League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1377: Ming Yin (fourteenth)

Time, passing again. Eight? One? Chinese text network W ≤ W ≈ W =. ≥8=1≈Z≤W≈. =COM

In a twinkling of an eye, two hours have passed. The Raytheon element in Ye Che has reached 1,500. It is estimated that with this amount of Raytheon elements, it is estimated that it can condense seven or eight points. One or so.

However, the people of the Alliance of the Kings did not give him this time.

"Ye Che, you can only get out within five minutes, otherwise, your friend named Tudpan, don't blame us for making him a thousand!"

The voice, from the sky above Sauron, was passed down again.


Ye Che's eyes blinked, and a chill in his eyes flashed.

He did not expect that this group of people actually found their own ship, and then caught Tadapan.

"The king's alliance..."

Ye Che whispered, slowly standing up, his waist behind his waist, drifting with his movements.

Then, Ye Che looked up at the sky, and did not see what he had done. The air suddenly blasted openly. The space was even more terrifying, and a trace of marks appeared, and Ye Che, has disappeared into place.

At the same time, over the Sauron star, there are more than two or three thousand ships in the densely packed, half of them are the people of the king alliance.

Half of it is running to see the fun.

Because the distance test ended, or nearly two years, they are not afraid of the king's alliance will shoot them, because they understand in their hearts, they are waiting for people, not enough fat, the king of the alliance will not start.

At the forefront of these ships, there are more than a dozen people standing in the quiet volley, and each breath is quite extraordinary.

And just yelling at Ye Che is one of the dozen or so people, a teenager with a jet head.

"Ming Yin boss, this kid will not hear it?"

The pilot of the aircraft asked back.

"You don't care, you are counting down now!"

Ming Yin said with a cold face, he is handsome, but the temperament is extremely majestic, like a king.

Beside him, there is a teenager who is the same as Pablo, and the same shaved teenager is half-squinting, but his breath is more shocking than the horror of Pablo.

It is the first strongman in the king's alliance, Cang Ye!

At this point, after hearing the words of Mingyin, the teenager of the plane quickly turned his head and took up the power of the hero. He said to Sauron: "The countdown starts, 3oo, 299..."

However, just shouting out two numbers, a faint voice, sounded from a distance. "Don't time, I am coming."

When the teenager was on the plane, he quickly looked down at the sound and saw that Ye Che, who was looking away from the distance, was faintly looking at himself.

"Hey, when did he come!"

The youngster of the airplane’s head raised a cold heart. He clearly stared at Sauron, but he did not know when Ye Ke was coming out.

If he wants to run away, wouldn’t he have long since escaped?

Originally, a face of indifferent Mingyin, the face flashed a touch of dignity, and the eyelids that were squatting in the sky were also suddenly opened.

At this time, I saw Ye Che suddenly appeared in an incredible way. The testers of the onlookers and the people of the Alliance of the Kings were all stunned. They did not see when this Ye Che appeared. It was like standing all the time. There is generally.

"Is it you, killing the Pa-Ronal boss of the Alliance of the Kings!?"

The head of the plane returned to the gods, and after seeing the hidden and the sorrowful side of the plane, the air was full and asked directly.

Ye Che glanced at him, his eyes directly on the face of Ming Yin and Cang Ye, and asked: "Tudapan, where?"

Ming Yin sneered, just about to talk, Cang Ye suddenly lightly opened his lips, said: "Let people!"


The youngsters of the aircraft, as well as the people of the Alliance of the Kings, were stunned. They did not think that Cangye would be so refreshing and let go.

Only Ye Che gave him a deep look. The age of this sorrow is not over twenty years old, but there are principles for people. Ye Che is now appearing, and he will let people go. This quality is no wonder within one year. Formed a king alliance.

Seeing that the plane was still there, the brows of Cangye could not help but wrinkle.

The airplane boy suddenly remembered something horrible, and waved his hand quickly. The ship on the other side let go of the position. Suddenly, a familiar dark safari ship appeared from the inside.

Ye Che's eyes were so sharp, and I saw Tadapan sitting innocently.

"Tudapan, you are waiting for Sauron to wait for me."

Ye Che passed the past.

"Ye Ge...you, you must not have anything!" Tudapan's voice, with a hint of trembling, he did not expect that Ye Che would actually face the king alliance for him.

But he knows his strength and understands that he is present, but he will become cumbersome, so after the trembling of his voice, he has a certain impulse to return to the Sauron.

"People, I let go, now, it's up to you, you only have one way, beat us, or die!"

Cangye said one word at a time.

This sentence immediately aroused the onlookers of the testers, and this is a direct attack.

Ye Che did not say much, the right hand stretched out, a thunderbolt mixed with the power of the hero, blown up from above, fighting, one touch!

Everyone has retreated a bit, waiting to watch this battle, this may be a wonderful showdown, or it may be a joke, if this Ye Che was spiked at the beginning, it is not unusual, after all, he faced Cang Ye and Ming Yin, but the number one of the king's alliance is the best!

Seeing the thunderbolt that was blown up in the hand, there was a playful arc in the corner of the mouth. "Thunderbolt? Interesting, I am also a thundering element. It is called the first person of the king alliance. This time, I have to look at it. How can your thunder and lightning be compared to my thunder! Cangye Brother, and you, don't have to shoot, I will deal with him alone!"

Ming Yin said that the palm of the hand was pulled horizontally, and a sword that was condensed by lightning and fire was revealed out of thin air.

"Thunderfire double warfare!"

"Thunder and fire are all extremely powerful elements of attack. Once combined, their power can't be imagined!"

"If the fire on this sword is the essence of Brand's bursting fire, this Ye Che, I am afraid that it will be bitter."

"Ming Yin itself is the main element of the mine, with this double-story warfare, it is just like a tiger!"

Listening to countless trials next to it, Mingyin’s mouth couldn’t help but evoke a confident smile. He’s pointed to Ye Che’s sharp point, and the provocation is self-evident.

Cang Ye slightly frowned, but did not stop Ming Yin, let him and Ye Che one-on-one, although this Ye Che canyon battle is a bit strange, but in actual combat he through the message video, is seen, with this leaf The strength of the show, Mingyin definitely has the upper hand.

In this case, he also joined forces to attack, and it is indeed a bit of a price drop.

"Ready? My first hit!"

Before Ming Yin’s shot, she reminded Ye Che that self-confidence could be seen. Ye Che just smiled and stood still.

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