League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1405: Oh everything!

This **** gas is so thick, churning, like rolling magma!

Then the black gold man's legs were tight, the waist turned slightly, and the body turned like a twist and twisted. In August 1st, the text network?? W?W (a) W?. ?8 (eight) 1? Z? W (a). COM

Many summoners only felt a flower in front of them, and when they reacted, they saw that the black gold man's thighs carried the mighty momentum and had already kicked heavily on the blood of the Dara.


The leg and the blood gas collide, the horrible elemental energy comes out, and the powerful impact force makes countless summoners slam the void, and countless elements accumulate under their feet for support.

Despite this, there are still many summoners who have been bombarded by Yubo for tens of thousands of meters.


When you touched the ground, the black gold people sighed a little, and the stern color in his face flashed away. Then he listened to the sound of "啵", and the typhoon hit it, and he was kicked directly by his leg. Open.

There was a hint of surprise in the eyes of the Daro. "Is this guy so easy to stop my blow?"

"It’s ridiculous, it’s really invisible. I’ve got a three-pointer and you’ve been hit with a full blow. The third person in the Shenmen tester’s so-called third degree, this level!? Like garbage, things, huh, huh, Go home and hold the doll and have children! Click me, like your group of gods, test the waste, directly to me, how good, the provincial Laozi one by one to teach you to be a man."

The black gold man swears ironically.


"Mom, this guy is so owed!"

Many summoners were greatly annoyed. Although they had been playing with the Black Gold for several months, they had never seen a black gold man like him.

Ye Che’s brow was wrinkled without any trace.

I have been secretly observing Ye Che’s research and joy, and I couldn’t help but look at the cat girl.

The cat girl snorted and passed the message.

Over there, the black gold people followed, and after seeing the content of the message, the sorrowful color on his face could not help but become richer, and Jane reached the point of everything.

"How? Say your waste is still not believed? A group of ants are still testing the gods. To your extent, they will play with those indigenous stars. A group of things I can shoot with a slap!"

After the black gold man sneered again, he looked at the tarot and said: "Waste, don't play with you, your second element is not displayed, and there is no chance anymore! Raptors kill!"

When the voice fell, I heard the sound coming from the void.

Then, under the eyes of everyone, the pillars of **** lines rose from the black gold people.

There are six blood-colored pillars, each of which contains the essence of five thousand life elements. Together, it is 30,000! ! !

The essence of these 30,000 elements of life, the black gold people did not make any cover, directly exposed to everyone.

"God, the essence of 30,000 elements!? I... I am only eight hundred!!!"

"Insane crazy, this black gold person feels its breath, up to twenty years old, but the amount of elemental essence has actually condensed to such a point!!!"

"In our testimony of the gods, those who are ranked in the top 100 are also five thousand six thousand, the essence of up to 10,000 elements, and now 30,000...what is this guy!???"

Seeing this scene, many summoners have blown up the pot.

The gyro is also a dramatic change in the face, because all the elements of his nature add up, it will break through the tens of eight!


The black gold man also seems to have seen the face of the torah, and after the sneer, the six blood elements are exploding in essence, such as the fire dragon condenses on his lap, and then turns into a gyro, and the heavy rushes to the tyran!


The double-edged axe in the hands of the Dharma was directly torn by the black gold man with brute force, and the power of countless heroes was broken, like a tearing practice.

This leg of the black gold man is like a volcanic crater in the mouth, fierce and unmatched!

"Give me, block it! Life, bloodthirsty essence!"

The blood of the body of Dhara, red and purple for a moment, turned into two giant claws, and grabbed the thighs of the black gold people.


The horror of the horror, the torto's claws just arrived, it cracked, and then screamed, the whole person was hit by a train, hit the ground like a meteor, frantically flying back.

Among the testers of the gods, the third-ranked Dura was actually hit by a blow! ! !

This is completely the gap between the essential strengths of the elements and cannot be made up!

The summoners didn't have time to exclaim, and the black gold people laughed, their body flashed, their legs turned into a series of phantoms, and they stepped on the chest of the tyro.


The power of the hero in the body of the Dara has already been defeated. This hit, only to hear a "squeaky" sound, the chest collapsed down, he even spewed a big red blood.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

"Ha ha ha, is it waste?? Are you a waste!? Your testimony, is it a waste that I can shoot with a slap!"

The black gold man laughed wildly, and it was enough to break the legs of the mountain. He madly slammed down, one leg was stronger than one leg, and one leg was fiercer than one leg. The offensive was like a sea tide, and it was whistling.

The Torah's eyes turned white and he lost his chance. He could only be beaten passively. His body was like a falling shot. Under the black gold legs, he blew into the darkness of the dark universe.

Every black leg of the black gold man goes down, the torto will explode on the kilometer. These dozens of legs are squatting down. The whole person of the gyro is like a black hole. It is only disappeared. Only the black gold man is like a madman, and it sounds from time to time. .

"If you waste in general, waste will dare to yell at me!? I am your stepping stone, um!?"


"What is the test of the **** gods, but also star wars since childhood, you can now behave like a dog at my feet, what else can you do????"

"Boom!" He stepped on his feet again. At this moment, it seemed that the whole piece of the sky was open because of his foot.

All the summoners, like silly, stared at the place where the torah disappeared, and it was dark, like hell.

I don't know how long it took, the black gold talents with the blood of the whole body, lazily returned, the bloodthirsty eyes swept away, all the summoners who touched them, they slammed back, and their hearts were cold.

At this moment, no one dared to speak. The cheers and shouts that were given to the tyrants were disappeared, leaving only a strange silence.

"Hey Hey……"

The black gold man laughed and walked around in the field, if the **** was won.

Originally, if he wins, he will go straight to the game, and then wait for tomorrow's battle, but this time with the command of the top, he naturally has to go through the habit of playing with the common sense.

Seeing this scene, nearly 700,000 senior summoners in the audience, a cold heart.

But my heart, there is a shame.

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