League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1346: God Gate appears!

Accompanied by the black and white tower master, the lord, and the singer, soon, Ye Che left the Summoner's house for the first time, in the sky of the Rune Star. Bayi Chinese Network W? W (a) W. 81ZW. COM

"Is this the rune star?"

Ye Che was supported by the power of the black and white tower master, and his emptiness stood. His eyes swept away, and he saw several huge planets that could be seen from time to time in the sky. These planets are pitted and covered with craters, but many of them are blue or pure green, and the pieces are like under the eyelids. They look very shocking.

Then, Ye Che's gaze fell on a virtual door of 10,000 meters in front of the front, and the empty door was half purple and half gold. There was nothing around it, only the ethereal cloud smoke, without any negatives.

In front of this empty door, there was a bald man in a four-color gauze, sitting half-squinted in a quiet disk.

"He is the power of the gods. No one knows his name. He is too reticent, but his strength is unfathomable. At least I am far from an opponent. I am really curious whether he is the Moganna Mountain or the Kyle Gate. ""

The main face of the black and white tower is dignified.

Ye Che's gaze is also condensed on the bald man. Even the black and white tower owner himself is far from being an opponent. His strength has definitely reached the level of the weaving staff and reached a higher field.

This bald man in a four-color gauze doesn't seem to feel the arrival of Ye Che, who has been sitting there without words.

It is almost in the middle of the cloud. Except for the area where the Shenmen is located, the surrounding clouds are extremely rich. Ye Che is turning back and can only see the No. 3 Summoner's House, the looming body.

"Don't worry... there is only one hour left for the door to open, and time is coming soon."

The Lord said calmly, but Ye Che, but heard a touch of excitement from his voice.

No one likes to stay in the Summoner's House for nothing, but for life safety, it has to be like this, and at the level of the Lord, this has become a duty, a assigned responsibility.

So Ye Che can feel his heart that longs for freedom.

Soon, an hour passed, and the bald man in the four-color gauze suddenly opened his eyes, and there seemed to be several different brilliances in his eyes. Then he slowly stood up and then gently Going a step forward.


Ye Che felt an invisible wave in an instant, and trembled from his footsteps. This is an extremely strange tremor. As soon as this tremor appeared, it swept hundreds of kilometers with unparalleled degree.

"Whirring whirring……"

The surrounding clouds, like a pair of invisible big hands, tore a smash, completely dissipated.

Suddenly, the scene that made Ye Che’s heart vibrate appeared. I saw that there were secrets in the vicinity of hundreds of kilometers. Everyone was staring at the door of the gods, the number of people. I am afraid of a million.

Among them, many people have a breath of the whole body, which makes Ye Che's heart uneasily.

Among them, Ye Che actually saw the home of three summoners!

“So many people take the test of the gods?”

Ye Che’s voice asked.

"How? The total population of our Rune Star is more than 10 billion, and now only a million people are gathered here, that is, one in ten thousand, and there are still more than half of this million people, like me and the meditation. The main escort, that is to say, enough to qualify for the test of the Shenmen, about 200,000 to 300,000 people." The black and white tower owner said.

There are a lot of 20,000 to 300,000 people. These people are all great geniuses who have already realized the essence of the elements. Moreover, they are only younger generations, let alone those who have reached a higher level in the past years. Those.

Ye Che felt a bit of pressure, and his eyes could not help but swept through these people.

These indigenous inhabitants are all extraordinary, the clothes and ornaments on the body are very delicate, and Ye Qing can inspire the fluctuation of the elements from above. Obviously, these are all elemental products.

Among the indigenous people, many summoners can't afford even elemental weapons, but they use materialized elements to serve as decorations. It must be said that the gap is indeed large.

At the time of Ye Che’s observation, these people had already rushed to the front of the four-coloured bald man under the guidance of the elders. Everyone closed their mouths tightly and had no words.

"Ye Che, let's go, remember not to say anything, the test of the gods is the most sacred thing on the rune star. If you dare to speak in the test, it will be disrespectful and will directly lose the test qualification!"

The Lord is martyrdom.

Ye Che nodded and was about to take a step. The black and white tower owner quickly said: "You also noticed the home of the three summoners? Yes, they also gave birth to the genius of the essence of the elements before the age of twenty, I If you reach an agreement with the tower masters of the three summoners' homes, they will not attack each other. If you meet, you can help each other. After all, they are all from the indigenous stars. The names of the three geniuses are Chen Die. , Tudpan, and Judah, remember not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings."

After Ye Momo remembered a few times, he said: "No problem, then I will be out!"

"Good! Good luck to you!" The black and white tower owner gave Ye Che a positive look.

"Ye Xiaozi, don't say anything else, you can rest assured, I must take care of your parents and my parents, of course, the premise is that you can return safely!" said the mixed smile.

On the side, Miaomei rarely smiled a little, and said to Ye Chedao: "Be careful."

Ye Che’s face showed a smile, his eyes skipped the rumor, and he fell on the face of the girl, laughing: “No problem, after all, I am still waiting to drink your favorite wine.”

After these days of getting along, he already knows that the rumor is the son of the black and white tower master, and the murmur is adopted by the black and white tower master. The relationship between the two is unclear and has not been broken.

At this point, Ye Che said this, the abundance immediately shocked the heavens, and the elegant look of the girl, the first time there was a panic.

Ye Che is waving and leaving his name and name.


After leaving the leader of the black and white tower, Ye Che approached the genius of nearly 300,000 geniuses and gathered together in the direction of the gate of God.

Everyone is silent, but Ye Che can feel through the vibration of the elements, many of them are chatting in their own voices.

His eyes were swept away, and all the faces were strange faces. However, Ye Che’s emotions did not fluctuate. When he was sent to Valoran by Axi, he knew that the road ahead was destined to be lonely.

The ancient sages are lonely. Although Ye Che is not a sage, he is walking the same path of thorns and unknowns.

Whether it is the parents' love, or the feelings of the black and white tower owners, they are also teachers and friends. If they can't keep up with their own pace, they don't have time to wait for them. In the end, they may only be like a gentleman, like a gentleman. It is as light as water.

Ye Che is thinking a thousand, a slightly sharp voice, suddenly sounded from the ear.

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