so the canyon battle will arouse all People are dissatisfied, so they have set this rule."

Li Fei explained.

Next to him, Modo was very uncomfortable and took a look at Ye Che. This rule is almost universally known among the five-star senior summoners. This leaf is really a rookie, and his heart is not suffocating.

After listening to Li Fei's explanation, Ye Che nodded, and now the canyon war is still a bit human.

"Ye Che, which hero are you bound to?"

Baichi Lie asked.

Because Ye Che is too fragile, Li Fei does not intend to carry out the first-level group. So after wasting some jewelry eyes and holding the entrance to the wild area, they will go idle and start to discuss the style of the game. Ask this one.

"Dead song."

Ye Che said casually, his eyes continually flowing over the huge canyon walls and the defensive tower.

These canyon walls are all over a few kilometers, which can't be overtaken. Those defensive towers don't need to be said. Just watching them can cause tremors in the mind.

Any one of these defensive towers, if placed on the earth, can penetrate the earth with only one blow, but here is only one member of more than a dozen defensive towers.

While he was secretly sighing, everyone was calming down. He went to the Bailie pool and stopped. After curiously touching the smoldering shadow of her side, he asked, "What happened?"

Bai Lie pool took a sip of cool air and looked at Ye Che and couldn't speak.

Li Fei is also the same, his face is a bit ugly.

Ye Chexin’s heart suddenly screamed, is it wrong to choose a dead song?

At this time, Moto iron had a face, and almost chewed his teeth and said to Ye Che: "Do you really know or not? The power of the dead song lies in the talent (passive) skill 'death contract'. Because of it, the dead song can be useful, but if you don't understand the essence of the element, you can't touch it at all, so that the dead song is directly ruined, or it is completely waste. You see our bound hero, passive The role is very small, do you understand him?!!!"

"I understand."

Ye Che nodded with a blank face.

"Do you know that you still choose!?"

Modo screamed and attracted the earth elements around him.

When Ye Che chose the dead song, she also thought about this problem. The passive technique of the dead song can be turned into a spirit with seven seconds of death and continue to release the skill.

In other words, even if the dead song is killed and killed, you can continue to survive and continue to release skills and big moves. This is extremely horrible. This is also the main point of death songs with the dominance of group battles.

Think about it, a good equipment of the owner, a dead song with a wide range of continuous skills, but after the death, can continue to release the skills, then his death location, no one will dare to stand, and bounty open and Rambo In general, only the enemy can be led.

However, all of this is based on the condition of comprehending the essence of the element. If you can't have the passiveness of the dead song, the deterrent power of the dead song will indeed be greatly reduced.

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