League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1414: Wolf Spirit Territory! ! !

"Blue level!? This leafy star nucleus embryo is also blue quality?"

It’s said that everyone around you is dumbfounded. If you look at God, you look at Ye Che. August 1 Chinese W≥W=W. 81ZW. COM

Originally, this Ye Che second defeated Jenner, killing the mu ear, and then sending out the star embryo embryo scene, has already surprised them as heaven, but now, this Ye Che star nuclear embryo is actually blue, this has completely taken off The limit of their imagination.

You know, on the stars of Zu'an, Rune Star, and the Star of Noxus, the best quality of the star embryo is known. It is only the green level!

"Monster... this guy is a monster!"

"He's just a person on the indigenous star around the Rune Star. How can he grow to this point! If you put him on the rune star from a young age, it's not even worse!"

Some people at the venue, including the Black Gold, all secretly secretly talked and exclaimed.

At this time, Ye Xue faintly said to the Holy Path: "Beat me, I tell you."

He is returning the original words.


Shengyan was anxious and laughing, low-lying: "Do you really think that with the blue-level star embryo, you can compete against me!? I will let you know, even if you have a blue-level star embryo, but your gap with me, It is also like a gap between heaven and earth."

After that, he stretched his arms up and slanted and screamed: "Wolf Ling Territory!"


The starry sky around him was shocked, and the invisible black curtain of the latter circle, such as the water wave, spread rapidly, and the depth of the eye spread was 10,000 meters.

Ye Che's eyes condensed, and he saw thousands of black wolf heads roaring in the 10,000-meter black curtain.

"Wolf spirit... wolf head... this guy, repairing is to hunter Gemini, Millennium!"

Ye Che took a breath.

It is no wonder that this St. Research condensed the other extreme of life elements, death! Because the wolf spirit in the twins is hunted for life, it is the food for life!

"Ye Che!"

After the wolf spirits condensed, the look of St. Yan was extremely strange, and it seemed like pain and enjoyment. He glanced over all the summoners present, and then finally fell on Ye Che and said, "Don't you always want to know our identity? ?I tell you!"

Ye Che's look changed, and the testers, one by one, were tight.

"I...from the parent star!"

Shengyan’s face showed a pilgrimage of light, and then said.

"Mother star? Where is the parent star?"

Many testers are stunned, but there are some testers with different identities, but their faces are drastic.

"Mother star, you can understand ... is the birth of this myriad of stars, countless planets, there are countless heroes of large or small heroes standing there, their enchanting genius is countless, the size is calculated in light years! And we, It comes from there!"

The sound of Shengyan was not great, but it made all the testers burst into a huge earthquake.

"Right, you are fascinated, the crazy Moganna Mountain, and the door of Kyle, also above the parent star!"

Shengyan once again broke the news that all the population was dry.

Ye Che's body is a dense goose bump, a planet that counts in light years, just think about it.

"Since... since you... from the higher places there, and... why bother us?"

A tester stuttered and asked.

However, Shengyan is deaf to him, and his eyes have always fallen on Ye Che.

The tester suddenly became red-faced. He understood that this study was simply disdainful to answer his own words. After all, he was not even better than him.

But fortunately, Ye Che also asked the same question.

"Difficult? No, no, I just borrowed their quantity to achieve my goal. Otherwise, I will clean it up directly, so as not to look at it."

The words of Shengyan made all the testers chill.

"What purpose?"

"Your Majesty, surrender to me, you are qualified to know!" Shengyan's head was raised, high-pitched.

Ye Che sighed and said: "It seems that no matter where it is, there are a lot of people who feel good about themselves!"

"It seems that you don't see the coffin without tears."

Shengyan said that the tens of thousands of wolf spirits in the wolf's territory suddenly snarled.

Then, with a wave of his arms, these wolf spirits with chilly death elements, such as heavy ghosts, rushed toward Ye Che lightning.

Ye Che's body instantly retreats hundreds of thousands of meters, the star embryo is rolling, where it passes, the starry sky collapses, the ship collapses, and there is a meteorite that is over a hundred miles. Under the eyes of everyone, it is minced. Become a fly ash!

These wolf spirits seem to carry a magical power. Any object twisted into it will be completely annihilated, leaving no trace of it. This kind of sight sees the annihilation of all things, so that the young Junjies present are cold sweats.

If they are involved in this wolf spirit, even if they get a little bit, I am afraid they will be wiped out.

These wolf spirits have been rushing out of the territory of the St. Research Institute, and the persecution of Ye Che has been retreating.

Ye Che's body is full of thundering elements against the attack of the wolf spirit, and the Raytheon nucleus under his feet spreads strangely from time to time, making the wolf spirit unable to resurrect and split.

Here, we can see the importance of the quality of the star embryo.

If Ye's star embryo is only white, I am afraid that it has been drowned by countless wolves.

At this time, after the number of the Wolf Spirit reached 100,000, the sneer sneered, and the body flew into the wolf spirit group.

"Hey, you will only escape!?"

There were countless dark wolf spirits flying around in Shengyan. He stood in it, like the **** of death, and the starlight sprinkled on him, adding even more surprise.

"When you fall into the land of my wolf spirit, see how you escape!"

When the voice of Shengyan fell, the Wolf Spirit land expanded rapidly, and in a blink of an eye it expanded from 10,000 meters to 100,000 meters. With his own degree, Ye Che was directly included in him.

In the meantime, countless death particles swept through, making the space suddenly tight.

Ye Che’s place seems to have been completely imprisoned. Even if Ye Che’s full force of heroism breaks away from this imprisonment, the degree is already slow.

"How come you see this time!"

St. Yan sneered again and again, his body rushed out again, and in the process of his impact, covering the hundreds of kilometers of the starry wolf spirit territory, but also suddenly tightened!

If Ye Che runs the whole of the Raytheon nuclear embryo, it can naturally break through the Wolf Spirit territory of St. Research, but when he breaks through the territory, he will be chased by Shengyan.

"Your Majesty, surrender!"

Shengyan screamed out, and the whole person carried a wolf spirit that had reached nearly 100,000 and bite into Ye.

These wolf spirits are all from the death star nuclear embryo at his feet. The death star nuclear embryo is like a huge energy field, providing them with endless power.

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