League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1415: Weird laughter (fourth more!)

The wolf spirits roared in the stars, as if even the planet could be swallowed up by them, covering hundreds of kilometers of the wolf spirit territory, more like a place where the demon gods dominated, the escape of death, people Heart and liver are cracked. August 1st? Chinese? Network? W? W? W (1). ?8?1?Z(eight)W?. COM

In the face of countless wolf spirits, the testers, including the Black Gold, only felt as if the end of the day was coming, and the starry sky would collapse.

Ye Che is a word, the Raytheon nuclear embryo, slowly undulating under his feet!

Under such an attack, whether it is stealth, avatar, or imprisonment, it is like a chicken and a dog, and it can be annihilated and destroyed.

The true meaning of stealth, ban, and ban is all small.

Only the essence of the elements is the avenue. They have born the planet and formed the universe. They are all summoners and pursued!

At this moment, everyone, holding their breath to Ye Che, he, how to block such a large number of wolf spirit attacks!

Although it is a blue-quality star nucleus embryo, the star-shaped embryo of Shengyan is obviously more mature, and its elemental nature is much more!



Numerous wolf spirits roared and rubbed against the various hidden elements in the starry sky. When they saw a terrible scream, when they saw that they would hit Ye Che, Ye Che finally moved. When he shot, it was the essence of a million Raytheon elements. And the essence of a million Raytheon is almost the sum of all the Raytheon nuclear embryos!

Although the purple-quality star nucleus embryo is good, but wants to enter the incubation period from the nuclear embryo stage, the total amount of essential elements required is ten times that of the blue-grade quality, one hundred times the green-grade quality, and more than a thousand times the white-grade quality. !

This million Raytheon element is enough to make the green-quality star nucleus embryos into the incubation period, but in the purple-level star embryo, it is just a start.


At this moment, the Raytheon elements collided with the tens of thousands of wolves, and a large block of Raytheon elements was swallowed up by the black wolf spirit, but there were also large wolf spirits, which were smashed by the ash of the Raytheon elements.

"Oh, a little meaning, then try this! The wolf screams the world!"

Shengyan drinks low.

In the next second, the remaining 80,000 wolf spirits roared and suddenly merged into one, turning into a black wolf head with a height of 10,000 meters, biting down Ye Xue.

Ye Che's face changed, and the total amount of Raytheon elements increased to 1.2 million!


This blow is really horrible. The elements of more than two million elements collide in essence. It is more than ten or twenty times stronger than the attack of the vice president of the Black Gold. The countless people are backing millions of meters at this moment!

However, there are still some testers who have no time to retreat, and the heroic power of Yu Boju has broken down and vomited blood.

Ye Che is snoring, he feels that the power of death from the 10,000-meter wolf head makes him feel cold and cold. Although the Raytheon element is just to the yang, the total amount of elements is suppressed. It is like water. It can be used for fire fighting, but the fire can also be dried with water, but it is a unilateral total.


Ye Che began to retreat, and the star nucleus under the feet made a dazzling amethyst road in the starry sky.

On the other hand, the influence of the sacred research is like a broken bamboo. The wolf spirit is chasing after it, and bite by bite.


Ye Che was circled by the Wolf Spirit of St. Yan and directly hit the barrier of the territory!

Shengyan came straight, and the death particles of his whole body, like the roar of the water of the Styx, were full of black and sorrowful, such as **** and evil spirits.

His eyes are as sharp as a sword, the power of the whole hero is like the tide of the sea, the death star's nuclear embryo under his feet is turning wildly, and countless death particles are spewing out from the inside, blessing on the wolf spirit, making the power of the wolf spirit even more terrifying.

"To be defeated!"

Seeing such a scene, the testers outside the millions of meters, almost one heartbeat stagnation, this St. research is not from the mother star, it is too strong, he has the death particles, the number is just people despair.

In contrast, Ye Che, although also a blue-level star nucleus, but the amount of elemental nature, is much worse.

"Indigenous Stars are stubborn enough! But stubborn can't keep you from losing your life! Don't squat, don't blame me for being so hot!!"

In the voice of Shengyan, it has already brought a stern intention.

At this time, Ye Che has been forced to the barrier of the Wolf Spirit Territory, and can only bear the attack of Shengyan!

"What do you count, let me kneel down??"

Ye Che's eyes flashed a trace of Limang, this Shengyan is just born uncommonly, why do you feel superior! ?


At this time, Shengyan did not hesitate, and the rotation of the death star under his feet suddenly increased by a factor of two!

That wolf spirit, this moment seems to be perfused with infinite power, once again skyrocketing five kilometers, then opened the deadly wolf mouth, with a peerless fierce, biting down Ye Qi.

The elements of Raytheon that are in front of it, such as the broken steel bars, collapsed.

Ye Che's pupil shrinks, just at this moment, a layer of heroic power lingering on the nucleus of Thor's nucleus under his feet, dissipated in vain, almost a moment, a mysterious breath, and its Raytheon nuclear embryo rises.

Purple star nuclear embryo, lifted!

At that time, this piece of starry sky seems to be fixed. The testers who are far away from a million meters, the soul seems to be hit by a hammer, causing them to tremble.

A lot of weaker summoners couldn’t restrain their legs, and they slammed into the air and squatted at the nucleus.

Even if it is a holy research, it is also a trembling of the mind, and the wolf spirit has a tendency to collapse.

"What!? This is the suppression of life level!!!"

Shengyan’s face changed dramatically.

In the distance, the face of the cat girl is also incredibly colorful.

"Purple star nucleus, life suppression!"

Ye Che gave a low drink.

This is the suppression of the level of life. This feeling is like a human being seeing a god. He can't help but bow down and can't help but burst into tears.

At this time, the breath of the purple-grade Raytheon nucleus was just revealed. The wolf spirit screamed and looked terrified. The power of the offensive fell by five layers, and its degree was greatly reduced, as if it had fallen into a quagmire.

But, after all, it’s a collision!


The horror of the horror blew between Ye Che and Shengyan. The elemental wave caused the nearby planet to change direction. Many smaller planets collided and destroyed the explosion.

This shot, the leaves are not moving, however, the Wolf Spirit of Shengyan not only collapsed, but also the star embryo under its feet, but it is also hidden at any time, like disappearing at any time.

"Purple Star Nuclear Embryo..."

In addition to more than a hundred thousand, the face of St. Yan, who stopped the body, was somewhat pale and spit out. His gaze, staring at the Raytheon nuclear embryo at the foot of Ye Che, did not turn.

"Is it still playing?" Ye Ching calmly asked.


Shengyan was about to talk, but suddenly his face was stiff, and the death star nuclear embryo disappeared at the foot, and then a white star nucleus emerged slowly from his feet, but a series of sounds suddenly appeared in his mouth. The creepy laughter, "Giggle... The little brother is really amazing, actually has a purple-level star nuclear embryo, which is really amazing!"

This voice is a female voice!

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