League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1409: You **** it!

"Xuan, Nuo, Wooler, can they really watch it! Nowadays, only when they are on this mu, there is a hope of winning!"

"Yeah, how do you say this girl is one of our testers!"

"Oh, it’s simple. If you change them, you dare to take it? They don’t have the chance to win!"

Many of the summoners' faces are unbearable and have anger. Bayi Chinese Network? W (eight) WW. 81ZW. This anger of COM, under the increasingly brutal movement of the mu, burned to the black gold people, but also burned to Xuan, Novo and Wallier.

After the summoning of the teachers, Xuan, Novo, and Wallier’s faces were pale and angry, but their footsteps did not dare to step on the front. This kind of thing, lie to children!

"You said that these black gold people will not kill and kill, how can you explain now??"

Novo whispered to Xuan.

Xuan sighed and said: "I am just guessing, but from the current situation, we can only pray for tomorrow, the situation can turn a little."

Wen Yan, Novo and Wallier are silent.

At this time, Mu's torture to the girl summoner continued. He fanned the girl summoner to slap, and the words in his mouth were filthy, all kinds of humiliating words, scornful, like a knife, inserted in the chest of all summoners.

"It’s boring, but I said that I only killed a hundred people in an hour. Now I will break you!"

After the brutality of the mu ear, the finger moved, it was placed on the left arm of the girl summoner.

There is blood in her mouth, and the scalp on her head is too much to fall off because of the excessive force. How can the whole person be miserable?

However, this girl summoner's life-seeking consciousness seems to be very strong. Until now, she has not been comatose. At this time, after hearing the words of Mu Sui, the pupils could not help but scream, and the mouth was even more screaming: "No!!!"

Many summoners don't go too far.

The ear of the mu is a straight smile, and when the finger moves, it is necessary.

Suddenly, a slight sigh rang with the words, "Enough!"

The expression of Mu Sui and Xiao Xiao was stagnant, and the movements in his hands stopped. Then he slowly turned around and saw a handsome young man, a faceless self-summoning teacher, and walked out.

"Now, there is really no fear of death!?"

Mu ear horrified.

The summoner, who is also admire, and shook his head, looked at the juvenile who came out, but the courage was certainly commendable, but it was too effortless. An unnamed junior, actually trying to fight with the mu, simply did not know how to write the dead words. of.

But there are also many summoners who recognize the coming.

"Hey, isn't that Ye Che?"

"It’s really him. He was named by the sacred messenger two years ago. It seems to have something special."

"The special thing is also a no-brainer. Even the third torah has been slaughtered by the mucus, and a guy named 500, who can open up the storm?"

"You can't say that, he has at least the courage to stand up! And this courage, we don't have..."

With the last sentence, the scene was quiet again, and many thought that Ye Che was the summoner who was looking for death, but also a glimpse of his admiration.

Also in the summoning division, Cang Ye and Tu Dapan are stupid. Lin Jie, who is a friend of Ye Che, and Ming Yin, who has been a coalition of the king, are also very surprised. Ye Che.

The same is true of Xuan, Nuo and Woolier.

To say that there was no shock at this time, only the color of excitement circulated on the face, only the research.

"Ha ha ha, this kid has finally shot, hey, my performance time, is coming soon!!!" Researched a face of excitement.

At the same time, looking at the slowly emerging Ye Che, after the initial horror of the ear, the face has been replaced with sneer, said: "Kid, do you know the consequences of challenging me??"

Ye Che said nothing, pointing his finger at the girl summoner who was dragging his palm.

"Pity and cherish jade?"

There was a weird color on the face of the mu ear, and then there was no sign at all. Just listening to the sound of "squeaky", the girl summoned the entire arm, but it was hard to be pulled by him, and countless blood was scattered in the sky. Starlight dyed into a myriad of blood beads.

"My mu said that she did it, and said that she would abolish her arm and she would abolish her arm!"

After the mu ear was finished, he threw it away. The girl summoner was already full of black and blue, and the hoarse screams flew in the direction of Ye Che.

"This is a git!"

Countless summoners have changed their faces.

Ye Che is also a big cold, a gentle heroic force emerges, holding the almost unconscious girl summoner, and then looking at the mu ear almost a word: "You **** it!"

Since he has just stepped out, he is thinking about a problem, because these unsuccessful testers reveal that they are worth it?

Once you shoot yourself, your reputation will definitely be spread out, and it is very likely that it will be intercepted by the Witchcraft civilization at a very costly price.

But looking at the girl's tortured non-adult shape, Ye Chu suddenly understood, if you ignore this evil behavior in order to steal and steal, it is not worthy of being a human being!

In addition, under the pressure of this group of black gold people, tomorrow they still have to shoot, just a matter of morning and evening, so he chose to stand up, but did not expect that this mu ear is so mad, in this case, actually Still abolished the arm of the girl summoner.

If Ye Che just just can't see it, but now, it is really killing!

"What do you say? I am damn??? Hahahaha, natural selection, strong survival! This starry sky, dominated by the strong master, the ants of the ants are only equipped with crushed to the slag, you are such a small ants, actually Dare to say that I am damn!?"

Mu Mu smirked, and the voice fell, a strong murderous machine swept over Ye Xue, "I want to die, I will fulfill you!!!"


The void creaked, a column of blood, rising from the air, and he held the column of blood, turned into a roaring blood dragon, directly hitting Ye Xue's head.

But when he blasted the attack, on the other side, the black gold deputy captain was slightly frowning. I don't know why, he felt that the boy in the purple dress on the field gave him an extremely dangerous feeling.

This person is...

The vice-president of the black gold man has a hundred wars and has the instinct of a beast. The purple boy in front of him is only standing there faintly. It seems that there is nothing special, but the vice captain of the black gold man can feel a piece of him from him. A breath of palpitations.

"Acre spike..."

The black gold captain wants to make a sound reminder, and at this moment, Ye Che moved! ! !

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