League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1349: mysterious

"No hurry. Bayi Chinese network W=W≠W≠.=81ZW.COM"

Ye Che waved his hand and looked at the sporadic environment of wood.

At his feet, it is a suspended corridor that is supported by a wooden strip with a height of up to a kilometer. At the far left, it is a wooden water flowing down from the sloping basin. These are made of pure wood elements. People are refreshed.

"Star Master, the test of the upper bound is heavy." Mu Mu Sang kindly reminded.

Ye Che's footsteps, the body stopped, and then slowly turned his head, eyes inexplicably on the wood Mulberry.

"Star Master...you?"

Mu Musang is somewhat stunned by this gaze.

Yep faintly said: "You just want me to die?"

"Ah? The star master said what he said, he doesn't dare!" Mumu Sangcheng sighed and fell down.

"Okay, don't play." Ye Che's face sank.

In the darkness of Mumu Sang, his brows are slightly wrinkled, but his expression is more and more fearful. He said: "Old age... I don’t know the meaning of the Lord of the Stars."

“I don’t know?” Ye Che asked, then sneered and continued: “You seem to respect me, but it’s a pity that it’s too much respect. Remember the words I originally said?”

"Please forgive the age, I really can't remember..." Mu Musang still said, but was directly interrupted by Ye Che.

"I said, 'Let them all fall back, you tell me about the current situation'. If they really respect me, don't need you to say it, they will retreat directly. This is one of them. Second, since the star of the wolf The strongest is just a five-star summoner. The journey is only three hours. Why don’t you conquer yourself? Full of resources on a planet, I don’t believe you are not tempted. Third, you should be the person of the Noxus Star. What?"

Hearing here, Mu Mu Sang’s original respectful face began to gradually become expressionless, and the sly body was slowly standing up straight.

In the first two points, he can still smother the past, but Ye Che’s third point makes him understand that it’s just a joke.

"How did you see it?" Mumu Sanshen said coldly, the **** breath in his eyes was extremely rich.

"Combined with the first two doubts, who dare to count the upper bounds, then it must be the hostile force of the Rune Star, Noxus!"

Ye Che is faint.

"Very good, some smart, but you are too smug, if you take it, you can still have a way to live, but now..."

Mu Musang said, a very strong **** atmosphere, rising from his surroundings.

In the background material given by Ai Xi, the Noxus force, both materially and spiritually, is unscrupulously pursuing powerful power, in spite of the influence brought to others, and most of its forces are also extremely brutal.

The main elements are also bloodthirsty, darkness, undead, poison and the like. Now, Mu Musang is shot, obviously it is bloodthirsty.

Ye Che shrugged and said to himself: "Sneak attack? Sneak attack on you, how to get Raytheon?"

At this time, Mu Musang detonated the power of the hero with a sneer, suddenly summoned the canyon, shrouded the two.


"Opened up and started!"

"This star owner is a bit interesting, but it’s not so right now."

"Take him, anyway, our wooden sporadic has changed thousands of masters, and this star owner is estimated that it will not last long, it will be conquered and conquered."

"Not necessarily, this star master is assigned by the upper bound, it should be unusual."

"It's not good, after all, it's just a six-star senior summoner. The stars of any planet around you are higher than his star."

As the Summoner's Canyon wrapped the wood mulberry and Ye Che into it, there were hundreds of people and aliens coming out, and everyone was arguing.

However, it was only after four or five minutes of discussion that the air suddenly shocked, and then a figure slammed into the ground.

The body was pale and his eyes were open, but inside, there was no color flow, and it was obviously dead.

"Mu Mu Sang!?"

Some people in the place have changed dramatically, and some of them have whispered.

The Shenmen Gate was held once in ten years. Ten years ago, their sporadic stars and the stars appointed by the upper bounds came. They just met the enemy like this, but they all took a lot of effort to win.

But now, this battle is less than five minutes, and Mu Musang is actually dead! ?

Just as they were so horrified, Ye Che slowly drifted down from the air, his eyes falling on everyone's face, saying: "Where is the last star?"

"Oh... the main star of the comet, the last star owner... has been...has been killed by Mumu Sang."

A lean man, stuttering.

"Give it to kill?" Ye Che brows.

"Mu Mu Sang succeeded in killing the last star owner six months ago. He crouched in the wood for eight years before he succeeded in killing." The man continued.

Ye Che bowed his head and said that the last star owner died. The wood is sporadic except for himself. The strongest is the five-star senior summoner. Even the summoner canyon can not be activated. This is bad news.

Ye Che had no words, and the wooden sporadic people on the four sides did not dare to leave. After all, Mu Musang’s end was placed there, so they all stood in the same place.

For a long time, Ye Che looked up and looked at the lean man. "I have appointed you as a deputy star. From now on, you will arrange a column for every nine people, with seven days as the standard. Every seven days, bring one column!"

"Vice star!!!!"

The lean man’s eyes have had such a glimpse of it, the crystal is very bright, but the eyes are dimmed.

Once a sporadic invasion of the wood, the original star owner will soon be killed. By then, the so-called vice-star owner has no meaning.

However, he is still quite pleasant: "Yes!"

Ye Che nodded and turned to the altar to go.

After walking to the altar, Ye Che’s mind was moved, and the seal of the palm of the hand was turned into a virtual shadow about ten meters high, which was presented to him.

Among them, there are countless stars flashing, Ye Che immediately found this one of his own, because the light of this star is the most dazzling, it shines green light, in the light, a word that is only a little smaller than the stars It is up and down in it, which represents Ye Che!

Ye Chexin re-opened and began to zoom in. Soon, there are only ten stars left in the Shenmen. These are the ten stars closest to the wood.

Then, Ye Che again narrowed the angle of view and touched his chin.

Suddenly, on the star that flashed red light from one of hundreds of stars, there was a red thin line shot, and it was shot above the planet very close to the planet. , so that the two are connected.

Ye Cheyi, he had not been in the woods for a half-hour, and now the Summoner conquered a planet! ?


Ye Che looked at the ups and downs of the two connected planets, silently speaking.

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