League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1385: Then encounter Cangye (22nd)

"My Lord, the smoke star cluster has arrived. August 1st? Wenwang? W=W≤W≈.81ZW.COM"

A cat-like tone rang, this is a woman with no expression, although the sound is greasy, but there is no focal length in her pupil.


The golden-winged man swayed his head and turned himself around. The strange tone said: "Oh, the cleaning begins... Let them be gentle, don't be too violent at first... After all, it would be too bloody. , giggling..."

The golden-winged man said and said, suddenly smiled, but the scalp is that this laughter is actually a woman.

At the same time, the 490 ships next to his ship seemed to have accepted the order, with a scream, disappeared into the place and rushed into the group of smoke stars.

The same is true of the remaining four constellations, each with more than four hundred ships, rushing in.


Two months' time passed by. After two months of accumulation, the heroic power of Ye Che's body was finally saturated, and it reached the peak of the ten-star senior summoner.

Its heroic power has skyrocketed ten times more than the nine-star.

Now, Ye Che is sure, even if he does not use the hourglass, but by the power of the hero, he will be able to suppress the last blow!

"Now, I will begin to condense my life!"

Ye Chexin thought, and more than 1,500 elements of Raytheon in the body, such as the starlight in the sky, appeared in a little bit.

It can be seen because it is in light, but its volume is much smaller than the smallest quark atomic molecule. As Ye Che completely condenses them together, it also covers the size of the finger.

This size, known as the star, will definitely be used as an idiot by other summoners.

"The smallest and lowest element of the life star, you also need thousands of elements of the essential particles, come slowly..."

Ye Che silently said that the degree of condensing the essential particles of the element is still very good. Compared with other summoners, it is the difference between airplane and bicycle, so the essential particles are not far away.


The star nuclear energy roared, the power of the hero fluctuated, and Ye Che once again used it with one heart and three, and began to transform the thunder element into a Raytheon element.

As he became a ten-star senior summoner, each hero's power was empty, and there were about ten Raytheon elements, which were condensed.

In this way, after half a month, the total amount of Ray's Raytheon element has been broken by 10,000. Compared with before, it has turned seven times. The elemental star has also condensed from the size of the fingernail to the size of the fist.

On the second day, Ye Che as always condensed the elements of Raytheon.

Suddenly, a shrill scream, passed from the sky above Yee Che, came over, and the whistling sound was great, accompanied by a fierce element roar.

Soon, the louder the roar, it continued until it was more than three thousand meters away from Ye Che, and it was quiet.

Ye Che brows, immediately concealed the source of the gods, with his own degree, began to transform the power of heroes.

The source of the gods is a taboo, there is the possibility of the slightest exposure, Ye Che will kill.

Then he looked at the other side, but at first glance it was stunned.

In the place of more than 3,000 meters away, a bald boy was breathing sharply in a standing posture. His body was covered with countless blood marks and his face was extremely pale. Obviously, he had undergone a fierce battle before.

What surprised Ye Jing was that this bald boy knew him, and it was the smelting that had disappeared in the past nine months.

Not far from the front of Cangye, a man with a half-gold and a half-black flame on his forehead was laughing wildly.

"Run, why don't you run, this will give up!? Hahahaha, dare to participate in the test of the gods, the so-called double-class genius, it turned out to be this bird virtue??"

The man smirked and slowly walked toward Cangye.

He does not seem to be anxious to kill the smelting, but rather a leisurely look.

"You are not the tester of this time. We have no struggle for interests, and there is no hatred and no complaints. Why bother!"

Cangye’s face was pale and asked, looking at him, it seems that he will fall down at any time.

"Hey, the Lord of the Holy Devil once said a word, of course, it is to the weak, I kill you, what to do with you?" The man smiled weirdly.

Then, instead of going back to the conversation, I continued with a metamorphosis: "Escape, you can continue to escape, I promise, you can let another day!"

Ye Che brows a wrinkle, this man is not sick, to kill directly to kill, why like a neuropathy, let Cang Ye escape.

At this moment, Cang Ye seems to have stunned Ye Che, which makes Ye Che know that this is a deliberate attempt to come to Sauron, seeking his own help, but it is not easy to open because of his face.

"The principle of being a man is really so strong."

Ye Che smiled slightly. Before he released Tudapan directly from Cangye, he could see that this person is not only principled but also one.

It’s a pity that I don’t know how to fall to such a point.

At this point, Cangye glanced at Ye Che, and smiled at the man: "Don't escape, you have chased me hundreds of millions of kilometers, more than 50 planets. Today, this thing is broken." ”

"Don't escape?"

The man's brow instantly wrinkled and his face gloomy with the visible to the naked eye.

He said coldly: "Give you another chance to escape! Otherwise, after catching you, I will definitely make you a thousand!"

Cang Yehehe smiled and said: "The killing is just the beginning. I admit that I am not your opponent at all, but I am not immune to this kind of humiliation. I want to escape. You must tell the reasons that drive you to do this! ”

The man’s mouth was hooked, and the flame of gold and black on his forehead seemed to flash.

Then, he actually turned his eyes slowly, crossed a few kilometers, and fell on Ye Che. Now, he has already appeared in Ye Che.

Then, he showed his white teeth, and smiled evilly: "Well, I tell you, anyway, the two of you will eventually die!"

Then, he said to Cang Ye: "It's very simple. Our task is to clean up the top thousand masters on the leaderboard. It's not a coincidence. I draw lots and draw you! And this kind of cleanup, the owner said, need Slowly, you can't be full of blood, so if you die early, I have nothing to do, but other testers can't shoot, this can't kill, you know!?"

In the last sentence, his tone is like a scorpion, and his air is full of **** atmosphere.

"It turns out that in the past two months, there have been frequent masters disappearing from the rankings. It turned out that you were involved..."

Cang Ye’s voice was slightly trembled, an inexplicable palpitation, rising from his heart.

Who is this power, why is it done, God Gate, is there no invasion of this force? ? Or, have they already known? Or, is this actually one of the contents of the test of the gods of all ages?

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