League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1413: It is also blue!

"is it?"

Ye Che's expression flashed slightly, and the next second, a star embryo that was much smaller than Shengyan, appeared at his feet. Eight?? One Chinese W?W?W?. ?8?1 (a) Z?W (eight). (a) C (one) O (a) M

This star nucleus embryo is completely agglomerated by the amethyst mine **** element. Because the quality has reached the purple level, the original momentum is much more terrifying than the star nuclear embryo of Shengyan, but Ye Che does not directly reveal it.

Therefore, this star embryo looks like the core of an apple, and it is dimly lit at the foot of Ye.

However, despite all the testers swallowed swallowing water, the distant Xuan, Nuo and Woolier three people, even widened their eyes, this is the star embryo, actually a 20-year-old The boy, condensed out.

"Oh, it really is a white level. In addition to providing you with energy, the white-level star nuclear embryo has no special effects. How do you fight with me? Originally, I intend to accept you with kindness, but after you see me, I didn't even show the slightest surprise, which made me very upset, so..."

Shengyan said here that in the place, some people only felt that the darkness of the front, a dark energy, such as ghosts, spewed out from his star embryo, almost for a moment, they hit Ye Che.

Ye Che's face is unchanged, his body is slightly retreating, his arm is slightly pulled, and the essence of the Amethyst Ray of Thorns is pouring from the body, and the cross is in front of him.


As soon as the sound of the explosion blew, the elements of both sides were simultaneously annihilated. However, under the horror of all people, the dark energy that had been annihilated by Shengyan was suddenly distorted from the sky, and then it seemed to resurrect and reunite. .

At the same time, split into two, such as two chains from the hell, bursting out again.

"this is……"

Someone in the place has widened his eyes.

Ye Che is also a wrinkle, the original element of annihilation, can also re-ignite? And can it be divided into two? ? ?

St. Yeah laughed strangely at this moment and said: "You still have to be beaten by me. Let me tell you that my star embryo is a blue-quality! It has a green life rejuvenation effect, and a blue level. The effect of the big energy explosion, the essence of the element released, under the action of the star nucleus embryo, can not only be reborn, but also can react with the enemy's attack, the total amount is doubled! Moreover, my star nucleus embryo has already crossed In the incubation period, it is not at all comparable to your initial star nucleus embryo. Your Majesty surrenders to me and does not die around you!"

"Green life, big explosion with blue energy..."

Ye Che's eyes are slightly flashing, the green planet can produce countless lives, and it is the birth of a recurring, like reincarnation, and the energy on the blue planet is increasing all the time. Obviously, since the star embryo of Shengyan is blue. Naturally, this has the effect.

However, in this case, the purple-star nucleus of its own purple nature will naturally have a more abnormal effect!

"Blue level... actually a blue-level star embryo!"

"On the star of our Zu'an, the best quality of the star embryo has appeared. It seems to be a green level. Who is this holy research, even has a blue-level star embryo!"

After hearing the words of Shengyan, the testers of the gods almost stopped their heartbeat.


After using these two attacks, five times the essence of the elements, Ye Che finally defeated these two dark energy.

Then, Ye Che looked at Shengyan and asked: "I am very curious. Those black gold people are all living elements. Why, yours is completely different?"

"Bud buns."

This time, St. Research did not speak, there is a black man who laughs and laughs: "The element of life can not only strengthen the body, but also repair the injury. It is the ultimate, it is to control death! Death is also life. One, once you are hit by the attack of our Lord of the Lord, your life will be swallowed up!!"

"It turned out that this is another extreme of life elements, death! No wonder, I feel the dead air from the star of the research, but... what is the golden wings behind him?"

Ye Che is still thinking a thousand, but St. Research is a body movement, feet on the death star nucleus, rolling in.

"Your Majesty!"

When St. Ye was less than a hundred meters away from Ye Che, his arm slammed, and a black light with a diameter of 100 meters slammed against Ye Jing. The black light continued to change shape along the way, eventually forming a huge The wolf head, like a **** wolf, is usually biting down to Ye Che.


The starry sky screams, the place where the wolf head passes, the elements within 10,000 meters are in full swing, the planet under the test of the testers can not bear the heavy pressure, bursting out countless waves, and abandoning the high waves of millions of meters under their feet.

Such a death attack allowed all the testers to hold their breath, and they all quit. At this moment, they only felt that even if they were separated by hundreds of kilometers from the place, they would be crushed by this horrible momentum.

It is hard to imagine that this is the 19-year-old boy's fight. This level of collision, they have only seen in the strong shadow, are the power of the weaving stick level.

In the face of the raging wolf head, Ye Che did not dare to slack off.

St. Yan's star nucleus embryo, but has been growing for a long time, and immediately has to enter the incubation period, most of the Raytheon elements in the star nucleus embryo are used to enhance the quality of the elemental embryo, so the total essence of the element The amount is more than this.

Suddenly, Ye Che’s body retreats and no longer suppresses the power of the star embryo.


Like a fountain that has been suppressed by the manhole for a long time, at this moment, the nucleus embryo of Thor is trembled, and the next second, a group of tens of meters of star nucleus shadows, enveloped Ye Che's body.

Although the star nucleus embryo is small, but at this time by the power of the leaf half burst, its breath actually reached the strength of the St.

"This is impossible!"

The sacred scorpion slammed into a hole and shouted out.

Blue level, this leaf-clear star embryo, even the same blue level! ! !

At this moment, the death wolf he released has already bitten heavily on Ye Xu’s star nuclear shadow.


In the meantime, a bitter cracking sounded, the wolf head just bite down, and there were countless cracks in the bite. The eye of the leaf was flashing, and the nucleus of the Raytheon trembled. Suddenly, there were countless dense elements of Raytheon, and they heard a bang, and the wolf head was directly broken by the earthquake.

It was just re-coagulation, but on the nucleus of the Raytheon, a strange wave of volatility suddenly emerged, making it impossible to reshape, and the silent ash was annihilated.

This wolf head is a blow from the star nucleus embryo, and it is impossible to compete with the star embryo body at a close distance.

But at this moment, Shengyan did not care about his annihilated wolf head, but stared at Ye Che, and said one word: "Tell me, what happened later, how can you condense the star embryo, how can it be promoted? Going to the blue quality!!!"

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