League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1371: No face skull (eighth!)

"It’s late. Bayi Chinese Network W≈WW.81ZW.COM"

Ye Che sighed, he had just played a seven-day canyon battle, and could not withdraw peacefully with Pa.

This means that only one person can live in this game.

"Don't be so bloodthirsty in the next life..." Ye Che said calmly, and waved again, the last "Arcane Barrage", which fell heavily on the reduced Pharat, and the laser of the defensive tower. He cleared his residual blood directly.


A strange power, slamming from the top of the Summoner's Canyon, hit the Pablo.


Pa's eyes were suddenly wide, his life breath, and he began to rush in vain. However, his eyes were always open and screaming.

Ye Che silently speechless, suddenly said: "I do not push the line is to control the level, so as not to rise to the sixth level so that you do not dare to do it, out of three increase in the classics, is to maximize the damage, so slow to the line, is In order to push the line over and then seduce you into the tower, do you want to win directly at the sixth level? Unfortunately, I will not give you this opportunity... well, go with peace of mind."


Pa Luo's eyeballs turned a bit, and there was a trace of horrible color. He realized that he was dead and not embarrassed.

Three seconds later, as his life dissipated, he closed his eyes.

Ye Chexin’s thoughts have already connected the soul of the British soul. Soon, the world composed entirely of Raytheon elements was printed in his eyes.

The English soul blood trembled slightly, and a special channel was established. In the world of Raytheon, a grain of Raytheon element began to gallop into the body of Ye Che through a special passage.


Each leaf is incorporated into the body, and he can clearly feel the energy enhancement of Raytheon. This feeling makes Ye Che very fulfilling.

The seventh grain...the eighth grain...

At the ninth time, the Summoner's Canyon suddenly trembled, and then he heard a "snap", the top of the Summoner's Canyon, as if it had been torn by something, suddenly cracked open.

Then, a big mountain-like head, from the top to the summoner canyon to explore.

The head is bare, without eyebrows, nose and mouth, and only two dark green eyes are rolling in the "咕噜".

In this scene, Ye Che did not appear, he is still absorbing the particles of Raytheon through the soul of the soul.

But at this time, a voice that was anxious to the extreme, rang from Ye's mind.

"Fast! Hurry, immediately cut off the connection between the soul of the soul and the space of Raytheon!"

This voice is Kieran!

Ye Che's response was extremely fast. After hearing Keelan's eager squat, he did not hesitate, and immediately cut off his connection with the soul of the soul. Suddenly, the space of Raytheon disappeared.

At the moment of cutting off, Ye Che felt the vibration of the top of his head and quickly looked up, and he just happened to face the dark green eyes on the skull.

"Don't look, hurry down!" Kieran said quickly.

Ye Che’s heart was shocked, and he quickly turned his eyes away from the dark green eyes, and then looked at the ground of the Summoner’s Canyon.

"Listen, if there is no accident, you have already been made! But fortunately, the soul of the soul has not been seen."

Kieran sighed and the tone was never heavy.

“What is it?” Ye Che’s heart snorted.

"The space of the Raytheon element you named is actually the life star of Zelas. The entire space of Raytheon is composed of him and the planet of Raytheon! You just bound the 'Zelas' to fight, and then the soul of the soul. Stealing Raytheon has been sensed by him, but because he only has seven or eight Raytheon elements, he is not sure. This faceless head is the ideology of his thoughts. Power, can be speculated by imagination!" Kieran is extremely fast.

"That... is it, what will happen?" When Ye Che asked, the heart pounded.

The sixth sense tells him that since Kieran is so solemn, it is definitely not that simple.

At this time, the faceless head, twisting the head, observing Ye Che in a weird way, which made Ye Che move not dare to move, he felt a very grotesque power on this faceless head. It made him feel creepy.

"The consequences are very simple. First, you can only use the ordinary elements of mine to savour the elements of Raytheon. Second, you will be endlessly pursued by the Wuling civilization. Zelas, known as the ancient Wu Ling, originally, He is extremely eager for rights, wants to replace the civilization of the heroes of the Valoran galaxy, and makes himself the only **** of worship, unifying the entire Valoran galaxy. Of course, with his former power, he could not do it, but With the invasion of alien galaxies and the take-off of Black Modinger's power, since Zelas joined them, their power began to grow with incredible degrees. In the Valoran galaxy, a huge Wuling civilization has been established. The disciple of its summoner is calculated in megabytes!"

Hearing here, Ye Che flashed a black line on his forehead and asked in a cold voice: "Are you sure that you are the enemy of Ai Xi? This kind of thing, actually concealed until now, you want to kill me!?"

A full force of civilization, 1 trillion, is a population of 10,000 trillion, you can imagine how many metamorphosis will be born.

Now, these metamorphosiss are going to kill themselves in the future, and all this is because Kieran Sang Sao does not say it early.

"I didn't think that the power of Zelas had already expanded to such a degree. This time it was only seven or eight Raytheon particles, and he sensed it. And I have said that about them, in my capacity, I can't say it, otherwise I will be inducted by some kind of particles in the darkness. When I know that I am still alive, I will definitely be all out.” Kieran sighed.

"Know that you are still alive, why are you all out, are you so important?" Ye Cheyi.

"Not my important, but the colorful soul..."

Speaking of this, Kieran's face changed, and he suddenly stopped, and then calmly said: "Ye Che, the only good news now is that Zelas can't take it personally. The entire Valloland galaxy has reached ten diameters. Tens of light years, that is to say, in terms of light, it takes ten trillion years to reach the other end from the end of the Valoran galaxy. Even if Zelas is to go all the way, it needs to be transmitted through the Qujie. It will take decades to arrive."

"Good news? Listen to your tone, Zelas is a very eager for the right to make himself the only **** to be worshipped, and I have now stolen the power of 'God', I am sure that at this time his Witchcraft civilization, I am afraid that it has already been dispatched! I am now a seven-star senior summoner, how do you let me face the power of a civilization!?" Ye Che tone, quite resentful.

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