League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1388: I am not handsome enough? (25th)

"What!? This is impossible!!!"

Seeing this scene, the black gold man's face changed greatly, and the cold sweat slammed down. August 1 Chinese? Network? W≠W=W≥. ≠8≈1≤Z≈W≤. ≠COM

This Ye Che, how could it be so powerful! ? Before the age of twenty, it condensed the essence of tens of thousands of elements. These talents are placed on their holy magic star, which is also top-notch, but how could it appear here!

When Ye Che has more than 600 elements of essence, its lethality is extremely scary, let alone Wan Wan!

The black gold man trembled, Ye Che did not keep his hand, and the wing of Raytheon behind him trembled fiercely, giving him a grip, and then he waved his arms, which once again swelled more than twice the Thor hammer, " Booming, squatting on the legs of the black gold man.


A clear bone break sounded, and it sounded out of thin air, and then the black gold man "legged dragon's leg" broke, and then went up again.

Ye Che’s body flashed, disappearing from the original place and appearing at an altitude of 10,000 meters. The huge Thunder sledgehammer, with numerous horrible air currents and air screaming, once again squatting down, he heard a bang, and the black gold man simply There is no sharp drop in the power of rebellion.

However, Ye Che is under the full force of Raytheon. Within a short distance, the degree has been teleported. The black gold man has just dropped a few kilometers, and then he slammed into the sky.

“Smoky Star is a hunting ground?”


"Like people make trouble?"


“Killing is very enjoyable?”


"With the prey in front of you not killing, the heavens are hard to bear?"


"I kill you, what are you doing with you?"


Ye Che’s every sentence, the sledgehammer with a horror and thunder, was heavily squatted or picked up. The black gold man was like a baseball. He hit the ground from heaven and hit the sky.

Underneath, the whole person of Cangye was demented, and the expression of a peaceful and calm face had long since disappeared.

Looking at the black gold man who had tortured himself for more than 20 days, he was slammed down by Ye Che. He suddenly felt a stunned dementia, and suddenly there was a trace of moisture in his eyes. Don't misunderstand, this is cool!

Damn, no wonder Ye Che will condense a sledgehammer instead of other weapons, and this Nima is too cool! ! !

Cang Ye’s heart was awkward. At this moment, he felt that the shame of more than 20 days was vented under the hammer and hammer.

After all, he is just a teenager who is less than twenty years old.

At this time, the black gold men's body bones burst out loud, where there is a wound, then the life elements began to repair quickly, but the degree of repair, can not keep up with the injury caused by Ye Che.

But the benefits are also there. He is more resistant than the average summoner!

"I am not handsome enough?"


Ye Che swung again.

The black gold man’s consciousness has actually been blurred, but after hearing the words of Ye Che, he suddenly opened his eyes in anger and shivered his lips. He said, “netm!”

He is really crazy, when did he say that this leaf is not handsome, this can also be a reason for himself! ! ! ?


Ye Che said with a blank expression, the Thunder sledgehammer in his hand, straight across the head of the black gold man swept over.


Under the horror of the black gold man, his head collapsed directly, blasted, and his body flew out!

"Boom! Hey!"

He fell heavily on the ground, and then flew out like a pile of rotten meat. The body wiped tens of thousands of meters on the ground and shattered countless stone skins. This was a lifeless, non-adult shape that stood still. .

Ye Chexin thought, and the ring of the summoner on the black gold man’s finger suddenly fell off and fell into his hands.

The consciousness swept in, but now the ring of the summoner is completely empty, there is no trace of the star.

"Not for the star key?"

Ye Che brows, this black gold man, and his companions, since not for the star key, is it just to hunt?

Just as Ye Che meditated, Cang Ye had a dry cough, a black blood, coughing out of his mouth.

Ye Che turned his head and looked at him with a slight smile. He said: "The principle is so important. Would you rather not die or ask for help?"

Cang Ye’s face is round and looks a little cute. He wiped the blood on his mouth and smiled. “If I don’t want to die, I won’t come here, I won’t ask for help, I just want him to attack. I, let you see his strength."

It is not a principle, Ye Chu turned a blind eye, so that he has a choice, you can refer to the strength of the black gold man, to choose to save is not saved.

However, this kind of person who sees the principle is very rare, but Ye Che also has a heart.

"Is it okay?"

Ye Che went over and asked, and he took a look at his injury. It was indeed a serious injury. However, with the strength of Cangye Jiuxing Senior Summoner, if he has been rested, he will recover for more than half a month.

"Can't die." Cang Ye grinned and smiled, revealing **** teeth.

After this battle, he did not hide his emotions in front of Ye Che.

"Now that this kind of thing is happening, it seems that I can't retreat. Let's go and see, the smoky star cluster, what happened in the end."

Ye Che said, his body flashed and disappeared into the same place. After a few minutes, he came with a dark raccoon.

Cangye went in, but after glance up and down, he said: "Your ship can be changed. The black gold man's ship is better than you in several grades and is stopping above Sauron. ”

Ye Che’s eyes lit up, but Tupanpan glanced up and down at the glance, and said: “You are... you are the king’s alliance... that Cang...”

"Cang Ye."

After seeing his chest, Cangye said, sitting.

"Yes, it’s Cang Ye! You are like this... Wouldn’t it be beaten by Ye Ge?” Tu Dapan said, his eyes were full of excitement.

Cangye had a face and said: "I want to heal, you are free."


Tupanpan rolled his eyes, then stared at Ye Qing's mysterious enquiry: "Ye Ge, this guy, is it to challenge you again, was you jealous?"

"Go and go and drive your ship."

Ye Che said with no anger, how do you know that you are very excited?

Tudapan smiled and stopped talking.

Soon, the dark raccoon sailed into the sky, and then the three men transferred to the black gold man's shape like a flying eagle. Under the test, Tudapan screamed out, "the maximum duration, reached 328 seconds!!!"

The dark raccoon ship can sail for a maximum of three seconds, but the flying eagle can last for 328 seconds, which is a hundredfold difference!

Ye Che is also somewhat happy. In the universe, degree is crucial.

The speed of the ship means that he can reach other areas very quickly.

"That, take the signal capture first."

Ye Chedao.

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