League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1412: You are St. Research! ?

Detoxification, it is too deflated, all summoners have long been eager to smash the stalks of the acre, and at this time, the acre is dead, and the people are happy!

On the other side, all the black gold people are stupid. They simply don't understand why their vice captains have lost so much. They are so defeated. ?八一中文网W=W=W≈. ≈8≠1≠Z≤W≥. COM

The testers did not understand the same, but this did not prevent them from cheering for Ye Che. From the appearance of the Black Gold people, they have always failed in failure and failure, no matter who is on the scene, the mess is defeated.

Since this time, the testers have already been fed up with the ridicule and oppression of the Black Gold people. They urgently need a victory to boost morale and strengthen their confidence!

"Ye Che! Ye Che!!!"

"The Jenner who is playing is convinced orally!!!"

The testers are screaming and venting their depression.

At this time, a thing that made everyone horrified was born. I saw that Jenna had come back from the bottom of the wolverine, and then looked at Ye Che with incomparable taboos, and then turned back to the past with great vigilance.

"what's going on?"

Someone at the place, look at Jenna's look, seems to be afraid of Ye Che!

Ye Che is also a slight glimpse, the next second reaction, it is estimated that just because of the unfamiliarity of the control of the power of the star nucleus, so a trace of leakage, he was perceived, and this understands the gap between the two sides.

"vice captain!"

Many black gold people have an acute color on their faces. This is how to fight once, so they can avoid it and it is too shameful.

Jenner's face is dignified. He doesn't have the slightest words, but his heart is very bitter. It seems that this is the person that the Lord of the Lord has always wanted to force out. It is indeed worthy of condensing the star embryo at this age as an indigenous star. The Lord of the Lord is so expensive.

"Your captain, St. John? Let him out!"

Ye Xue said after dispersing the hammer of Amethyst in his hand.

He naturally understood that this was not the end of the matter, Jenner was only the vice captain, and there was obviously a stronger summoner on him.

"Captain St. Research?" Jenner flashed a trace of quirky color in his eyes. When he was about to say something, he suddenly looked awkward. He didn't know what he saw at the moment, and he quickly lowered his head.


He just bowed his head and rang out of the court with a burst of applause.

The research face showed a weird smile, and slowly took the test of the self-testers. While drumming, he said: "Wonderful, wonderful, really wonderful!"

Half a step behind him, the cat-like girl followed closely, and all the black gold people who touched her eyes quickly bowed their heads.

"Study brother, you..."

Ye Che’s eyes flashed a stunned look.

"What do you call me?" Research is faint.

"Ren brother... No! You are... St. Research!?" Ye Chechen reacted, combined with the fearful attitude of the black gold people, and the behavior and name of the cat girl and the strange behavior at this time, he finally reacted. come.

"What, he is St. Research!?"

"He has always been mixed with our testers, if he wants to do it!!!"

After the testers thought of this, the moment was creepy.

Ye Che seems to be very calm, it seems that there is not much surprise.

"Don't you be surprised?" asked the dissatisfied singer, and he was trying to see how Ye Che was facing himself when he was facing himself. But now it seems that the gap between reality and imagination is too great.

"Amazed, but taken for granted."

Ye Che shrugged.

"It seems that he has long suspected your identity and thinks you are unusual."

The cat-like girl said coldly to her face.

Shengyan’s face sank and stared at Ye Che’s low voice: “You play me!?”

I hate him as a clown, and forcefully persuaded Ye Che to shoot for seven or eight days, but he was already suspected for a long time, and whoever changed it would be extremely unhappy.

"Whatever you think, now I only ask you a sentence, what are you going to do with such a big battle?"

Ye Che asked, for St. Research, he can't talk about it now, and he can't talk about bad feelings.

The problem raised by Ye Che is also what all testers want to know.

St. Research walked a few steps, posing like a zombie. Behind it, the golden wings were slowly extended. He looked at Ye Che and said, "Beat me, I will tell you!"


The voice just fell, this starry sky seems to be hammered a bit, and it seems that there are heavy objects falling into it, the surrounding stars, all of a sudden dimmed.

Then, under the astounding eyes of all, a dark and incomparable pronucleus rose from the feet of St.

This pronuclear body is black and black, surrounded by countless black silk, it seems to come from hell!

On top of this pronucleus, there is a huge circular shadow, which is more than a hundred meters. If the sphere rotates slowly like a grinding disc, every rotation will produce a suffocating pressure.

And St. Research, standing on the circular shadow, like the gods who control the planet!

"God... this is... this is the star embryo!"

"This holy research is actually a metamorphosis of the star nucleus embryo, he ... his strength has reached the realm of the weaving staff!!!"

"His life is about 19 years old. This age has become a stick of weaving, I can't imagine it! It's unbelievable!!!"

"Metamorphosis, absolute metamorphosis!"

"Insane crazy!"

"How does this leaf fight? This is a star embryo!"

On the face of the 700,000 senior summoners, all of them were shocked, and one by one was exclaimed.

Those black gold people look indifferent, with a sneer at the corners of their mouths. They are really the earthen buns on the stars. They have never seen the big world. The less gods only reveal the underlying star embryos, and they are all stunned.

However, the things that made the Black Gold people stunned.

I saw the words of St. Research: "Ye Che, no longer use the star embryo, you have no chance!"


Except for Jenner, all the black gold people are all shocked, and all of them are incredulously watching Ye Che. The guy from the indigenous star actually condenses the star embryo. ? ?

No wonder, it is no wonder that Jenner did not dare to fight again, apparently feeling the breath of the star embryo.

"It seems that he is very dissatisfied with me, and he has to start playing directly..."

Ye Che’s heart whispered.

His eyes fell on the star embryo of Shengyan. The star embryo was dark and should be related to the dark elements. However, Ye Che did not sense the fluctuation of the dark elements from above, but felt a dead air.

This deadly cold, Sen Han, seems to take the enemy's life away at any time.

"Ye Che! I can't kill you in your extraordinary talent, but if you lose, you must drive me!"

Shengyan said coldly, his words are extremely overbearing.

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