League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1389: Amazing stars! (26th)

After leaving the Sauron, the Flying Eagle sailed in a cluster of smoke in a constant degree. Eight?? One Chinese network W=W=W=. =8≤1=Z≤W≈. ≥C≤O≥M

Soon, a lot of messages were captured.

"Warning! Warning, the smoked star cluster ranks in the top thousand, and quickly leaves!!!"

"The big killing, here is the grave of the genius tester, leave quickly!"

"The Jedi Alliance has received it and has been dissolved and left!"

"The Black Yao Alliance has received it and has been dissolved and left!"

"Fast, go to the colorful stars, I heard that Xuan and other top ten masters, have begun to form a killing alliance, intends to annihilate these black gold people!"

"Repeat again, repeat again, the top ten strong, immediately leave the smoke star group!"

"In the vicinity of Star Planet, there are black gold people, pay attention to..."

"In the area of ​​the king of the arboreal land, there are black gold people, and leave!"


With the reception of the communication turned on, the message floating in the smoky star cluster was immediately accepted, but its content was beyond the expectation of Ye Che.

"Black gold man?"

In Ye's mind, he immediately flashed the black gold flame on the man's forehead. This black gold flame, along with his death, has disappeared from invisible and disappeared.

"Ye Che, I suggest to go to the colorful stars, the masters of the smoke stars, in order to avoid the black gold people's pursuit, it is estimated that they have already ran, you want to capture the star, you can only go to the colorful stars "Cang Ye opened his eyes and proposed.

"What about the colorful stars? Good!"

Ye Che nodded, and now there is only one year left in the test, and in the last half of the year, everyone's position will be exposed, so it is best to prepare everything in half a year.

No accident, the last half of the year, is definitely a **** rain!


Flying Eagle ships, such as the flying swallows in the sky, blink of an eye, they disappeared from the original place without a trace, telling to the colorful stars, galloping away.

However, it was not long before the voyage, and when the road was exclaimed, it sounded from the communicator.

"Not good, it is the ship of the Black Gold!"


"These black gold people do not deliberately kill the testers who rank below one thousand, but if they block, they will not mind directly smashing us."


At this moment, the ship that was seen from time to time along the way, madly let go to both sides.

"Interesting, we were misunderstood as a black gold man."

Cang Ye smiled, but under the injury, his brows wrinkled.

Ye Che did not laugh, he always felt that these black gold people were full of quirks, why did they kill the top thousand people, in the eyes of Cangye, this is the hidden test of Shenmen, but Ye Che, but always feel no So simple.

"Maybe it is the civilization of the Witch God, the spirit of getting it is ten..."

Ye Che comforted himself and looked up at the cabin. Now he has already flew out of the smoke planet and entered the empty universe.

The Flying Eagle ship, fully active, did not stay in the universe for too long, about three hours later, the huge star clusters scattered in color, far into the eyes of Ye Che.

This group of stars seems to have been splashed with paint and looks colorful.

"This is the number one in the top, what are the stars waiting for..."

Ye Che said to himself.

Soon, the Eagle Eagle has entered the colorful star cluster.

As soon as they entered, the massive signals all came out through the communicator. The things about the black gold people, the things that killed the alliance, and the conflicts between the major players, all spread.

"Well? That black gold man, has a leader? Called St. Research?"

A message attracted Ye Che’s attention. It is said that the black gold people who are based on Shengyan have been announced in a bright and straightforward manner. They will be Xuan, Novo, and Wallier after half a year, that is, before everyone’s position is exposed. The first of the three gods' ghosts, to kill!

The reason seems to be because the three formed a coalition against them, causing their anger.

But they seem to have any scruples, and they dare not make large-scale shots during this time.

Xuan, representing the star of the rune, Novo is the Noxus, the representative of Wool, the star of Zu'an, these three, is the first person in the virtual list of their respective gods!

"So the teacher is moving, what does this holy study want to do? It feels a bit like the hidden test of the gods. If it is true, it is too cruel. The general black gold people can crush me with the advantage of destroying the dead, and their collar I am afraid that it will be even more horrible. Once I have shot, Xuan, Nuo, and Wallier are hard to say."

Cang Ye frowned and said.

He knows the general strength of Xuan, and it is indeed much stronger than himself, but it is also limited. In the face of the black gold people who did not know where to come from, the study was hanging.

"Whether they are, let's go and join in the fun and long experience. After half a year, let's say success or failure!"

Ye Che smiled.

He intends to go to the situation first, so that he has a bottom in his heart, so it will not waste much time. After all, information is life.

Cang Yi a glimpse, watching Ye Che think of this, this side of his own, but the existence of the black gold people.

"Also, with your strength, you can fully protect yourself, then I will get rid of it, go to the Longtan Tiger Cave!" Cangye Xingzhi rose.

It’s his own. Now, at this time, I dare not enter the interior of the colorful star cluster. The ghost knows how many black gold people have been hidden there.

"Picture map, target, the center of the colorful star cluster!"

Ye Che nodded.


Tudapan nodded excitedly. Through the information from the communicator, he already knew the black gold people, and there was something happening in the near future. But not only did he not be afraid, but he was excited at the bottom of his heart. This is the fearlessness of the ignorant.

If it was Ye Che a year ago, maybe there would be such an idea. At that time, he still didn't understand the horror of the genius!

"call out!"

The flying flight of the Flying Eagles caused many testers to tremble and quickly fled the ship.

Almost no obstacles were encountered, and Ye Che broke into the center of the colorful star.

However, after arriving here, Ye Che directly caused Tudapan to stop the Flying Eagle ship far away, and then looked into the distance with amazement.

There, thousands of kilometers away, there are countless ships, densely arranged, at first glance, there are hundreds of thousands of pieces, a burst of earth-shattering elements fluctuating, is bursting inside.

Ye Che's eyesight is now amazing, he vaguely saw that there are countless figures, flashing.

“There seems to be fighting somewhere?”

Cang Ye suddenly stood up and his face was a little flushed. Now this colorful star cluster, but the true level of genius, the Noxus star, Zuan, Rune Star participate in the top ten test of the Shenmen test, I am afraid that all of them will be together.

Coupled with the fact that there is a battle there, why not make him feel bad.

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