League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1348: Wood is sporadic!

"What is your name!?"

The four-coloured bald man’s eyes were deep and sea-like, and he was firmly locked in Ye Che’s body, and he asked. ?八一中文网W=W=W≈. ≈8≠1≠Z≤W≥. COM

Around the hundreds of thousands of summoners' eyes, I brushed it over to Ye Che, and all the eyes were full of surprises. Who is this guy, I was honored to be asked by the Shenmen messenger! ? ? ?

The crowd is slightly commotion.

"Just asking the name?"

Ye Che's look is unchanged, said: "Ye Che!"

"Ye Che? Well, yes, I remembered it!"

The four-coloured bald man said, his eyes fell on other people, and his voice was low: "Continue!"

The elemental nature test continued, but this time, Ye Che felt that almost 99% of the summoners in the audience had their eyes on themselves.

"Have he seen it? If you look at it, it will not be so calm. After all, this is the hourglass, the possession of the hero's body, but I didn't see it. Why did I specifically ask my name to remember me?"

Ye Che's heart is ups and downs, but seeing the people around has begun to show the essence of the elements, he did not hesitate, the mind is moving, the dark elements of the black hole slowly revealed.

Suddenly, the four sides of the water, such as Shuimujin, all trembled, the subconscious four scattered, and then a strong devouring power, began to spread from the periphery of Ye Che, causing some people to change their faces.

"Dark elements? This guy is dark!"

"It really is the essence of darkness, which is a little rare."

"It's rare, but nevertheless, it's not worthy of the eyes of the ambassadors. After all, this time, I heard that there are several peerless geniuses who have realized the essence of the dual system."

"Well, I guess there is something hidden in this kid."

"In this case, this Ye Che is also considered a dark horse for this Shenmen test."

Many people have voiced them all, and they have clearly marked Ye's face. After all, it is so unusual to ask the gods to ask for their names. If they meet in the battle of the conquerors, they will not at least kick the iron plate.

At the mouth of the argument, Ye Che had already passed the test and then stood on the other side.

The test continued. Soon, more than 290,000 people passed, and there were about 3,000 people. They just touched the essence of the element, only half a step across the threshold, but they were brushed down and did not talk about feelings.

"Sure enough, the essence of the half-step element, can be praised by the 10,000 people in the Summoner's House, but here, even the first level can not pass."

Ye Che secretly sighed.

Tudapan looked around and suddenly his eyes lit up. "Ye Che is ready, the battle of the conquerors is about to begin."

Wen Yan Ye Che quickly looked up, he saw the four-color clothing bald man has let him open the position, and then pointed at the door of the god, said: "Thousands of people, enter!"


The summoners were excited and finally started. Three years later, among them, some people will become gods and go straight to the sky!

At this point, the first column of genius summoners, after taking a deep breath, they stepped into the door of God.

The moment when every group of people enters, the thousands of life stars in the gate of God are flashing.

Ye Che is very fast and has also entered it.

At the moment of turning back, I saw the home of the Summoner No. 3, gradually disappearing from the line of sight, and the black and white tower masters, the lords, and so on, disappeared one by one.

At the same time, a mysterious force enveloped Ye Che, this force is transparent, Ye Che can see the outside world through it, and at first glance, those genius summons the teachers, as if they all turned into The meteor, the more than 200,000 meteors, with their unparalleled degree, each separated and galloped away.

Almost just an instant, they can no longer see them.

Ye Che's eyes turned and looked forward. There was a distant place where a star was shining, and it looked like a silver-plated gravel.

But soon, the star became bigger with the naked eye.

Under the parcel of the mysterious power, Ye Che’s degree at this time was completely more imaginary. When Ye Che came back, he had entered the atmosphere of the planet and was brought to an old age by this mysterious force. On the altar, it fell.

Just landing, Ye Che did not have time to look around the environment, a respectful voice, it sounded, "Welcome to the upper bound messenger, Ye Che adults!"

Ye Che looked down and saw the altar around him. There were a large number of people. Among them were men and women, aliens and human beings. Everyone’s face was very respectful and even respectful.

"Do you know me?"

Ye Che slowly opened and floated down from the altar.

The planet's gravitational pull is much smaller than the Rune Star, plus the exemption from the heavy-duty bracelet. On this planet, he has been able to do short-term vacancies.

"The upper bound has already passed your message, all the things, the old has been prepared for you, this is your mark."

The person who spoke was an elderly interracial person. His body was dark green and had no feet. The whole floated half a meter away from the ground. After he finished, he respectfully handed Ye Qi a piece of purple gold, a shadow door about a decimeter.

Ye Che has just taken over, it will be turned into a streamer, and then printed on Ye Che's palm.

"It is magical."

Ye Che probed it a bit, and after understanding its role, it was not a secret passage.

This is the mark of the gods, through which you can see how many other planets the other summoners have expanded, but it is naturally not urgent.

At this point, Ye Che fell on the interracial person, then glanced around and said: "You are the person in charge of the planet? Let them all retreat, you tell me about the current situation. ”


The alien turned his head and waved his hand. After everyone around him retired, he quickly floated to Ye Che.

Ye Che did not look at him, but looked around and looked around. At first glance, it was filled with countless wood products. The houses were wooden, the bridges were wooden, the altars were wooden, and the trees were growing. , and flowing water, is also woody.

This scene made Ye Che extremely surprised, he has never seen such an ecological planet.

The woody river water is like a thick lead, but it is scattered with wooden fragrance. It can be smelled from far away. This is a refreshing feeling.

"Star Master, my full name is Mu Mu Sang, you can call me Mu Sang, I will introduce you to the sporadic situation now,"

Mu Musang said with a low eyebrow, the body looks awkward.

"Well, I listen."

Ye Che said, go outside the altar, and the wood mulberry floats to keep up.

"On the wooden sporadic, the old six-star senior summoner, and seven five-star senior summoners, and four stars and three hundred each have a life star closest to the wood, is a wolf star, its On the highest combat power, there are only three five-star senior summoners, from our wood sporadic, taking a general battleship, it will be three hours away, are you going to conquer now?" Mu Musang asked.

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