League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1339: The decisive battle will come!

(Tomorrow, a large group of red packets, to add groups of hurry to pull. August 1 Chinese W ≤ W ≤ W =. ≥ 8 ≠ 1 ≥ Z ≤ W =. ≈ C = OM)

Five times the sound, in the air, is about 34o meters per second, five times the sound, that is, 17oo meters per second, this degree is simply shocking!

"The wing of Thor, which is made up of 199 elements of Raytheon, has reached such a degree. After I have more heroic power and a stronger wing of Thor, I am afraid that I will Turn it over!"

Ye Che exclaimed that this is a simple degree, not a tearing space, and it can't be torn.

The space on the rune star, even those who are at the level of the weaving stick, can't move, let alone today, so in the rune star, and even the Valoran galaxy, the speed is especially important.

In the infinity of the Valoran galaxy, it takes a long time to reach another planet from one planet. In the stable space of the Valoran galaxy, the use of curved boundaries is extremely expensive, so it must be more Fast degree.

This is also one of the strengths of the powerful!

"Now... I need more Raytheon elements!"

Ye Che tightened his fist and secretly made a decision. Then he informed the black and white tower master and the lord.

"What, do you want to fight a canyon in a week?"

In Taling, there was a strange voice from the black and white tower master.

If a Monday canyon battle, this means that there is almost no recovery time. It should be known that the use of the hero in the Summoner's Canyon is very powerful.

Plus one week, you can exit once in peace, so you have a half-monthly game.

But now, if Ye Che plays one game a week, it will always be in a weak state.

"Yes, I decided, only one year from the Shenmen, I have to increase the amount of training this year!" Ye Che explained.

On the other side of Taling, it seems that there was a conversation between the black and white tower master and the lord, but soon they unified the caliber and said: "You can think so, it is better, so, a Monday field. The canyon battle, it depends on you, only one year left, we also want to improve your training, so take advantage of this opportunity, we will help you again!"

Ye Che did not understand what the black and white tower owner said was the power of the arm, but he waited until the canyon battle came back, he immediately understood.

I saw my own level of cultivation outside, and suddenly there were more than a dozen powerful summoners. When they saw Ye Che, they showed a hot glow in their eyes.

On the side, the black and white tower owner pointed at them: "The seventeen are the home of our No. 3 Summoner, the only remaining nine-star senior summoner. For the rest of the year, they will infuse the heroes of your practice room. force."

Ye Cheyi, doubts: "Pour the power of heroes?"

"Yes, originally I and the Lord, I intend to personally put the grade of the training room, and then raise the stage, but in order to avoid encountering the enemy, we also need to guard the Summoner's home, the strength can not be damaged, and the elders under the station I can't leave, so I can only retreat and ask for it." The black and white tower owner said.

The power of the hero is a special kind of energy contained in the Valloland galaxy. It is very difficult to upgrade, and it needs to be transformed step by step. But if someone infuse a strong cultivation ground with the power of their own heroes, the degree of ascension will be several times faster. Just this way, it will delay the time of the perfusion, and it is also very tired.

Thinking, Ye Che's eyes, involuntarily swept away to the seventeen people.

At this time, among the seventeen people, a middle-aged man with a bright-eyed gaze stepped forward and looked at Ye Che with a gaze. "You don't have to have a psychological burden. This is all voluntary. You can pass the test of the gods and say that for a year, even ten or twenty years, we are willing!"

Ye Qi strangely asked: "Is it through the test of the Shenmen, you are also good?"


The seventeen people smiled and said: "The advantage is freedom! If you become the Moganna Mountain, or the door of Kyle, our entire Summoner's House, you can stop the endless cruising. We will also have a place to live and leave here."

It seems that these people already know what he is qualified to do for the test of God.

Ye Che was silent, his eyes swept through the seventeen people, and then seriously said: "If that's the case, then let's get started!"

"it is good!"

The seventeen people’s eyes were bright, and Ye Che’s eyes were not dragged. The positive tone made their confidence increase.

Seventeen nine-star senior summoners collectively infuse the power of heroes, so that the whole cultivation room has formed the power of gasification heroes. Ye Che has cultivated a little bit and can feel that this degree is only better than himself. When you restore the power of the hero, it is a little slower.

In this way, for a year, I am afraid that Ye Che will enter the peak of the Six-Star Senior Summoner!

"Can it be made?"

Practice outside, watch the disk sitting on the ground, and inject 17 heroes into the cultivation room, and there is a slight worry in the eyes of the Lord.

The black and white tower owner sighed a little, saying: "It’s not going to be done! For more than three hundred years, the rune star, I have not seen it for too long..."

The lord silently said nothing. After a long time, he said: "There are countless days of pride in the trials of the gods of the past. From a small cultivation environment, it is many times better than Ye Che. We are now, there is a sense of water and water. ”

"It's really a glass of water, but don't forget, the cup of water he has, one cup is enough to fill the car, because he has many advantages that the test of the gods can't reach!" The black and white tower master eyes flashed.

Then, from the mouth of the two, the tacit understanding of the three words, "Canyon War!"



After nine months, the tower battle scene.


"Ye Che! Ye Che!!! Ye Che!!!!"

"The dead song is invincible, the clown is invincible, the nightmare is invincible!!!!"

As Ye Che escaped from the Summoner's Canyon, a burst of cheers and screams of anger, the audience including 8o% of the aliens, all flushed, cast the most fanatical expression and shouting on Ye Che.

For six years, more than one hundred and forty... No, since nine months ago, this Ye Che speeded up the canyon battle to once a week, he has already carried out more than 150 games. Canyon battle!

But they are all winning, not a defeat!

This kind of godly record crossed the race and crossed the discrimination, leaving only shock and touch.

"Ye Che I love you! Dreams kill innocent!!!"

An alien woman, waving six arms, yelled at her blushing blush.

Today is too unusual, because with the end of Ye Che’s battle, it has entered the finals, and next week, with the team of eight-star senior summoners, the final battle!

This Ye Che went from a Samsung senior summoner to the final battle, it was too ridiculous, so they all screamed and screamed.

"You guy, there are more and more diehards."

Li Fei said sour, after a long battle together, he is also familiar with Ye Che.

Ye Chegan laughed and said, in the past six years, because of cultivation, he has never given these people greetings and cultivated feelings, but they have given themselves the most heartfelt cheers.

Modo on the side, watching so many people cast a cry on Ye Che, including his former partners, all of them are hot, but he is expressionless, do not know what to think.

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