League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1380: Powerful Cang Ye ()

At this time, Ye Che, a black gown, his body straight as a javelin, clothing hunting, long with the fluctuation of Raytheon elements, slowly flying, he stared silently at the smelting, his demeanor and face through numerous training, Like a jade carving, the eyebrows are like swords, and the eyes are like electricity!

Cangye looked directly at Ye Che, and the light in his eyes, like the heat of the fire, was as gentle and calm as the light, very strange. August 1 Chinese? Network? W≠W=W≥. ≠8≈1≤Z≈W≤. ≠COM

Among all the testers, if you have a double-lined blade, you will be jealous, and those who understand the essence of the two elements are not as simple as jealousy. If you meet, you will detour directly.

Ye Che comprehend the essence of the two elements, but they are not valued by them. This is because his previous star position is not high. Under the urging of not enough heroic power, the power of the element essence is not strong.

However, Cangye is not only a senior summoner of Jiuxing, but also a dual-summon summoner. He also has a dual-system warhead, and his strength is simply unimaginable.

"I understand……"

Cang Ye sighed low, the next moment, only heard a "squeaky" sound, a flame, rising from his left eye, and it was "squeaky", in his right eye, white light emerged.


I don't know when, the two sides of Cangye are distinct, one side is the raging fire that ignites spontaneously, and the other side is the dazzling white light of holiness like a virgin. They sway in the universe.

At this moment, his peaceful expression suddenly condensed, and then the smashing of the body, the power of a hero like the sea, completely burst out of him!

This moment, surrounded by light and fire, seems to be the only one in the universe. The testers outside of 10,000 meters here have created an impulse to worship.

This is the role of light elements, and the understanding of the nature of light elements is not weaker than Ye Chu at this time.

"After the horrible light element, the tremors can actually cause my mood to fluctuate and create an impulse not to be enemies."

"Yes, my fighting spirit, this moment has been a lot of killing, there is a feeling to escape."

"I am also a shame element, but the gap with him is too big, and it really can't be compared with this top genius."

"No matter the essence or the power of the hero, I can't compare it. This is the gap between cultivation and talent!"

At this moment, many people exchanged their voices and did not hide their amazement at Cangye.

At this moment, Cangye suddenly extended his right hand, and a long gun appeared out of thin air. The long gun was two meters long, half red and half white, and there were countless mysterious lines and rays, hovering from above.


If the sound of the blisters ruptures, then the smelting will move, from static to moving, almost between the fingers.

Everyone has not yet reacted. Cangye has come to Ye Che with a soft white light mixed with raging fire. Then, the long gun broke open the fire and white light, and stabbed the chest.

A shot stabbed, the space shook!

For a moment, the space around Cangye seems to be distorted. They are shrouded in countless rays, and Cangye is hidden in this distorted space and light.

The gun is red on fire, and the flames of a hundred meters high are roaring in the tumbling!

Seeing this gun, Ye Che's pupils shrank.

This gun is a combination of the combination of fire and light elements, with the effects of purification and incineration.

Just a casual shot is so powerful.

How to block this gun?

Everyone has widened their eyes, and they have also realized the essence of the elements, but they have changed themselves to face the position of Cang Ye, but they are disappointed, they are afraid that they will not be able to catch a single blow! And this is only the first shot of Cang Ye, it is a temptation, behind the really powerful attack, I am afraid that it has not come out!

"Good! This leaf is dangerous!"

Many testers have widened their eyes.

In the face of this gun, Ye Che's body side, the right arm slammed, Raytheon elements such as the dragon generally slammed out, Raytheon element 呜吟, Amethyst color Raytheon element, heavily hitting the two-line guns of Cangye on.


The fierce confrontation between Raytheon and the light rifle caused the elements to roar, and the harsh sound of the blast was heard. The flames around the rifle were constantly being melted, but the Raytheon elements were also constantly fragmented and broken. Faster.

There is a smile in the corner of Cangye, and the element of Lei is indeed accompanied by the power of purification. However, the most purification is the element of light, and the power of fire is unimaginable.

However, when he thought that Ye Che’s Raytheon element would soon be purified by his own light and fire element, his brow wrinkled scene was born, and Ye Ye’s arm was a smashing dragon. come.

"This Ye Che, there are so many elements of the thunder element!?"

Cangye eyebrows pick one.

Comprehending the essence of the element is on the one hand, and condensing the essence of the element, on the other hand. At this time, with the appearance of another brontosaur, Cangye is sure that the total amount of the element of this leaf is absolutely one thousand. More than one!


When the flames and light were smashed to the extreme by the elements of Raytheon, Ye Che and Cang Ye both trembled and separated.

The first hit is the fight, evenly matched!

"Is it so blocked?"

"I thought Ye Che would have a small loss."


This master of the two elements of comprehension, even if he is tempted, is enough to see a lot of things. Both sides seem to be a single blow, but they contain the mystery of the essence of the three elements, which is amazing!

"Sure enough, you don't have a full shot in the face of Mingyin!"

Cang Ye whispered, and his body instantly grew into a rainbow, and rushed toward Ye Che again.

The distance of kilometer, coming in abruptly, and a step by step, appeared in front of Ye Che!

In terms of degree, he is not much slower than Ye Chu, although the total amount of elements is a little worse than Ye Che, however, the degree of light elements is already lightning fast!

At this time, Cang Ye has already waved his degree to the extreme, his hand has been invisible, red and white long guns, picked up a gunshot like a storm!

At this moment, like dozens of summoners, they are simultaneously firing their guns, and their guns and shadows are gathered in front of Ye Che, and every shot has a blazing flame and dazzling light.

This kind of attack makes people breathe!

The power of this kind of attack, although not the first hit of the previous smelting, but also contains the power of three or four layers, especially the essence of light elements and the essence of fire elements, complement each other, the rest of the waves are more horrible, the degree of shooting Very fast, but every shot is very incomparable, not free to block it!

And so many gunshot attacks are superimposed, the power can be imagined, four or five times stronger than the first shot!

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