League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1397: Breeding Raytheon!

In general, once you condense only the white-level nucleus embryo, it will delay his countless time, which is fatal under the deterrent of the Wuling civilization and the potential danger of the source. August 1 Chinese W≥W=W. 81ZW. COM

"It seems that things are up to now... can only be like this!"

Ye Che took a breath and couldn't break through the civil robbing. In general, it is actually the hero's power is not enough, and the talent is not strong enough.

"Now there is a civil robbing that shields me from the whole body. The source of the gods can also use it all the time, maybe... it is an opportunity."

Ye Che muttered to himself, I don't know when, behind him, there was a faint blue jade shadow.

Although it is blue jade color, it is transparent. Among them, there are countless blue jade gravel, which is dripping, it is the time hourglass.

At the beginning, after he plucked the blue jade timeline and induced the star-nuclear energy to flow into inertia, Ye Che did not continue to add time, but now, in order to break the siege of the civil robbing, he has to try his best.

The power of the hero is surging, under its urging, one...two...three...seven...

Soon, there will be seven blue jade timelines, which emerged from the hourglass. When I think of the eight-star senior summoner, Ye Che only moves a blue jade timeline, but now it is full seven. Root, obviously he has used all his strength.

Looking at the crystal clear, sparkling blue jade timeline, Ye Che’s mind slammed and slammed them.


In an instant, a sharp tremor sounded from the blue jade timeline, turning into an invisible arc shock wave, and the ground of the planet rushed over! And there, it is the star nuclear!


A screaming sound of the heart rang from the heart, and Ye Ching could feel the time there was suddenly confusing through the fluctuations of time. There were countless illusions of eccentricity, from which layers emerged, they were once dead. Energy, or energy that has been broken down and recombined.

However, these illusions disappeared, and then, the time there began to multiply and multiply. With the increase of time, the surge of star nuclear energy is also growing in an incredible degree.

"Booming and banging!!!!!"

At this moment, it is like an earthquake in the whole planet. Within Ye Wan Wanmi, there are thousands of stars and nuclear energy columns rising into the sky!

These energy columns, each of which is tens of meters thick, have been completely shrouded in the hundreds of kilometers in the vicinity.

When it was said that it was too late, it was in the moment when Ye Che used the hourglass and the heroic power of the body was sucked out. He had a long green sword in his body!

Looking at the green color on the sword, Ye Che’s heart suddenly trembled.

In the past, he also felt that there was nothing in the source of the gods, such as the green order, the blue-order purple steps, etc., but now combined with the star series mentioned by the man, a thought, uncontrollable rose from the heart of Ye Xue.

Is it the source of the gods, is Hemingdinger, in order to engulf the energy of these planets, in a corresponding level of way, made out? Otherwise, it is too clever! ! !

At the same time, the complete source of the sword has just appeared, a strange attraction, spread from above, suddenly, swept hundreds of thousands of meters of star nucleus, all with exaggerated degrees, facing Excalibur rushed.


The source of the sword is extremely active, and the star nucleus that has poured into the body of Ye Che, almost just entered, is absorbed by it, and then transformed into a pure heroic power, almost a blink of an eye, the heroic power of Ye Che, It is completely full.

In the second second, this feeling of fullness is already rushing to explode.

Without thinking, Ye Zhi’s heroic power surged and slammed into the trunk of the wooden robbery.


A burst of noise, the gap that was created before, was opened a little, and the degree of infusion of the thunder element also accelerated a little.

"Come back!"

Ye Che is low.


It was another earth-shattering explosion, and the heroic power of Ye Che’s body was once again full of collisions.

The gap was also followed by a blast.

This kind of civil robbing can only be spent by itself. If others help each other, because of the different attributes and the influx of different energies, it will directly lead to chaos and then failure.

So Ye Che has been desperate, and he stared at the gap tightly. The heroic power of the body just turned out and he was bombarded.

After a dozen or so times, this gap has been opened for a hundred meters!

"It's really difficult. I am a ten-star senior summoner. The power of the hero in the body is much richer than the nine-star senior summoner. Under this premise, the power of the hero in the body is fully filled with eighteen. This time, this opens the gap that allows the thunder element to pass completely. So it seems that the black and white tower masters, the lords, are only white-level nucleus embryos."

Ye Che called out a sigh of gas and said to himself.

Just now he also did his best, the source of the soldiers, the hourglass, all use, in order to instantly restore the heroic power of the ten-star senior summoner, or slowly bombardment, the gap is under recovery, I am afraid to keep As it is.

Just at the head of Ye Chu thought, the residual thunder element was finally instilled.

At this moment, Ye Che's hands and palms, the condensed elements of Raytheon shine brightly, and there is a faint breath of life, rising from above.

This is the life of the Raytheon nuclear embryo itself. It represents that it has been able to absorb energy and grow up independently. However, this life has a sense of frequent death and lingering.

"On the white star, it is estimated that the star's own star's nucleus is in a weak movement, and indeed it is dead and dead..."

Ye Che whispered.

However, the breath of Raytheon's nuclear embryo is still strengthening. With the infusion of thunder elements such as nutrients, its life atmosphere is increasing and increasing, and the Ray element has been continuously instilled, and this has continued. For a full week.


A week later, Ye Che, who was concentrating on guiding the elements of Lei, suddenly heard a faint voice, which rang from the nucleus of Raytheon.

"Just that is..."

Ye Che's eyes widened, it was the sound, and if it was not mistaken, it was the sound of the nucleus of the Raytheon! This voice is like a baby's unconscious whisper!

This also means that the Raytheon nuclear embryo has officially entered the green level!

The green star nuclear embryo, Ye Che finally gave birth!

(Before the star was wrong, from small to large, it should be white (poor death star)... green (live activity)... blue (energetic, cultivable)... purple (such as the rune star).

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