League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1331: Teammates are all gone!

Seeing this scene, hundreds of thousands of summoners, no longer laughed, everyone sees God, and concentrates on Ye Che. ?八一中?文W?W?W. 81ZW. COM

"Oh my God, I served, really served! There is no vision, how can he know where there are wild monsters, where there is no?"

"The key is that he has been wandering around in the wild for ten minutes, so the enemy is actually all around him!"

"If you don't see it with your own eyes, you can't believe it!"

Everyone said with a jaw-dropping.

They have never seen anyone, brushing the wild monster so thoroughly, through the summoner canyon, they can feel Ye Che that as long as I play wild, you have no wilderness to brush!

The master of the meditation and the black and white tower are also stunned, and the look is full of horror.

You know, there is no odd timer in the Summoner Canyon, nor in the League of Legends. Those timers are just auxiliary tools.

But for the sake of fairness, there is no such thing. They only play more games at most. They rely on the general feeling to judge, and I want Ye Che to remember the refresh time of the wild monsters to the second!

So this scene of Ye Che’s present is too unbelievable to them.

"This kid..."

The masters of the meditation and the black and white towers are complicated, and they only feel the madness of the heart. They understand that the home of the Summoner III is truly a treasure!


At the same time, the "wolfman" in the Summoner's Canyon, finally couldn't help but scream: "I can't stand it, the group!!! Group! Hold the group and fight directly!!!"

After ten minutes of no-field brushing, he was forced to only gank, but because of the cooling of the big move, many times he caused him to cool down in the grass, and he was so humiliated. dead.

"That group!"

The "Werewolf" dilemma, his teammates also looked at the heart, knowing that they can't go on like this, because the current situation is really weird, the wild monsters in the wild area have all disappeared, and then wait, I don't know what will happen. Amazing things.

So the five began to hug in the middle of the road.

The "Nami" among them began to revolve around the horizon.

Upon seeing it, Li Fei and others also understood their plans, so they hugged the group in the middle.

"Ye Che, come to the group!"

Li Fei’s face sank and he understood that the real thing was coming.

At this time, the time has come to twenty-three minutes, and they are equipped with the best, there are already two big pieces. After all, they are very cautious, and with Ye Ke’s signal warning from time to time, it does not produce too much. Human head.


Ye Che glanced at the middle road, and then looked at the economy of more than 4,000, returned to the spring water, and then put the ice stick together.

The ice stick here seems to have weakened the balance, and the reduction is only 2o%, but Ye Che still came out. After all, this is already a standard for dead songs, whether it is to support blood or to improve "absurdity". The hit rate is all leveraged.

Then, he sold the killing ring and made a ghost book. This thing was used to improve the cold contraction and the treatment for Nami, and the bloodsucking of the werewolf.

So, in almost everyone with only two large pieces, to two and a half large pieces and scattered small pieces, Ye Che's body, there are already four breathable elements, as well as shoes and half pieces of wild knife Is spinning around him.

Ice sticks, ghost books, shotguns, Frost Queen instructions, and bright shoes!

This cold contraction, also reached 4o%!

However, at this time, no one paid attention to Ye Che, and everyone’s eyes were already on the middle road. There, the battle was on the verge!

The stone man of Modo is at the forefront. He is half-baked and has a big flash, so he is very courageous. He has been swaying in front and looking for the position of the five people.

However, he is too small to look at the power of the angry "werewolf".

The original alien, who couldn’t brush the wild for ten minutes, had a stomach fire. This Modo had been swaying in front of him with a very awkward look, and he suddenly let him burst.

"Go to him, set fire!!!"

The alien screamed, and he only heard a wolverine. He was covered in cold hair and the canyon was cracked. The whole person had disappeared into the place and flew directly on Modo.

Moto was shocked at the bottom of his heart, and he had to break free from the power of the heroes. But under the rules of the canyon, the suppression effect could not be lifted.

"Werewolf" teammates, the heart of the earthquake, understand the situation at this time, have to fight, and must fight hard, otherwise let the "stone man" out of control, open a big move, then the victory is difficult Expected.

After all, the werewolf, there is no big move!


Maugham snorted.

In the meantime, a powerful water element gathers and turns into a round water dungeon, which falls heavily on the Modo who just broke out!

At the same time, the "werewolf" teammates have all been dispatched!


The "Sea Beast Priest" shouted, carrying a large tentacles, and squatting on Modo. At the same time, the big move opened, and countless water elements condensed into tentacles around him. This one is big and full of people. In conjunction with the tentacles that originally existed on the wall, it was the five tentacles that slammed the Moto.

"Booming and banging!!"

Hearing the deafening roar, there were countless cracks in the canyons under the foot of Modo, and the dust was flying, and his body was filled with several wounds.


Maugham's "mouse" is also a direct opening trick, and numerous venoms shuttle through the air.

Upon seeing it, Li Fei knew that Ye Che had not arrived, because the "Nami" big move had begun to condense. In an instant, the middle road that was five or six hundred meters wide was completely tens of meters high. The waves hundreds of meters wide are filled.

Then it turned into a torrent of waves, and it rushed to Li Fei and Bai Lie pool.


Li Fei drank, and then the wind elements stirred up for the whole.

The light of the Bai Lie pool was shining, such as the Raptors crossing the river, and coming straight out, and the "sea beast priest" along the way, and the werewolf were all picked up.

But just after landing, I saw that Nami's blue wave flew over, and she had to hand over the flash, and then lived with the mouse and Nami.

The battle was very chaotic for a moment, hundreds of thousands of summoners, only to see the skills of the flying elements in the middle of the road to explode.

However, the purple side keeps in mind one purpose, and must first have a stone man!

"Glory" flashes! Then a group of light elements came out, and actually took the Rabble to swallow, and gave it a ban!

This time, the whole audience was blasted, and hundreds of thousands of summoners couldn’t help but admire.


At the same time, the "glorious" body floats up, and the light elements of the sky begin to condense madly. Under the turbulence of the waves and the wind, it looks extremely embarrassing. It is only a moment, a large light element energy beam cannon is condensed. !

"Boom! The ultimate flash!"

Countless light elements suddenly blasted, and at the same moment, Mauger detonated the venom!


He listened to a scream, was controlled by the werewolf, was controlled by Naomi Water, and was dragged by Moto, who was struck by the big wave, and what moves could not be used, it would be terrible!


Ye Che’s face has changed from the heights. Now this wave, “Werewolf” actually beats the right set of fires!

Modo and almost the only hard group control, now a second, the situation is extremely dangerous.

"Withdraw, fast withdrawal!"

Li Fei screamed.

But it was too late. After Bai Lie pool’s big move, he cooperated with Rabelai’s “蛤蟆” and only killed Naomi. Then he killed the dead blood of the mouse and forced it to flash. Then he hung up.

And Li Fei, just knocked out most of the "wolf" blood, and half of the blood of the "sea beast priest", was stuck and died.

When Ye Che arrived at the scene, his teammates died with only one residual blood "蛤蟆", and soon followed the teammate's footsteps.

"It’s over... this wave is completely victorious!"

"In the second tower, the group defeated the opponent. This is the rhythm of the direct highland. Li Fei lost here."

Outside the Summoner's Canyon, the summoners are open.

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