League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1406: Ye Che, shaking heart!

If the age of the black gold is thirty-four, or forty-five, they will not feel like this at all. After all, it is normal to win in that situation. ?? Bayi Chinese? W (a) W? W?. (eight) 81ZW. COM

But the black gold people, depending on their age, are also 19 or 20 years old, and will never be older than them. In this case, they are ruining their testers, and the sarcasm between words has made them crazy. .

Ye Che can also understand their feelings. If on the earth, when they are in the League of Legends, they will be ridiculed by the peers of other countries, and the martial arts will walk away. What's more, the summoner here has been fighting war and has enough blood.

If it weren't for the strength of this black gold man, it would have been too abnormal. I was afraid that it would have been rounded.

"Your second-ranked item, and what kind of shit, mysterious, and warrior? I don't want to roll out and yell at me. If I am in a good mood, maybe I can give them a chance." Hahahaha!"

The black gold man laughed loudly. He felt that he was only among the 700,000 senior summoners, but they were so hard that they didn't dare to fight. A heroic spirit could not help but rise from his heart.

So, a new round of inviting battles with inexhaustible scorn, spit out from his mouth.

"Ah, mad at me, shame, it’s a shame. Isn’t there anyone in our test of the gods??"

Researching an exaggerated voice said, and then revealing a deliberately stunned color, continue to convey to Ye Chu: "Yes! Ye brothers, you have condensed the existence of a star embryo, kill him like a dog, you will Let's go, let me, and the 700,000 senior summoners, look at your style!"

According to his previous plan, he will always drag the battle to Xuan, and Novo and Wallier will play.

But now, with Ye Che, the three can be dispensable, as long as Ye Che is playing now, and then wins with the thunder, after winning a game in the seventh and eighth rounds, he will be able to conquer again, he can already Imagine this Ye Che sees himself, the expression of the chin that is horrified.

Therefore, the research could not help but persuade.

"Not urgent."

Ye Che shook his head, and even Xuan had not shot, so he did not want to reveal this face if it was not necessary.

However, to say such words, it means that he was also seen by the black gold people. He has always insulted the attitude of all the testers of the gods and gave him a slight anger.

Research can naturally feel the potential meaning of Ye Che's discourse, and its skin is not so fast that it is pulled twice, like a smile.

Suddenly, "bang!"

With a loud bang, the sky was full of hustle and bustle, and a muscular alien took the elemental gun and entered the field.

"Black gold man, I will fight you!!!"

"You?" is arrogant, the black gold people who walked around and went to the proverbs turned their heads, and then looked at his face, sneered and said: "What a cat and a dog dare to come."

"what did you say!?"

This majestic boy glared at him. He was not a nameless person. He had been in the top 50 of the mark of the gods. He did not expect to defeat the black gold man. He just wanted to leave a mark on the black gold man, and he was enough to shoot him.

"I said, what are you?"

Black gold people get a chance, it is a humiliation.

The majestic young boy’s face was red and shivering. He said: “I am the tester of the Rune Star! I know that I am not your opponent. The talent is better than you, but we are not allowed to trample on you. You deny us. Grandparents, trampling on our dignity, today, I will fight with you!"

"Good, good!"

"Yes, we cultivate the power of heroes, realize heroic skills, and control the essence of elements. This is to fight against people and fight for the sake of a stronger will and a broader life. You can't be humiliated!"

"For the rune star!"

"For the Noxus!!"

"For Zuan!!"

After hearing the words of the majestic boy, all the summoners were mobilized.

"If you can't beat it, you have to be seriously injured or even die, but you still have to shoot,..."

Ye Che's gaze flashed, and the heartbeat was ups and downs. There seemed to be an inexplicable force that wanted to push him and make him desperate.

However, the faces of Oriental Jian, 6 Yao, Oriental Nishang, Sky Blue Team, Curtain Chrysanthemum, Shi Jin, etc., flashed from Ye Che, causing him to take a deep breath, the fiery heart, and then It’s down.

If you only have to deal with yourself, then you will fight, and you will be in a hurry.

But behind him, it is related to all the friends of the earth, as well as the companions of his relatives and the lives of countless souls, which made his steps have not yet stepped out, and then retreated.

I saw a strange smile in the eyes of this scene. "This leafy mood seems to have been shaken..."

At the same time, seeing the summoners who were once again emotionally excited, the black gold people sneered, and their bodies flashed with a scarlet bloodline. The majestic interracial boy was shocked and could not retreat. He saw the black gold man. I have already taken a slap in the face.

He bit his teeth and the power of the heroes of the whole body started.

However, he is nothing more than that. Under the gap between the essential qualities of the element, he has no other action at all. The slap in the face smashes the heroic power of his bodyguard and then shoots it directly. The face of a majestic boy.

Just listening to a scream, more than a dozen teeth instantly swelled with blood, and the entire face was swollen with the naked eye.

And the whole person, like a gyro, squirmed in the sky, and the blood splashed.

"It's too weak, too weak, too weak! It's too timid, like a rat, and so on. It's all right, even one of you can't beat it?" The black gold man's mouth has a curve, looking around the audience. , proudly said: "There is one next!?"

At the same time as the black gold people once again swayed, at the end of the 700,000 summoners, three people stood in ugly appearance.

They all wear masks on their faces, but they can see from their eyes that the humiliation and anger are already as real.

"Wallell, are you sure you are not mistaken!?"

In the middle part of the trio, a silver-haired boy asked. It can be heard from the tone that this kind of questioning has been more than once.

"Absolutely right! Three years ago, I became a thing because of my coincidence. I got the credit for my greatness. I was fortunate to have a tribute to my mother." On the parent star, this person impressed me deeply. He seemed to have committed any taboos at the time and was directly punished in front of all the tribute stars!"

Wallier said heavy face.

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