League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1347: What are you afraid of?

"Ye brother? Hey, are you Ye Che?"

Ye Che's look at the source of the sound, he saw a tall and thin alien who was staring at himself. His head was a bit like a mouse, but there was no wretchedness of the mouse, but rather like a hamster. Some, it looks a little bit cute. August 1 Chinese W ≤ W ≈ W =. ≈8≠1≥Z≥W≈. ≤C≥OM

His limbs are a bit short, but they give a very sensitive feeling.

"you know me?"

Using elemental resonance, Ye Che passed the sound.

"Hey, your name has long been a slap in the face. This tower war champion, the canyon battle is extremely abnormal, the actual combat is also amazing, and the same is the summoner's home, conquering the star test, if we are lucky enough to run, still Please take care of it, my name is Tudpan, you can call me... amount, map." Tudapan said.


Ye Che couldn't help but know how to do it. I thought of the big ear map.

But what surprised him even more was that his own deeds were actually passed to the home of other summoners.

Seeing Ye Che did not answer, Tu Dapan couldn't take it anymore, and he was still in the queue. He said with a pleasant tone: "In the Valloland galaxy, there are trillions of planets, including hundreds of billions of life stars. However, these life stars are also good and bad, good, the content of the elements on it is not worse than the star of the rune, but bad, at most only the trainee summoner can be born, but I heard that the life star we went to this time It was specially selected and all had a six-star senior summoner, which was fair."

"It’s not fair. According to what you said, there are good and bad stars. If it belongs to our life stars, they are all "excellent" stars. If you want to conquer, you have to be more difficult. And if some people With very good luck and surrounded by "bad" life stars, he will conquer more quickly than we do."

Ye Che said.

Tudapang smiled and said: "This is also a natural consideration of the gods, so the test of this level is chosen at the junction with the stars of Noxus. This region, all the planets are They are all "excellent" life stars, and the "inferior" life star has already been eliminated in the endless war, so don't worry!"

In Ye's eyes, suddenly there was a hint of gloom.

He was thinking about returning, but at the same moment, the four-coloured bald man, for the first time, spoke out, "God, open!"


The 10,000-meter-high purple void door suddenly sounded like a roar of air cannons. Then, in the hollow part of the purple void door, it seemed that there was a flow of water, such as a mirror of water and water, and a burst of ripples.

Then the light flashed, the water flow area in the central part of the 10,000-meter virtual door, suddenly fixed, and then there was a densely-lit ball that appeared on the top.

Ye Che is only a rough estimate, about a few million.

"this is……"

Ye Cheyi.

Tudapan seems to have seen Ye Che’s sorrow, and he could not help but say: “These **** are the stars of life, and everyone will enter at random.”

Life star?

In the eyes of Ye Che, there is a faint color of color. What kind of existence is this sacred door? Actually, the life stars at the junction can be presented as themselves, and they will be associated with the tester later!

"The best geniuses on the Star of Rune, please listen to it, the rules, I only say once!" The four-coloured bald man's voice was loud and restrained.

"First: Your time is only three years. In three years, the number of planets you have conquered will be presented in the unique color in the door of God! Of course, you can also see through the seal of the gods, God. The door imprint, when you become a star master, will be down! Second: at the end of the test, only ten people can pass, this point is directly connected with the number of conquering stars, I don't care if you use whatever means, and no No, in the end, only ten people can pass!!"

Hearing here, Ye Che brows.

He felt a cruelty from the words of the four-coloured bald man. He encouraged everyone to unscrupulously conquer other planets.

"Everyone of you will have a mark of God. Once the mark of God is destroyed or taken away, it will be eliminated immediately. The planet of conquest will be owned by the winner!" The four-coloured bald man continued.

And this rule makes everyone's eyes alert.

It’s like, you can’t easily make up an endless amount of money, but you didn’t expect it to be killed when you bought it. After death, the endlessness fell out of the way and was able to be caught by the enemy. No one wants to be a wedding dress for others, so they are extremely cautious.

At this time, the battle of the conquerors has not yet started, and a sense of wind and rain will spread among them.

"So, now test the bone year and the essence of the element!"

The four-coloured bald man said, his eyes fell on the thousands of teenagers in the first column. There seemed to be some strange color in his eyes that began to flow. In less than 0.1 seconds, he said: "All ages are qualified. Show the essence of the elements!"

On the faces of these teenagers, all of them showed a confident smile. One of the girls’ arms fluttered gently, and the space in front of them suddenly sounded “beeping”, and then there was a splash of water.

These waters disappeared and spewed, but Ye Che felt that he did not incorporate new water elements. ,

On the other side, there is a raging fire that ignites the flames.

In the hands of some teenagers, there is a green mans.

"One of the essences of the water element, endless, pass!"

"The essence of wood elements, Wan Mu Feng Chun, pass!"

"The essence of gold elements, invincible, through!"

"The essence of light elements, purification, passing!"

"Destroy the essence of the element, silence, pass!"

"The essence of space elements, mirroring, passing!"

"The essence of bloodthirsty elements, reborn in case of blood, pass!"

"The essence of earth elements..."

With the voice of the four-coloured bald man, all of the thousands of teenagers, all passed, are the ultimate genius who understands the essence of the element. This age, if placed in the Summoner's House, is definitely the first person!

Then, the second batch, the third batch, the tenth batch...

Every batch of teenagers only slightly revealed the essence of the elements they mastered, but it also made Ye Che open his eyes.

And soon, it is the turn of Ye Che's column.

"Oh, let us, come on!"

Tupanpan smiled, but with the hamster face, it looked very cute.

"Well, come on!"

Ye Che nodded, and then with Tu Dapan, and other nine hundred years, walked over and stood.

The four-coloured bald man's strange scorpion began to sweep over thousands of people and tested his bone age. But the moment that the scorpion fell on Ye Che, Ye Che only felt that it was cold, and there was a feeling that it was completely seen.

The strength of the four-colored bald man is incredible, and even the bone age can be swept out. Ye Che is somewhat worried that he will feel the hourglass in his mind.

I was afraid of what came, and the four-coloured bald man glanced at the gaze, and suddenly settled on it, and then settled on Ye Che.

"Is this what I am afraid of?"

Ye Che smiled.

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