League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1398: Millions...10 million...100 million!

(See!!!!: The novel star creation will be held soon. At that time, the seven hundred years before the new book xxxx (the name is not fixed) will also be hot!!!! To create the most novel world, its world view is definitely not As you think, the character of the protagonist can only say that the level is high and the IQ is high (not the kind that reduces the intelligence of the people around him), but he is involved with Ye Che, but please rest assured, this book After seven hundred years, the importance of the next level will never stop. It is my hard work. The whole article is at least five or six million!! Finally, one of the two protagonists will be in the final fight, and I am most worried about one thing... ...the fans in the group don't want to be divided into two genres because of the two protagonists who are powerful, so... will be very exciting! Please look forward to it!)

"Green level!"

The leaves are slightly loose at the bottom of the heart, and the green-level star nucleus, which means that as long as the Raytheon nucleus grows up, it will eventually skip the white level and reach the level of the green planet!

Although the green-level nucleus embryo is not much stronger than the white-level nucleus embryo, the potential is white-level nucleus embryo, which is incomparable. Bayi Chinese Network W≈W≠W=. =8=1≥Z≠W≥. ≈C≤O≥M≈

"But above the green level, there are blue levels, and... purple level. If my star nucleus embryo, the initial quality can reach the purple level. Once it is finished, it can be turned into a level like a rune star. Planet!"

Ye Che’s eyes showed a sizzling heat. Imagine that the power of the Rune Star is instilled in the body of a summoner. The summoner is afraid of a blow and can crush the planet.

Between the fingers, through the constellation, when the Wuling civilization, what fear!

However, Ye Che is just thinking about it, because even if the quality reaches the purple level, but when the star embryo grows up, it takes a lot of time and resources. Besides, the initial quality reaches the purple level, and it is difficult to countless enchanting. genius.

"Well... the green level is OK, after all, the nutrient element is not enough..."

Ye Che said to himself and he planned to complete the final step.

But when he spoke to himself, the whole person was instantly stunned, and then the pupils shrank, and the mouth was silently silent: "The thunder element is not enough... the thunder element is not enough... the thunder element is not enough!"

Mind, his body trembled fiercely, and the whole person’s face also burst into horror and suddenly realized the color.

"Ah, I am stupid! Ray is not enough. I can continue to condense myself! Other summoners, there are more heroes at this time, it is estimated that they are exhausted, but I have a whole planet. Add energy for it!!!"

Ye Che whispered, he wanted to take a lot of his head, but his hands held the Raytheon nuclear embryo, but this did not affect his excitement.

"No, the quality of the star nuclear embryo is very important. I have to try it. Even if it leads to big chaos, it doesn't matter. There is a civil robbery that blocks the atmosphere here. The source of the soldiers will not be felt. This is also an opportunity!! If you are a tall building, you must have a solid foundation. The higher the quality of my star nuclear embryo, the faster it will grow in the future!"

After thinking about the storm, Ye Che’s emotions rose sharply.

He looked at the palms of his hands, and there was a trace of the volcanic embryo of Raytheon, which was undulating in life. Immediately, his mind was moved, and the **** of the silent source once again appeared in his body.

"Give me, suck!"

A low drink, the power of the hero in the body is running at full speed. In an instant, the star energy that originally dissipated a lot of energy, once again like a gust of wind, swept over Ye Xue, and then turned into a hero by the source of the gods. Power.

"Ray element, now!"

With the help of enough heroes, Ye Che has no scruples and began to artificially catalyze the appearance of thunder elements.

One grain... two grains... one thousand grains... ten thousand grains... one hundred thousand grains...

Soon, the dense thunder elements emerged from Ye Che.

However, compared with the elements of the thunder that had been condensed before, it was too little and too little. The Raytheon nuclear embryo, the life of the silk, almost did not feel enhanced.

"It's hard, it's too difficult! The power of the hero in my body has been emptied ten times. In this case, the star embryo can not be advanced to the blue level, let alone the higher level purple. It!"

Ye Che frowns, he is now a bit skeptical, in the Valloland galaxy, whether there is a human star embryo, reached the purple level.

"Not enough, not enough... too slow... it seems... only so..."

Thinking of this, Ye Che took a heavy breath, then he looked a sinking, a green sword, from his body, completely emerged, and then suspended above his head.

The source of the sword, the first time exposed the whole picture!

Then, Ye Che once again fully moved the blue jade timeline.


After the time is added again, the burst of the star's star nucleus has increased again.

The number of stars nuclear energy column, on the original basis, increased by a third!

"Not enough, not enough, continue to increase!!!"

Ye Che's face showed a hint of fanaticism, time on the hourglass, invisible time fluctuations, sweeping the heart, the star core seems to have been pulled by the progress bar, with exaggerated degrees, frantically surging.

Ten, hundred, thousand!

Time added, the degree of gushing out of the star, blessing the inertia of incomparable horror, less than ten seconds, Ye Che Wanmi and the like, as if the end of the world, was completely covered by violent star nuclear energy.

One-time violent star nuclear energy, once it can't be transformed quickly, there is no death!

If Ye Che does not have the transformation of the source of the gods, in such violent energy, it will not last long.

"Give me, turn!!!"

Ye Che’s heart burst into a bang, and the sword of the source suspended above his head instantly burst into a powerful suction. The erupting star nuclear energy, not yet near Ye’s body, was violently pulled. Go in.

Then it was almost a second turn. They just touched the source of the sword, and they turned into a pure heroic power, and they were absorbed by Ye Xue.

Then, under the urging of the power of the hero, the elements of the thunder increased by exaggeration.

Millions of grains...10 million grains...100 million! ! !

But not enough, not enough!

Ye Che is ironic to improve the initial quality of the Raytheon nuclear embryo. His blue jade timeline has almost never stopped moving. As long as the feeling of the star's nucleus slows down, it will be added again.

In just one day, the range of star nuclear energy erupted at the same time has spread to 50,000 meters, which means that there is a full 50,000-meter star energy, and at the same time, it supplies the hero with the power of heroes!

This extravagant condensed star embryo is simply unique!

That research, when condensing the star nucleus embryo, was almost ruined, and succeeded after temporarily obtaining the right to use a purple-grade fifth-order star, but at that time, the range of energy dissipation of the star nucleus was only 30,000. M, and 50,000 meters, this is almost double his!

“Sours and nourishment!!!!”

When the power of the hero is sufficient, the elements of the thunder, such as the spring leaves in the spring, usually fly out. In less than ten days, they reach the scale of hundreds of kilometers in the sky before!

Upon seeing it, Ye Che’s heart was happy, without hesitation, urging them and instilling them into the nucleus embryo of Raytheon.

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