League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1330: Mad madman

"Stone monster? I never play that stuff.? Eight?? One? Chinese network W = W = W =. = 8 ≤ 1 = Z ≤ W ≈. ≥ C ≤ O ≥ M"

The "Sea Beast Priest" also said coldly, and then waved his hand in his hand and slammed a tall, handsome soldier directly.

Before being gank two waves, she faced the half-meat prince, has not had such a big advantage, she is naturally not very happy.

"Oh shit."

The "Werewolf" began to suffocate in the bottom of his heart. When he saw that there was a big move of nearly 20 seconds of cooling, he went to the river. Now the river crab has been beaten, leaving only a circle of red circles there.

"No matter what, anyway, in the wild area, killing this dead song is seconds, he has no passive skills."

Thinking, "Werewolf" flushed his eyes and broke into the blue buff area of ​​Ye Che, but... No, the three wolves are empty...

"Fuck, this guy is a robber! It’s so clean!"

"Werewolf" snorted.

At the same time, the hundreds of thousands of summoners under the battlefield were almost happy.

"Ha ha ha ha, laughing at me, this werewolf was forced."

"I like to hear it, I have traveled through most of the maps, and none of the wild monsters have seen them."

"But I have to say that this Ye Che's courage is really big. If he dares to invade the werewolf's wilderness, he is not afraid of being hit. When the werewolf is big, with blood, and punishment, you can touch the passive movement instantly. There is no way to escape.

"It's really courageous. This wave is also his luck. It happened that the werewolf didn't brush in the red buff area."

Many summoners said with a smile.

At this time, Ye Che took away the stone monster, reminded him to take care of the werewolf gank on the road, and then opened up to support his own way.

However, because the wave of the previous wave was gank's disadvantage, this wave even if Ye Che supported the big move, the opposite side only died an adc, and his own Li Fei and Rabe Lei died.

Ye Che did not care about this. He had already speculated on the purple eye position, and after that, he came to the blue buff area of ​​the werewolf.

And this moment, it is just the time for the blue buff to refresh!

Under the double damage of "ridiculous", the blood volume of the blue buff bursts rapidly. Before the death, before the werewolf gank went down, the cockroaches killed by the road were just refreshed, so they were also caught in Ye Xue.

"Unfortunately, I can't wait for the three wolves to refresh."

Ye Che glanced at the three wolf area, and backed back.

"66666666666, the blue buff was also stolen by this kid!"

"The enemies of Level 1 being robbed of blue are reported."

"I am now more and more courageous after he has released the gun, and invaded the werewolf field twice in succession!"

"His luck twice is indeed very good. A werewolf happens to be in the blue buff area, and once again he is on the road, and the brilliance of the middle road is also on the road."

Many people enthusiastically commented that only the black-and-white tower master and the meditation brow are slightly wrinkled, and a hint of thought is revealed in the eyes.

At this point, after Ye Che retired, he crossed the past from his own red buff area, came to his own three wolves, directly ko, and then squatted, and then killed the already refreshed crab, opened the return journey.

This big circle of wild monster economy and assists made him directly synthesize the demon code and the frost tooth, forming the command of the Frost Queen, and the remaining money, and raised the wild amulet to the next level. The disciplinary punishment can also be used against the enemy.

At this point, the truly inhuman square brush wild, officially started!

"Come on, hurry up, Modo is coming over, they have to open a dragon!"

"Swallow me, fast, Nami's bubble!"

"I am coming, waiting!" Bai Liechi shouted.

On the other side, five of Maugham are also forming a tense tug-of-war with them.

Only this has nothing to do with Ye Che, as long as the other party does not have five people to push the group, he can always brush the six gods out of the mountain!

At this time, when they were in the range of Xiaolong, using skill to test and consume, and compete for the eye position, Ye Che’s silent red wolf field of the werewolf cleaned up the light.

Then came to the middle of the road, received a wave of small soldiers, and then scanned and pressed against the wall, came to the werewolf's blue buff area, and received another shackle, and he remembered the three wolves for a long time.

"Hey, Xiaolong is still taken away."

Li Fei sighed.

This wave he did not dare to fight, 4v5 even if there is a dead song support, but also hanging, although this game did not imagine the total collapse, but the other side has "werewolf" point control and playing a very strong "sea beast priest" and Tuan control Na Beauty is, he is really not sure.

"Ye Che, how long are you still!?" asked Bai Lichi frowning.

"Hurry up..."

I also received two waves of the middle road, and then I replied with the leaves of my own stone monster.

He didn't want to explain his behavior too much. Although these people are five-star senior summoners, six-star senior summoners, they usually spend a lot of rune coins to fight the alliance, but the strength is also about platinum.

Although the League of Legends explained the teamwork, it was a very high segmentation. Before, as long as you have enough strength, there is no need to communicate and you can't communicate.

Because the teammates are at this level, because they don't know what time to do, they are failing to operate.

For example, you said, you should not play this way, you should play it like this, the team battle should be like this, shouldn't it be, but... useful? Useless!

You tell them, do they listen to you? Do not listen. You have been bitterly talking for a long time, is it useful? The teammates should still send the head, the wave is still the wave, you are licking his dish, can he become powerful? nonexistent. Wasting time wasting feelings, and this time I painted a square.

What are you doing at this time? Draw squares, don't pay attention to teammates, and think of all the resources that the enemy thinks are dispensable. They all eat up the resources they use, and then they netbsp; why are they so proud and not talking? Do not believe? Do not believe is melon skin.

Ye Che knows this well and has no obligation to explain it to them, so he has already drawn the square to the extreme!

"****! My aunt!!"

"Nima, Laozi's three wolves!!!!"

"I rely on, f6, which murder is destroyed again!!!"

So, from the beginning of the dragon, the "wolf" whole people circled, and wherever they went, everything was empty, the whole wild area, like a dead grave, from the river crab to the buff, the grass is not born!

He looked around from f6 to the stone monster, but he couldn't even see the shadow of Ye Che. From that wave, he had only one ending, and he always ate in the back!

On the other side, Ye Che brushed the three wolves to brush the stones, brushed the stones and brushed the river crabs, did not go a corner, did not rush once, where to go, where there are wild monsters to brush, and the "wolf" formed an incomparably distinct Compared.

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