League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1324: The role of passive skills!

However, Ye Che does not care about this, because he understands the nature of the dark phagocytosis, which is similar to the passiveness of the big worm. After killing the enemy, he can return to the blood to return to the demon. For the efficiency of the dead song, it is even better. Upgrade. Eight?? A Chinese network W = W ≤ W ≤. ≤81ZW. COM

With this in mind, Ye Che chose a dead song.

With this in mind, if you can understand the essence of multiple elements in the future, can you not have several passives in the canyon battle? Be aware that the essence of the element is not counted in the canyon battle rules.

However, Ye Che also dared to yy, the essence of the elements of the dark class, but also through the dark elements of the dark hole to comprehend possession, otherwise it can not touch the hair, this leaf is a self-awareness.

However, he knew that the four teammates did not understand the essence of the elements, so even Li Fei and Bai Lie pool's face were a bit ugly.

Modo and Rabelai need not say more, their expressions can not want to swallow Ye Che.

The attitude of Modo and Rabelai Ye Che does not matter, but this game depends on the cooperation of Li Fei and Bai Lie Chi, so Ye Che comforted: "I don't know who I don't know, I don't know this beforehand, but nothing. In this game, I have a full stack of defensive elements to play in the front row, to ensure that it is strong!"

Listening to Ye Che said, Li Fei's face is a good look, as long as there is a front row, then he adc has an output environment.

For the weak, the canyon battle is not an absolute death. Otherwise, the canyon war will have no meaning of existence. Therefore, the importance of elemental equipment in the canyon battles accounted for more than 8o%.

A one-star senior summoner battles six stars or even seven stars, but if a one-star senior summoner has six gods, it will completely kill the six-star and seven-star senior summoners. Here, elemental equipment is extremely important.

Baichi Lie also breathed a sigh of relief. If Ye Che is out of the flesh and adds Modo (Stone Man) half flesh, she (the prince) can make a partial output.

"It can only be so now, then you are well educated, we play late!"

Li Fei said.

"Uh huh."

Ye Che's baby is the same, but as to whether he will be out of the meat, it is estimated that only God knows...

At this time, the whole army began to attack, and the heroes bound by both sides were also announced by the Summoner Canyon.

Ye Che here, he is bound to a dead song (discipline).

Li Fei: adc, wheel mom (treatment)

Modo: Zhongdan, stone man (igniting)

Rabelai: Auxiliary, 蛤蟆 (weak)

Baichi Lie: On the order, the emperor (ignited)

And purple side, Maugham: adnetbsp; in the single: radiance, (treatment)

Auxiliary: Nami, (weak)

Order: Sea Priest, (igniting)

Playing wild: werewolf, (discipline)


Ye Che just thought about it for a moment, and he understood that his inferior point would be out. This is a habit he used to fight the wild. At first, he would judge through the heroic mechanism, which way would cause problems.

The original enemy road mouse with Nami, will be extremely disgusting, stealth and Nami's e-skill attack, the same technology can explode more than 8o% of the combination.

But unfortunately, the wheel mother and the cockroach are the remaining 2o%, the wheel mother shield shields the beauty of the United States to increase the blood rebound, the sputum swallow can prevent the mouse from attacking, the same technology will be five or five.

If there is a problem in this game, it must be in the middle of the road and on the road.

The stone is shining, and the prince is playing the priest of the sea. This is already in an absolute weak position. If the technique is not tough, I am afraid that it will always be pressed.

But then how is it, anyway, he dominates the wild... the amount... 乖乖 刷 刷 就 , , gan gan gan gan gan gan gan gan gan gan gan gan gan gan gan gan gan gan gan gan gan gan gan gan gan gan gan gan gan

While thinking about all kinds of things, Ye Che looked at the empty red buff, but after six or seven seconds, it should be brushed out. There is no auxiliary tool timer, and the wilderness refresh time. Can rely on Ye Che himself to infer.

But coincidentally, he is skilled and can no longer be proficient.

Originally, he wanted to go to Lankai, but considering his own strength, Ye Che still intends to bring together the power of everyone.

Six seconds into the past, a deafening roar, violently sounded from the red buff canyon up to several kilometers, and immediately a monster of hundreds of meters, full of **** scarlet, jumped out of thin air.


From the air landing, the kilometer area has a lot of tremors.


Li Fei snorted.

For them, every time the canyon battle, the pressure is great, so it looks formal.

Ye Chexin thought, the power of the hero spurted, and suddenly, the dark particles floating slowly beside him, like the light condensed together, and then blasted from the feet of the red buff.

"Sure enough, I can't lock the enemy to attack. There seems to be something that interferes with the magnetic field on the red buff body. So I can only blow the ground through the land, but I can't directly act on it... But why are some heroes, but it is OK, right? Related to a certain trait?"

Ye Che thought, moving his mind, and a group of dark particles quickly condensed, and then hurt the red buff for the second time.

On the other side, Li Fei waved his arm, a transparent shadow like a wheel, and he slammed into the red buff, making it scream.

And Rabelai was directly at the forefront, and he slammed against the red buff.

Soon, under the attack of three people, only two-tenths of the red buff dropped, and the latter two evacuated. Ye Che taught it to disciplinary punishment and accepted it.

At the 2nd level, the power of the hero suddenly rises, and Ye Che feels that whether it is the power of the hero in the body or the dark elements in the surrounding area, it is richer than before.

"I understand why the six stars can only summon the division of the canyon. The attack power at this stage is no different from that of the 3O level in the League of Legends. But if the people who attack the canyon are stronger, it is estimated that these monsters and The soldier will also be stronger..."

Ye Che thought as he walked toward the blue buff, and said: "Mado, help me to insert an eye after the blue buff canyon."

He is afraid that the blue buff will be reversed by the other party. After all, the opposite side knows that the power of his hero is only the level of Samsung. If he hits it in the wild area, he can completely defeat himself.

"No time!"

Modo is cold and cold, isting time to help this waste? There is nothing wrong with your brain.

Ye Che sighed, did not say much, directly rushed to the direction of the blue buff, and then, in the blue buff behind the river barriers to insert the jewelry eyes.

This blue buff, Ye Che did not dare to play directly, otherwise it is likely to be killed.

So, he bypassed the red buff, directly singled out the 100-meter tall cockroach, the heroic skills of the dead song, as long as the e-skills are not turned on, the "absurd" alone is not very blue.

Under the double damage of a single enemy, the degree of blood loss of the cockroach is still somewhat faster.

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