League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1372: Witch spirit civilization! (ninth more)

Kiranton was silent, and he did have a great responsibility for this. Eight? One? Chinese text network W ≤ W ≈ W =. ≥8=1≈Z≤W≈. =COM

The first is to estimate the power of the wrong Zelas, which led to the perception that Ye Che steals Raytheon elements, and the second does not remind Ye Che to absorb the Raytheon elements.

"There is only one way..."

Kieran took a deep breath.

"What?" Ye Che tightened his fists.

"Activating the source of the soldiers in advance!"

When Kieran said this, Ye Che was directly drinking a low voice: "No, absolutely not!! You said that the source of the gods will definitely be sensed by them. At that time, it is not the Wuling civilization to chase. Kill me, the civilization of each hero's elements, I am afraid that they will all come together!"

"Don't worry, you listen to me."

Kiranton paused and continued: "I don't mean to let you use the source of the gods, but just borrow some of its power to practice."

"How to say?"

"Do you remember what Aich told you about Black Moldinger's energy to engulf the planet and increase his life?"

"of course I remember."

"What is he using?"


Having said that, Ye Che is a glimpse.

"Yes, it is the source of the gods! Of course, the source of the gods in your body, naturally can not match the black medinger's own, but used to improve your strength, but more than enough. Of course, the risk is there In the process of using it, you need to be careful and be careful. Once the power leaks, they will sense the breath of the source of the gods. You will have big troubles and it will be a big trouble for life and death!"

"The source of the gods is the most proud work of Black Modinger. In addition to the attack and defense, the most important thing is the energy conversion! Through it, you convert the nuclear energy into a hero. Degree will be increased by geometric magnification!" Kieran said.

Ye Che heard it here, and my heart was slightly loose.

As long as he can improve his strength quickly, even if the Wu Ling civilization is chasing him, he has no fear.

Kieran continued: "When you raise your star position, you can use the soul of the soul to choose the essence of the elements you want to cultivate. In this way, you also have the confidence to face the Wuling civilization."

Ye Che turned a blind eye and said: "Oh, get a few hundred Raytheon elements, you will be chased by the Witch spirit civilization, I don't want to lead a new opponent."

The voice of the voice, the faceless head seems to be the Raytheon element that Ye Che steals, and an inexplicable energy envelope makes the entire Summoner Canyon crumbling.

However, it was only the product of Zelas's thoughts, and it could not cause substantial harm. Therefore, after confirming that it was Ye Che’s action, its head had left the Summoner’s Canyon and disappeared.

The summoner canyon also began to collapse.

"Fast, you don't have much time!" Kieran shouted.

Ye Che no longer hesitated, and his mind was moved. The ring of the summoner on Pa Luo’s finger was directly rolled over by him.

When the power of the hero is swept away, there are more than 13,000 star keys in the ring of the Solomon Summoner, and the total amount that has just been obtained by himself has reached 3,000. One thousand seven hundred and twenty-four!


Taking out the mark of the gods, Ye Che saw that his own power map began to spread with exaggeration. Soon, one percent of the star cluster was occupied by himself. .

More than 17,000 planets have also made Ye Che's rankings soaring, rising directly from 140,000 to less than a thousand, and settled at 904!

"More than 17,000 planets are just entering the top one. It seems that you want to enter the top 100, the top ten, and you are only likely to have 100,000 or even hundreds of thousands of stars."

Hundreds of thousands of planets, how many killers to kill.

"Crazy enough!"

Ye Che said to himself, then turned to look at the ship not far away.

As soon as I saw Ye Chewang, these ships and the madness of the retreat, even the one-shot killing of hundreds of testers, Pao Luo died in the hands of this Ye Che, they can not believe that just in the canyon battle, raw What?

Looking at the body of Pablo from the sky, everyone looked at Ye Che’s eyes with fear.

"Insane, this Ye Che is too crazy. Now it is killing Pablo, but how can he face the revenge of the Alliance?"

"It is true that although it was only temporarily set up, the test has only just been carried out for one year. In order to be unintentional, Cang Ye and Ming Yin will definitely avenge Pai Luo!"

"It is still too early to say this. This Ye Che Qixing can defeat Pablo in the canyon battle. The means is absolutely terrible. He definitely has a countermeasure to deal with in his heart."

"Yes, I think, the worry is that the Kings League is still almost the same. This Ye Ke district has seven stars, and it can kill the ten-star senior summoner. Like the ghosts and gods, if the test of the gods is not retaliated by the people of the king alliance, It is definitely a one-stage cancer."

"Guess, is this Ye Che likely to rush to the top 100?"

"I don't dare to guess. Regarding the strength of this Ye Che, I have never guessed it since the beginning."

The people on these ships exchanged signals.

After Ye Che quickly swept them, his body was like electricity, and he rushed to the dark safari ship before he took it.

For him now, the star key is secondary, and raising the star position is the most important thing!

"Tudapan, Departure, Sauron Star!"

When Ye Chegang came up, he sipped and looked serious.

Seeing the face of Ye Che's face, Tadapan originally thought of good words, and suddenly died in the belly, and quickly instilled the power of the heroes for the dark safari ship.


The dark raccoon was flashing away, and the star clusters in the distance rushed over.

The news here will soon be introduced into the ears of the Alliance. In order not to waste time, Ye Che found a remote planet and planned to hide for a period of time.

Seeing Ye Che go far, these testers are talking about it.

"This place can't stay, hurry up and hide, Pao Luo died, for the massive star, Cang Ye and Ming Yin, will never let go of Ye Che!"

"That's right, get out of here, or be killed by it, then you will die!"

"Fast, pass the information out, maybe you can get rewards!"

"Oh, I have already passed it. When they were fighting, I kept recording. It is estimated that it has spread thousands of kilometers away."

"6666, serve you!"


And the moment before, Rune Star, No. 3 Summoner's House below.

He was holding a teapot in one hand, but it was not tea, but wine, and he screamed loudly while drinking.

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