This time, the unconventional one is not persuading Ye Che, because it is indifferent to persuade or not at this time. As long as the ear can not be won, none of the people on the scene can't walk. Eight? One Chinese W? W? W (a). ?8?1 (eight) Z?W?. ?C?O?M

With the words of the vice-captain of the Black Gold, the scene of some deadness was once again turbulent.

Ye Che's eyes glanced around, and the elements around each summoner were a bit confusing. Obviously, they all talked about the countermeasures.

"I have a feeling that these black gold people... seem to be delaying time!"

Ye Che suddenly said aloud.

"Oh? Why do you see it?" The cat girl was faint.

"These black gold people clearly have the ability to destroy all summoners, but they have to waste time siegeing us. They even propose that they can live in such a second position by defeating the mu, so there are only two possibilities."

"Which two?"

The eyes of the research also fell on Ye Che.

"It's still the same sentence, delaying the time! Why do they give a nine-day deadline? Because after nine days, it is the date of the coordinate exposure. At that time, even if there are no such black gold people, there will be a big fight between the testers! Will be crazy, but they will choose to shoot at that time!" Ye Ching said.

"What can this prove?" The cat girl is indifferent, but her brows have a fold.

"Prove that they are not daring to kill people now! Otherwise it will attract the attention of the gods. After all, the testimony of the gods of each tester is intertwined with the gods. Once they die, especially on a large scale, they will make the door of God." The messenger suspects that this possibility is extremely great, otherwise I can't figure out that these black gold people with military temperament will spend a lot of time waiting for nine days! So if some of these summoners also speculate on this, the road is near!" Ye Che said.

The cat-like girl took a breath and looked at the body without revealing her eyes.

Research also stunned, and said: "Look at this kid, I didn't expect his head to be so flexible, but it also reminded me of it. You pass on the order. Now find a reason to kill hundreds of summoners. So that they would not run away on a large scale on the last day, when we really did not dare to kill them on a large scale."

The cat girl nodded.

At this time, the research face deliberately revealed the color of surprise, and said to Ye Chedao: "It makes sense, what about the second point?"

"The second point is unlikely, but it is also possible that their initial goal is to be the top leader in the rankings, why should the first thousand testers be cleaned up, or the massive star keys in the hands of the first thousand testers, or They are strangling them to shock the rest of the summoners! But there are still half a year away from the three-year period. Now killing them to get the star key is tantamount to killing the chicken and taking the eggs. Moreover, I used to kill a black gold man before his summoner. There is no star key in the ring, so this possibility is extremely low. In addition, there are now 10,000 black gold people appearing. I think the possibility of shocking other summoners is the biggest. They are likely to be shocked. These testers to achieve other purposes!"

Anyway, it was idle, Ye Che said the inferences in his heart, but when he turned his head, he was studying and looking at the cat girl, all looking at himself.

"Is it too unrealistic?" Ye Che revealed the color of doubt.

"Reality, it is too realistic! This time my own plan, almost all shaken out!!!"

Research shouted in the bottom of my heart.

He is indeed a sacred ambassador, so he dare not kill on a large scale. Moreover, he has been deliberately delaying the time, waiting for the top thousand masters to meet. Otherwise, the black gold people wanted to kill the smelting, and they could not spend so much time.

Of course, in addition to the sacred gods, these testers are also very expensive, he will not kill them.

And all the purpose is to suppress all the testers to achieve that purpose!

"This kid is a wonderful thing. He is an Aboriginal star. It is a miracle to have the strength of today. But his mind is so good, he is guessed by the present signs."

Research on the cat girl voice.

"He is also occupying his own strength, and now he can calmly speculate that the rest of the summoners are already panicked under the deterrent of death. However, he has no absolute grasp, the most important thing is... he met us!"

The cat girl has just finished, the situation in the field has suddenly changed!

"Is it a fart to say what our vice captain said!? Very good. From now until tomorrow, there are eleven hours left. As long as no one dares to challenge me, every hour, I will kill 100 people!"

Mu Mu Xiaoxiao finished, not waiting for the summoner to respond, his body flashed abruptly, the next second, a scream of screaming, accompanied by the flying of a hundred heads, rang.

The situation changed too fast. Before the ear of the ear, it was still walking around in the glory. The next moment, it was started. Even Ye Che did not respond, and there were 100 ordinary testers who died.

The scene suddenly became a fear, and countless summoners have stepped back a dozen steps, lest they be targeted by the ear.

"Ye brothers, it seems that your guess is wrong. These black gold people are all a group of madmen. They really will kill them."

The research was melancholy and frightened, and he spoke in his mouth.

Ye Che's eyes narrowed, and he just speculated that he felt that he was affected by the hourglass. Kiranben was a wise man. After he integrated his time hourglass, his thinking was significantly faster than before. Things have been thoroughly understood.

But I didn't expect it to be a mess for the first time.

At this point, Mu Sui went to a girl in front of the blood, patted her white face, sneered: "Little girl, or else, you come to fight me? Rest assured, I will be very gentle."

"No... no... no..."

The young girl summoned her face back in horror, and in her mind, the heads of hundreds of summoners rushing to the sky, like a slide show.

"You dare to reject me!?"

Mu's face changed, and the right hand stretched like a steel bar, directly pulling the girl's brain behind, and then yanked.


The girl summoner screamed, and the whole person was dragged out by the ears of the ears, and the scalp on the head was about to fall off.

"Save me... ah... save me..."

The girl summoner shouted in horror, but almost all the summoners looked at her indifferently, and no one dared to shoot.

"Save you? Are you counting on this waste to save you? Hahahaha, then you might as well expect me to leave you a whole body!"

The ears of the ears screamed and laughed, and the right hand was free to play, and they heard a bang, and the girl summoned the blood of the teacher.

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