League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1340: The decisive battle begins!

Far away from the audience seat several kilometers away from the battlefield, there are five powerful figures sitting there, their eyes did not fall on Li Fei, Bai Lie pool and other four people for even a second, but died Keep an eye on Ye Che. August 1 Chinese W≈WW. 81ZW. COM

"Captain, do you really have to do that?"

One of the women with a scar on her face asked, but behind her, she could see a gray tail and swept on the ground.

The person she called the captain had a long cyan shoulder and a soft face, but a pair of scorpions were like swords, which made people feel shocked.

He did not turn his head, staring at Ye Che, and said: "No way, although this leaf is not high, but the understanding of the canyon war, no one can match, anyway, I can't think of any way to crack. You have seen it before, even if the opponent is a six-star or a seven-star, even if the teammate is completely broken, he can rely on his own power, so... next week can only be so."

The few men next to the young man nodded and said, "Although winning the disgrace, but breaking his unbeaten myth and winning, it is worth it."


The gray-tailed woman nodded and knew that the matter was already doomed. She couldn’t help but look at Ye Che.

Soon, one week passed and six days passed.

On this day, Ye Che stood in the level of cultivation room as always, proficient in the cohesion of the Wings of Thor. As he got closer and closer to the door of God, he looked forward to it. This kind of expectation even turned into a tremor. This is a sense of excitement about the unknown challenge.

"In nine months, the number of Raytheon elements has increased by 32, and the total number has reached 231. The degree of the Wings of Thor is two more layers than before. Now practicing is skilled. Take control of it."

Ye Che's thoughts are thousands of, and his body, like the illusion of a fan, pulls out hundreds of residual images in various postures in the level of practice, just like more than a hundred avatars in a flash.

Behind him, the two thin amethyst-colored Raytheon wings were madly swaying, and Ye Che’s movements changed every time, causing a thunder, and the voice was extremely embarrassing.

Suddenly, the purple light disappeared, and a group of ugly alien monsters appeared in the cultivation room, but they just appeared. They only felt a breeze, and their bodies were torn apart one by one. Even Ye Che’s figure was not clearly seen. Then there is no dead body.

Soon, a dark and incomparable color covered a hundred meters in a circle, in which a series of shocks sounded.

Then the black mang disappeared and the purple light appeared again.

In this way, Ye Che in the practice room, to improve his actual combat level, one day, soon passed.

The final battle of the tower battle officially began today!

However, Ye Che is not too formal. After all, even if he won the championship of the tower war, it has no effect. The black and white tower master and the lord have given themselves too much resources on weekdays. He does not care about the rewards won by the champion.

But even so, for the Raytheon element, Ye Che is not going to be merciful!

Advanced tower, better than the battlefield!

Today, the seventeen-star nine-star senior summoner, and even the five weavers who have been examined by Ye Che, and the five blades of the conquering blade, have also rarely appeared. They are hidden in the air, calmly watching the mountains below. Cheers.

"I didn't expect... I didn't expect it. I thought this Ye Che was just a good seed. I didn't expect it to be a genius for the test of the Shenmen."

The purple map that once gave Yee the summoner's ring, looked down and exclaimed.

The other four, the scales, goats, humans, gnomes, and gnomes, all nodded with a sigh.

Beside them, the black and white tower master and the lord, the smiling and standing still, especially the lord, this Ye Che, but he excavated, I heard that these five qualified elders praised Ye Che, he is also a good mood Cool.

"Every day I hear you say Ye Che Ye Che, this guy is really such a cow!?"

On the other side of the black and white tower master, the sound of a slinger sounded.

As the sound looked, it was actually the awkwardness of Ye Che when he first came to the tower of the Summoner. Next to him, a plain woman stood tall, it was a mummy girl.

"Luner, you can see it when you look at it." The black and white tower owner laughed.

"Oh, I don't believe it. I am in the Star Wars. I haven't seen any genius. He can win so many games in a row. It must be the other side."

Mixed road.

The black and white tower master laughed and said nothing, and suddenly the audience burst into a cheer two or three times higher than before.

"Does the kid appear?" Curious eyes appeared in the eyes.


The black-and-white tower master pointed to Ye Che, who was slowly moving toward the battlefield. The singer looked at him with his gaze, but he couldn’t help but be him?

The **** the side, apparently recognized Ye Che, is extremely strange in her eyes.

Seven years ago, this kid was just a trainee summoner. Now it has become the **** of the summoner. It is too exaggerated! ?

This time, even if the temper is extremely light, the curiosity of Ye Che is extremely high.

At the same time, Ye Che has already stood on the battlefield, and his eyes fell on the enemy's five people.

"Ye Che, admit defeat, your undefeated myth, today is to be ended by my wind, I will let you know that only absolute power is king!"

The young man stood up and looked at Ye Che, faintly confident in his eyes.

"Wind! Wind! Austria!!"

A cheering voice from the human seat, apparently as an eight-star senior summoner, he still has a good popularity, but compared to Ye Che, it is a big cut, this guy regardless of the human race or alien, all take all .

Ye Che's gaze was fixed on him, and the eyes of the two collided in the air.

“Wind?” Ye Che’s face had a smile on his face. He smiled. “I have heard the name of your genius since the beginning of the previous year, but to be honest, I entered the eight-star high-level call at the age of 198. Teacher, I don't think where your genius is, and you don't know what you mean by absolute power. What is it?"

The face of the wind is sinking, and the look is cold.

Ye Che’s sentence containing the smell of gunpowder also excited the hundreds of thousands of summoners. God, these two geniuses are obviously tit-for-tat.

"Boss, not worthy of anger, will not stimulate the power of the hero, kill him directly with absolute degree, so the canyon battle can not be activated because of insufficient energy, he is dead!"

Aside, his companion sneered the voice.

(The book website collapsed and almost could not be uploaded. After waiting for more than half an hour, the website was well maintained and scared to death.)

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