League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1418: Difficult leaf

Having said that, Ye Che and Sheng Sheng said in unison, "The tester!"

"Yes, it is very likely that the tester has leaked the wind! Of course, maybe he was forced by the people of St. Albert!"

"St. Burt?"

"Another candidate for the palace! After they arrived at the nearby constellation, they must have used the testers of other constellations to search, so I only needed to find the mica star faster than him! But The probability is also five or five, and if the time difference is small, the probability of our failure is even greater, because of the age, St. Bert is much stronger than my brother. Bayi Chinese W≠W≈W≥.≠ 8=1≤Z≥W≥.=C≤O≥M”

I heard this, Ye Che fully understood, and said: "So you are now trying to break through, just keep up with them, after they find it, directly open the rush?"

Sheng Sheng nodded heavily, looking forward to the words: "Ye brother, you will help me right?"

Ye Che was in a cold, and was shouted by a guy in the body of a man, and the goose bumps were all up.

"Of course it will help you, but now let's talk about the cost of hiring me..."

Ye Che said, playing the finger.

St. 妍 了 了 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶Also do not hesitate!"

"What if I grab it hard?" Ye Che asked.

"We have tens of thousands of people. There will always be people who will escape. When the news reaches the Bipolar Palace, no one can keep your life! Maybe you don't understand the power of the bipolar palace, but you only need to know, our bipolar palace. The inheritance of the Gemini civilization has reached 10,000 years, and it understands its meaning."

Ye Che nodded. "Well, you succeeded in convincing me... well, don't misunderstand, I am talking about what you experienced in your childhood."

A glimpse of the sacred, this moment, looking at Ye Che's gaze, inexplicably changed a trace.

Then she asked, "What about you, are you not afraid of me?"

Ye Che smiled: "I am 19 years old, and as an indigenous star, I have the current strength, enough genius?"

Sheng Sheng looked at him deeply, and his voice dignified: "Enough! It can be said that your talent is among the top three in the genius of our bipolar palace nearly 10,000 years old!"

"This talent is not worthy of your making?" Ye Che said with a smile.

The holy shout is speechless.

"Going to the point, according to the price, my request is very simple, the mica star belongs to me, the spirit is yours!" Ye Che said.

A sneer in the eyes of the Holy Ghost, said: "You really dare to open the lion!"

"Or, do I join the St. Peters side?"

Ye Che’s words, like the sharpest needle, plunged into the chest of the holy shrine.

This is really a pinch of blood, the sneer in the eyes of the holy eyes, and immediately disappeared.

"I shouldn't have it all!"

"Then I won't trust you at all, I believe you understand this."

When I heard this, the heart of the holy shrine suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness. Now this leaf is not a general difficulty.

"Well, serious, as long as you help me, mica star, I can divide you half, you have to know, for this matter, I have wasted more than two years of cultivation time, must use the mica star to catch up. ”

Sheng Sheng said.

"That's your business. My condition is like this. You have a splendid spirit. I have a mica star! This is fair. After all, I have raised the chance to make you a splendid spirit to nearly ten layers! In turn, actually It’s unfair to me. If I am the kind of person who is extremely shameless and ignores the principle, and ignores the tester’s life and death, now I can completely leave it. However, I am waiting for the opportunity to win the Protoss alone. I know that the Protoss is still very exciting. of……"

After Ye Xiao was faint, he found a comfortable angle and lay down. He closed his eyes and said, "You still have half a day to consider."

"No need!"

The sacred bite bite his teeth. At the age of four, the scene of the bones is like the poison of the bones. In her eyes, she screams: "I will follow you, as long as you help me win the stars, the mica stars will return to you, you will also Get the friendship of the Bipolar Palace!"

"So... happy cooperation."

Ye Che laughed out loud.


The next day.

In the group of blue smoke stars, all the black gold people have awe-inspiring face, and the flying eagle ships are also scattered with a murderous atmosphere.

Today, it is the date of the coordinate exposure. It is the stage where the testers really start to compete. Similarly, their chances are coming!

"Confirm the search..."

"Confirm success..."

"Coordinate search..."


"It is estimated that it will take 28 minutes..."

"Searching for success! Comet group!"

In the ship where the holy scorpion is located, a mechanical synthesizing sound is heard.

"The comet group? This guy of St. Bert really came for the mica star, hateful!"

After the shout, she opened the contact and shouted: "All orders, goals, comets!"


Immediately, all the flying eagle ships began to turn around, and then all the flying eagle ships seemed to be tightened, and then suddenly let go.


As the sound of bowstrings, all the ships, in vain, shot out, and in a blink of an eye, they crossed hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

"Ye Che, I have sent a few people to track them before. Now, after searching, all the people of St. Peter's are gathered in the comet group. We have to get to the nearest place. Otherwise, after they are now the mica star, That's too late."

Sheng Sheng said.

"Well, if that's the case, I will go back to the house first. If there is news of the mica star, tell me."

Ye Che stood up and, after he finished, returned to the room.

Looking for mica stars is obviously not a one-and-a-half-time event. Even if there are dozens of millions of testers, it is estimated that it takes ten or twenty days. With this effort, you can consolidate your strength.

But just after going to the door of the room, Ye Che’s footsteps were a meal. He thought about it. A voice passed to the holy shrine. “Since you can send people to follow them, they can also send small stocks to follow you in advance. I suggest that you disguise your ship and then detach it from all the ships, so as not to cause them to be vigilant. Anyway, the black gold people who have not condensed the star embryos can not start in the process of competing for the mica star. The big role, think of it, the enemy is clear that we are dark, but it is very important."

The holy shrine, which was originally staring at the starry sky, suddenly burst into shock.

Half an hour later, the flying eagle, which was taken by the sacred scorpion, was separated from the flight of several eagle ships, and the direction remained unchanged.

The rest of the Eagles, but the direction of the slow turn, go to the other side.

At the same time, three million kilometers away from the Eagle Eagle, there are three ships in the shape of a vulture, flying.

In the ship, there are virtual shadows floating up, these virtual shadows, all of which show the movement of the Flying Eagle.

At this point, watching the Falcon aviator diverted, the controller quickly sent out a message: "Flying eagle ship ... redirected, Emory constellation."

Soon, there was a male voice that seemed quite cold, "Continue to monitor!"


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