League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1399: Purple-level outlook!


On the nucleus of Raytheon, a strange color flashed, and then it seemed to be slightly beating between Ye Che's palms. For those who were infused with the elements of the thunder, they all absorbed it. Bayi? Chinese network? W? W (a) W (a). (1) 8?1ZW. COM

Ye Qing Ning is staring at it. The nucleus embryo of Raytheon is about the size of a walnut. It shines with the sparkle of amethyst. This is the essence of the Ray element, even if it grows up, it will not change.

However, the size can be changed. Under the infusion of the 100 billion elements of thunder, its volume is growing slowly and slowly.

A week later, its size has reached the size of the fist, and the body is full of light and power.

After another three days, finally, Ye Che only felt a shock in his mind, and his inexplicable feeling made him and Lei Xing nuclear. His heart suddenly produced a kind of enlightenment. The quality of Raytheon nuclear embryo has reached Blue level!

In the blue-level star nucleus embryo, the energy body unique to the blue-quality planet has been born. The energy body of the rye nuclear embryo is completely bred by Ye Che, and it is completely equivalent to him.

Ye Che’s heart was moving, and the fist-sized Thor’s nucleus suddenly narrowed down, and then turned into an aurora, directly hitting Ye’s eyebrows, and then slowly turned into an amethyst lightning pattern from his The eyebrows appeared.

The eyebrow is very close to the sea of ​​human consciousness, and it is also the place where the star embryo can be controlled instantaneously.

"In the universe, the blue-level planet was born naturally. After hundreds of millions of years, its energy is extremely vast. It is enough to make tens of thousands of ten-star senior summoners use tens of thousands of thousands of years. Once I The star embryo is growing up, which is equivalent to having an energy bank that can move at any time in the universe!"

Ye Che's eyes flashed.

However, it is not over yet, watching the star nuclear energy that is still emerging from the source, the power of the hero in Ye Che, once again swept out, the source of the sword of the head is also the light again!

Let me see, what is the quality of the Raytheon nuclear embryo, its initial! ! !

"Booming and banging!"

Numerous star nuclear energy columns, like no money, skyrocketed, and then insanely instilled Ye Che.

Thousands of grains, 10,000 grains, and 100,000 thunder elements, as before, emerged.

Ye Che understands the truth, the foundation is solid, and it is really solid. The Raytheon nuclear embryo is like an unborn baby. If the nutrition is abundant, the body will naturally be better after birth, but if you miss this period, it is extremely difficult. make up.

Some children are too weak and sick, and they can't make up when they grow up. Most of them are like this.

Therefore, in order to directly achieve better quality in the future, Ye Che even missed the battle between Black Gold and Xuan, and they did not hesitate!


There are too many elements of lightning, and countless currents, like plasma, are poured into his eyebrows and then absorbed by the star embryo.

However, after seven or eight days in a row, Ye Che’s face changed.

For seven or eight days of indoctrination, it has been the same as the previous batch, but the Raytheon nuclear embryo has not changed in any way. No matter the volume or the breath, it has not increased and strengthened, and it seems to be full.

After thinking for more than half an hour, Ye Chu suddenly thought of a point.

"Is it the quality of the thunder? When we were young, we could grow up and grow up, but when we grow up, even if we eat a bowl of rice every day, we can't, but if we take higher quality nutrition and energy..."

Thought of this, Ye Che's eyes flashed, his hands were false, and then suddenly merged.


Ye Che is low.

In an instant, the hundreds of billions of thunder elements, under their control, began to condense.

Almost a million thunder elements can be condensed into a Raytheon element, hundreds of billions, that is, 100,000 tablets of Raytheon!

Before Ye Che, the total number of Raytheon elements was 100,000, but at that time, because the source of the gods could not be revealed, they did not dare to convert the star nuclear energy. Now, with the cover of the civil robbing, the degree of conversion is naturally ten times as high. increase.

After spending a long time condensing, the Raytheon element shining with amethyst ray began to be full of mysterious atmosphere, and instilled into Ye's eyebrows.

In an instant, the Raytheon nuclear embryo, the sky is skyrocketing!

"Sure enough! Purple level, need the same nutrition as Raytheon to hope to achieve! Really abnormal, in this case, I am afraid that the entire star of the Valoran galaxy, the initial star embryo can reach the purple level, The number of bends is countable."

Ye Che secretly said.

At this time, with the infusion of 100,000 Thunder, an unpredictable breath has risen since the Lei Xing nuclear embryo, but since it has not yet reached the purple level, Ye Che does not feel this breath, what is it.

In addition to this breath, the Raytheon nuclear embryo is also slightly longer.

100,000 Raytheon elements, only let it rise a trace?

Ye Che is speechless, but think of the black and white tower masters, the white-level star nucleus embryos need to be tens of elements in the incubation period, and the bottom of the heart is balanced.

"100,000 Raytheon elements, only grow a trace? Then I am one million, ten million, this purple level, I will be fixed!"

Ye Che has already felt that the purple-level star nucleus is already beckoning, and will give up.

At this point, after a determination, the hourglass trembled and the blue jade timeline popped up again.

"Thousands of billion elements of thunder can only condense 100,000 Raytheon, and this 100,000 Raytheon element only makes the quality of the star nuclear embryo rise a little more. I want to come, if I want the star embryo to reach the purple quality, only Fear of millions, even billions of Raytheon elements are not enough, if that is the case..."

Ye Che bit his teeth and looked at the blue jade timeline. His thoughts sank, like a blast, and the crazy swayed it.

Different from before, this time, Ye Che is no longer adding time and concentrating Raytheon elements from time to time. This time, he wants to ignite the star energy of the whole planet, one time, get it! ! !


The power of the hero in Ye Che’s body was swept away by the blue jade timeline, but it was immediately replenished.

In the center of the earth, with the fluctuation of the blue jade timeline, the time flow has increased by one layer.

Move again, the power of the hero is emptied again, but the degree of star nuclear rushes out, speeding up again!

Continue to move!

Continue to move!

Continue to move! ! ! !

The blue jade timeline trembled and pulled out a bunch of afterimages.

"Booming and banging!"

In the case of Ye Che’s crazy star-filled nuclear surge, the planet is like a puncture. The star’s energy column, such as the water when the balloon bursts, violently spurts into the sky, energy Strong, directly rushed over the clouds.

100,000 meters, millions of meters, ten million meters!

Under the endless time of Ye Che, the gushing energy range of the star nuclear energy column has swept over 10,000 kilometers, the crust moved, and the volcano exploded.

The countless summoners on this planet screamed and panicked, looking at the scene like the end of the world, one without hesitation, flying in a crazy flight, but fortunately, here is the junction star group, all are advanced The summoner is not in danger of life.

However, this planet is not so lucky. When the energy of the star is extracted, countless trees begin to wither, and countless rivers begin to dry up. This planet is going to die!

Ps: There are still three days, I will add more, ^_^.

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