League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1384: Shock ten stars! (21st)

On the rune star, the matter of life, Ye Che does not care. (8) (1) (中)(文)(网)|(8)WWW.8(8)1(1)Z(中)W(文).COM

Because of the Wuling civilization, he did not dare to relax, every minute, every effort is made to improve his own strength.


The energy of countless star nucleus spewed out of the explosion, and then, under the traction of Ye Che, they rushed into his body and then were transformed by the gods of the source. This time Ye Che did not condense the essence of Raytheon, so his hero Force has been growing at a constant rate of terror.

The measure of growth per second is comparable to the hard work of other summoners for dozens of days.

He sat there, and he didn't move. This time, he didn't become a ten-star senior summoner. He won't get up!


Time, such as the white gap, the battle between Ye Che and Cang Ye, after a few months, has not been mentioned.

After all, in the group of smoke stars, there are too many battles every day.

Their level of fighting, but also from time to time in the genius.

And the scope of the test of the Shenmen is not limited to one of the Yantai constellations. There are four other constellations outside the one-month distance from here. There are also mixed dragons and dragons, and there are stars and bridges from time to time. The tester of the Zuan Star is infested.

As time went by, the battle began to get more and more intense.

In the top 100 rankings of power, almost every day or two, some people disappeared, and then a new dark horse was added. Every time a new name appeared, it attracted a discussion.

The thousands of people who are ranked lower, not to mention more than 100,000 people, almost every day, there are more than a dozen people, even dozens of people disappear.

However, no matter how turbulent the rankings are, the top ten are not moving!

Especially the first name of mystery! Its power distribution map, in the Shenmen imprint, looked at it, occupied more than half, has reached more than a million, and this is because the test is not near the end, otherwise, more!

"The top ten are still a few people..."

"Sure, no one is nearing the end, no one dares to give birth to fight with them, so for now, ten of them should be the strongest ten people in the test!"

"I really look forward to the last half of the year. At that time, according to the previous rules, I heard that everyone’s position will be revealed. At that time, there are absolutely no fear of death to challenge them."

"Oh, I don't know if anyone dares to challenge Xuan!"

"I didn't say it when you..."

A discussion like this is born daily in this five-star star group. In this way, half a year has passed, and only one and a half years have passed since the last time, except for the final half year, or that there is only one year of calm. .

Sauron Star.

Ye Che sat as usual in the disk, but the square of the square, under the impact of long-term energy aftermath, has been sunken for two or three meters deep.

"Whirring whirring……"

The power of the hero in Ye Che is constantly filling.

If you want to unite the power of the hero and break through the nine-star to become a ten-star senior summoner, you must carry out the body's capacity.

Ye Che has already prepared for three days for today, and plans to break through in one fell swoop!

"According to the information I have read, we must expand the body with the essence of the element at one time. This is extremely costly and the essence of the element. Once it fails, the loss is not only the power of the hero, but also the quantity of the essence of the element. A lot of influence!"

Ye Che speaks to himself, which is what makes many summoners jealous.

But thinking about the benefits of becoming a top ten-speaker, Ye Che is still going to try it. After all, he can still bear the consequences.


The air trembles, the dense elements of the essence rise, they enter along the body of Ye Che.

The human cells, the flesh, contain a lot of space, but they are not opened.

At this point, with the extremely small elemental nature entering, the barriers of that layer begin to melt.

But only for a second, Ye Che stunned, because it took almost a second, and he slammed his body and almost all the barriers were opened!


Ye Che was a bit stunned, and his thoughts turned sharply. In a flash, he remembered Ai Xi, and himself on the earth.

"Why, at that time, the silver and gold bones were the basis for this fight? And Pai Luo said that I also repaired the body, is it..."

Ye Che's eyes are bright.

He always felt that Pao Luo was too weak for the ten-star senior summoner, but he thought of his own body and suddenly became clear. If it was not his own body, he had already been firmly grounded on the earth, only to be afraid of using it. When the element of life, the blood vessels burst and died.

"This saves me a lot of time!" Ye Che had a surprise in his eyes.

Originally he planned to use three months to get through the body. If it failed, it would take another three months, but I didn't expect it, just for a moment!

"Aich, Kieran, I will not let you down, ten stars, give me a break!"

Ye Che sighed low, and the degree of star nucleus energy surged again, and then it was transformed into a heroic force, and went to Ye Xue’s cells and bone marrow.

For a time, the power of the hero in Ye Che, such as the rolling wave, surging, seems to be endless.

The ten-star senior summoner, in his body, whether it is blood, cells, or hidden parts of the bone marrow, are all flooded with heroes!

The total amount that can be accommodated can reach more than ten times that of the general nine-star senior summoner.

Before the Paero, the total amount of his heroic power was a little stronger than the average nine-star senior summoner, apparently not practicing.

However, Ye Che did not have this restriction. Under the transformation of the source of the gods, his power was getting thicker and thicker.


At this point, the degree of star nuclear energy instilled, the more horrible, Jane until the point of madness.

And Ye Che's breath, also began to rise step by step, less than a minute, more than doubled.

"Up to two months, I can reach the peak of the ten-star senior summoner. At that time, I can start to consolidate my life star."

Ye Che's mouth twitched, and until now, his heart was slightly looser.

Just as Ye Che reached the peak of the ten-star senior summoner, the smoke star cluster suddenly came out with a group of black-pressed ships.

The number of ships is not much, only five hundred, but each one is larger than an ordinary ship. Its shape looks like a black eagle, with cold wings.

This kind of power, at first glance, is not a test of the products of the constellation, but an alien ship!

In one of the ships, a man with pale gold wings behind him was leaning against the cabin in a weird posture. He turned his palms outwards, his neck twisted and his face was clothed. Full of coziness.

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