League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1376: Wu Ling Xian Ling (13th)

At the same time, in a group of stars more than 30,000 light-years away from the Smoky Star Cluster, there is a huge volume, the planet that has been flashing with an arc, its volume, even catching up with the sun in the solar system!

This planet is full of huge lightnings all the time. These lightnings are countless, such as perpetual motion, and they fall from the air. Bayi Chinese W=W≠W=. ≤8=1≤Z≥W=. ≤COM

On the ground, there are dark and ugly gullies everywhere. These gullies are harder than the double-lined blade.

They have been attacked by lightnings of countless years, and with the huge volume of this star, under such gravity, the material has already condensed to the extreme.

However, there is one place on this planet, but it is a place where the Thunder can't fall.

It was a statue of a million feet tall, saying that the statue was somewhat wrong, because the statue was completely hollowed out, and there were countless lightnings swimming inside, like living things.

Many Thunder fell to this place, and before they landed, they were absorbed by the statue.

Under the statue, there are hundreds of powerful and terrifying powers sitting on the plate.

The place where they were sitting has been deeply sunken. This is a gully that has experienced thousands of lightning strikes. After they sit on the plate, they are like soft mud.

There was also an old man with gauze on his head, who was crouching there, squinting at the statue, and seemed to be thinking about something in his mouth.

Suddenly, the statue was filled with endless thunder, and then a huge, faceless head was swept from the sky.

"Wu Ling... Wu Ling God is showing up!"

After the old man gave a slight glimpse, he screamed wildly.

The hundreds of strong people, eyes stunned, looking at the faceless head, all of them showed ecstasy on their faces.

At this time, in the eyes of the faceless head, suddenly a thunder shot down and shot straight into the eyes of the old man. Then, it disappeared into the sky.

The old man closed his eyes and seemed to be accepting something. When he opened it again, his eyes were full of blood and fury. He screamed: "There are people who dare to marry the gods, steal the power of God, damn, **** it. , sin must die!"

"Through my command, 30,000 years old, the Witch God civilization lurking in the stars of the Noxus and Rune, all dispatched... It is necessary to find out, the sinner of the Witch Spirit!"

The old man roared loudly, the gauze wrapped around his head, suddenly stretched, and suddenly, countless wires were scattered from his head.

His head is actually made up of lightning!

At the time of his orders, there were suddenly more than a thousand ships in the central constellation of the Yantai constellation, which came out from all the stars and then disappeared with great speed.

On their ships, they are all printed with the word Wang, the person of the Alliance of the Kings.

As they spread around, a message that has made countless people's hearts and minds spread from this group of stars.

"If you provide Ye Che's location information, you can get a thousand key points! Take the leaves of Ye Che, and pick up the star key 5,000!"

Below the message, an image of Ye Che’s appearance is also provided.

The message was just scattered, and it was captured by thousands of ships. At one time, a competition for Ye Che began, and officially began, countless ships, starting a planet, and searching for a planet.

Time passed, and in a blink of an eye, half a month passed, and Ye Che’s position was still unknown. When the people of the Alliance of the Kings became more and more angry, a message came.

"It is suspected that the Soren Star sensed an unknown energy fluctuation. Under high-altitude shooting, the person who induced the energy fluctuations is very similar to that of Ye Ye!"

As soon as this information came out, the Alliance of the Kings and the testers of the lively eyes were bright and bright, and they all rushed toward Sauron.

Sauron Star.

In the land where the star nuclear energy is concentrated, Ye Che's head, under the energy infusion for ten consecutive days, has grown to the waist depth, full of black, because of the fluctuation of the star's nuclear energy, dancing behind.

Ye Che faceless, as always, fully absorbed the star nuclear energy.

Suddenly, he picked a corner of his mouth, and the power of a hero who was more than ten times stronger than that of the tyrannical force, swept away, and suddenly took the sand and the air was shocking.

Half a month, under the crazy transformation of the source of the gods, he finally became the nine-star senior summoner!

"The power of this level of heroes is enough to begin to condense the essence of the elements! Cheng also Raytheon elements, defeat also Raytheon elements, it will start from you!"

Ye Che sighed low, time sandglass, and the blue jade timeline spread out again, and then fell on the star nucleus.

Ye Che did not hesitate to start up!


This time, the geocentric of Sauron seems to have shaken a bit. The heroic force of the nine-star realm motivates the hourglass, which is ten times bigger than the power of the seven stars. The energy of the star's nucleus seems to be all in an instant. The gushing came out, and the land around Ye Che was completely cracked.

Within a radius of 10,000 meters, countless pillars consisting of star-nuclear energy spewed out and reached a height of kilometers.

Ye Che's look does not move, the sword in the source of the gods has been fully revealed, and then began to fully absorb, this moment Ye Che whole person, like a black hole, countless star nuclear energy, instilled in him stand up.

The source of the sword is crazy, the innumerable star nuclear energy, the second conversion becomes the power of the hero.

The leaves suddenly opened their eyes, and there were thunder flashes in their eyes. During that time, countless dense elements of thunder rose from him.


Ye Che sighed low, the power of the hero surging, these elements of lightning, in an unbelievable way, actually began to merge.


The power of the hero in his body begins to be consumed urgently. The average person wants to condense the essence of the element, which is extremely time consuming. In the case of the full state hero, it will condense one or two.

It’s hard to please, which is why Ye Che relies on more than 600 Raytheon elements to crush Pablo.

However, nowadays, with the continuous supply of star energy, in the blink of an eye, there are two elements of Raytheon, which are condensed by him, but the power of the hero in Ye Che is directly consumed.

However, the source of the gods a swallow, the power of the hero, once again restored full state.

Two...four...twice...fifty...two hundred...

After more than two hours, the Raytheon element in Ye Che has already broken a thousand pieces. However, when Ye Che continued to cultivate, he screamed and slammed himself from the sky.

"Ye Che, get out and die!"

"Get out and die!"

This voice, spread by the power of the hero, spread from above and can be heard for thousands of kilometers.

"I finally found it..."

Ye Che speaks to himself, but his body does not move at all. The kingfish of these kings are not worth the time.

Ye Che did not go up, they did not dare to come down, Pa Luo Luo in the canyon battle, why lost to Ye Che, has been a mystery, they dare not take risks.

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