League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1379: Ye Che's decision ()

Seeing this violent Raytheon element, it is about to be photographed by Ye Che into his eyebrows. At this time, the white light is shining, this white light, holy, dazzling, like the sun!

Ye Che’s attack, after smashing the Thunderfire knife in Ming’s hands, slammed into this force with a violent explosion. Eight?? A Chinese network W = W ≤ W ≤. ≤81ZW. COM

Countless meteorites smashed and smashed, and the aftermath attracted more than 10,000 meters. The test of the surrounding people swayed, and when it was clear, it slammed a blood and the body flew out.


Ye Che's pupils shrank, his eyes locked in a hundred meters away, and he was covered in white light.

The white light just now is what he came out. This force adds a strange wave of volatility and softness, but it is this gentle force that is as difficult as the ants of the bones, and it is extremely penetrating. Directly disintegrated the power of the thunder of the power of Raytheon.

Light elements, the essence of light elements! ?

Ye Che suddenly realized that this must be a genius who cultivates light elements!

The element of the thunder is just to the sun, and the light element is soft, but it also carries the power of purification, which is extremely difficult.


Cangye was heavily smashed onto a black meteorite and smashed the meteorite. Fortunately, he had the power of a hero, so he did not break himself, but despite this, he himself was already vomiting blood. Foam, trembled.

Although he was not hurt too much because of the help of Cang Ye, he looked extremely embarrassed!

Like Ye Che, he repaired the elements of Lei, but Ye Che’s Raytheon elements are much more than him. The destructive power of Raytheon’s elements has passed the limit he can bear.

Looking at Ming Yin like this, all the testers in the audience were shocked, and the battle turned too fast, and they quickly came out of their imagination.

Ye Che before the Mingyin's blow, but also fell to the wind, in the blink of an eye will turn defeat into victory, if it is not forcing to intervene, and even almost directly killed Ming Yin.

How could this be?

Among all of them, Cang Ye has a profound look at Ye Che, and there is an appreciation in his eyes. There is also a solemn, full-scale battle. He can see clearly. At the beginning, Ye Che, I want to give it a try. The intensity of the attack.

After the test is completed, it begins to work hard.

"This Ye Che, where is it coming out? As the summoner of the Aboriginal Star of the Summoner's House, not only the essence of the two elements, but also the essence of the Lei element, it is far-sighted, so that he Not only is it fast, its attacking power is destructive, and it is extremely terrible! Before, the fire poison left by Ming Yin in his body did not play any role. Obviously, it has been swallowed up by the dark elements in his body. It is extremely difficult. Wrapped opponent."

Cangye’s heart is dark, and at the same time, his strength is constantly compared with Ye Che.


Many people in the Alliance of the Kings are moving together, and they appear in the side of Mingyin. They are concerned: "Boss, are you okay?"


Ming Yin shivered and stood up again. His arm was black and black, and the black fire knife was even more bleak. At this moment, he could not wait to tear Ye Chu.

"Underested you."

The sound of Cang Ye is somewhat dignified, not only underestimated, but also a complete judgment error.

Six stars and nine stars, the gap between Samsung, it is no wonder that Pa. Luo will die in the hands of Ye Che. Obviously, he originally concealed his strength. In this way, why did Pao Luo fight in the canyon battle? It's ok.

But he didn't know that the original Ye Che was just a star above the six stars.

Ye Che faintly said: "You are not bad, can block my Raytheon element attack, plain words... Well, the knife is not bad."

The face of Mingyin suddenly became black and purple, which is very obvious. It is obvious that if it is not a Thunderfire knife, he is already dead.

With the voice of Ye Che, the air in the scene is condensed, and everyone knows that, next, it is related to the survival of both parties.

If Ye Che wins, the alliance of the king will inevitably collapse directly. If you lose...

Thinking, everyone has set their sights on Cang Ye, and now the only person in the Alliance of the Kings who can compete with this Ye Che is left alone.

Cangye lowered his head and his body was a little silent, like the old man.

But soon, he looked up and looked at Ye Che calmly. "Ye Che, I hope you can understand one thing. Now it is the end of the test. There are still two years. To be honest, I really want to be with you. A battle, and... there are seven layers to win!"

Hear everyone here, except for the people of the Alliance of the Kings, everyone is a big man.

This is too confident, just the power of Ye Che’s use of Raytheon elements, they saw it, a blow, Mingyin is soft, the second strike, if it’s not a fuss, I’m afraid of being Raytheon. The ash of the blast is annihilated.

However, in such a situation, Cangye actually dared to say that there are seven layers of grasp, can win, what he is! ?

Ye Che nodded. "Continue."

"Although there are seven layers, there are still three layers of uncertainties. For example, suddenly there are other forces intervening. For example, suddenly there are stars and beasts, etc. These are uncertain factors. I don’t do anything unsure, once we have Early war, then there is only one result, and the other forces are profitable. Maybe we can set a time, two years later, how about?"

What Cang Ye said is very decent, even if it is plain, it can't be said.

Although he hates Ye Che, he can't wait to kill him right away, but Ye Che's strength is there, and he has a hunch in his heart. Even if he wants to make a shot, it is estimated that he has to pay some price to win.

In this way, it is easy to be taken advantage of by other forces.

"Your advice is very good." Ye Che smiled.

The rest of the king's alliance is loose, and Cang Ye is also showing a smile.

Two years later, his strength has gone a long way, and then recruit some masters, killing this leaf is easy and easy, now naturally do not take risks.

However, Ye Che’s words did not seem to be finished. After a faint smile, he continued: “If it was half a month ago, I think I will accept it, but now... I am short of time, the enemy is already enough. After you put it two years later, who knows what kind of storms will be stirred up?"

Onlookers of the testers, when they heard this, they couldn’t help but feel that this Ye Che was not kicked by his head. Because of the relationship between other forces, he had already let him go. I don't know where to go back?

"What do you mean?"

Cang Ye’s original calm face finally changed.

"Now you have only one choice, disband the king's alliance, hand over the star, or, I will help you disband!" Ye Che's finger, amethyst Raytheon element, like a snake, with more than a dozen arcs, It can't be swallowed up on it.

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