League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1419: Frequent stars! (fourth more)

Time has passed for half a month. August 1st? Chinese? Network? W? W? W (1). ?8?1?Z(eight)W?. COM

In the past half a month, in addition to being familiar with the Raytheon nuclear embryo, Ye Che also feels the power of the hourglass from time to time.

Of course, there is also a lot of time, he used to explore the movement of the soul of the soul.

It’s been more than two years since the day was different from the glass. For the black hole time, perhaps hundreds of thousands have passed, and even tens of thousands of years are not unusual. Whenever I think of this, Ye Che’s heart, I don’t know. Why is there an inexplicable anxiety?

"My heroic power has reached the entry stage of the Weaving Staff, but... it is still not enough to go to the Black Hole through the Blood of the Soul, but if I can get the Mica Star this time!"

Ye Che’s eyes flashed a sizzling heat.

A whole purple star, think of the Rune Star, a rune star enough to support so many summoners to practice. Now, if all of this energy is returned to yourself, at least for a short time, there is no fear of no energy cultivation. .

In addition, in the fifteen days, the conquest of the planet by the testers of the gods has become more and more heated, and the number of planets is also growing at 100 million.

Of course, all are white-level green planets, and Ye Che is now blind.

As the planet gathers in the hands of the strong, many names disappear from the mark of the gods. However, according to the news from Tudapan, I don’t know if it is the impact of the common trouble. This time the test of the gods did not kill much.

As long as you hand over all the star keys, you will be let go.

After knowing this news, Ye Che did not know why, inexplicably felt a bit gratified.

In a blink of an eye, it is another ten days.

On this day, after his cultivation, he continued to open the mark of the gods and watched the distribution map of the above forces. Xuan was ranked first in the past, and the number of his planet had reached tens of millions.

"This guy, won't you want to grab my first priority?"

Ye Che smiled.

Suddenly, an eager and implicit voice of excitement rang from his ear. "Fast, they found the mica star!"

"found it!?"

Ye Che's eyes are bright, his arms are swung, and after he instantly gathers the mark of the gods, the whole person turns into a streamer, and instantly appears in front of the holy shrine.

"Speaking, you drive the ship and follow us, Ye Che, you come with me!!!"

After the excitement of the sacred sacred, the power of the hero in the body was slightly spewed, rushed out of the flying eagle, entered the universe, and Ye Che followed.

But as soon as I came out, my look changed.

Because of the holy shrine in front of us, the temperament has changed dramatically.

"You are... St. Research?"

Ye Che brows slightly wrinkled.

"Hey, boy, I didn't see it, the hidden is so deep!"

A male voice that appears to be slightly overbearing has emerged from the mouth of St.

"What about the holy shrine?"

Ye Che asked.

"It’s about fighting now, it’s better for me to be a pure man.” Shengyan said, after looking at Ye Che’s eyes, he continued: “I didn’t care about it before, but you can Do your best!"

"As long as you don't drag me down."

Ye Chedao.

St. Yan suddenly snorted and shouted: "Follow me!"

As soon as the voice fell, the dark star nucleus embryo suddenly appeared out of his feet, and then turned into a dark stream of light, carrying him to the bottom of the starry sky and swooping up.

Ye Che appeared to be followed by the nucleus embryo of Raytheon, and the two continued to increase. Under the continuous energy supplement of the star nucleus embryo, the two were turned into two long rainbows. This degree is already a hundred times more than a thousand times.

Numerous elemental particles passed by and passed by, and the power of heroes fluctuated wildly.

If a summoner is just pure and fast, and the power of the hero is not enough, it will be instantly torn by the elemental tide!

The two men plunged straight down at this time. After half an hour, Ye Che looked up and could clearly see the top, and the planets in all directions, constantly shrinking, gradually shrinking into high altitude, countless stars One point in the middle.

It’s only half an hour, they have dropped a lot of distance, and their units need to be calculated in billions.

"Ye Che, we have now entered the end of the constellation, the end of the constellation is the general term for all the stars into the frequency of death, in this group of stars, filled with countless stars and beasts, the chance of meeting the starry beast here, is other The stars are more than a million times! So our opponents are not just St. Peter!"


Ye Che nodded.

In the Valloland galaxies, there are countless planets and endless stars, and at the bottom of the stars and planets, all the way down, after experiencing a distance that cannot be measured in the distance, you can meet the scattered 朦胧A star cluster of light.

These clusters are collectively referred to as the ending constellations. Since ancient times, hundreds of millions of ending constellations have begun to decline because of the frequency of death. Therefore, below the starry sky, they are also known as the funeral star field.

Of course, some of the dead stars are just nearing death, and all have not dropped too much distance, such as Ye Che and Shengyan are now going.

The passage of time, more than three hours later, Ye Che's eyes lit up, now a million meters away, there was a roar and roar.

There are people, there are also screams of unknown monsters.

"It seems that they have already gotten started with Starry Sky."

St. 嘿嘿 smiled.

"The goal is too big, this is obvious." Ye Che said.

"No matter, we go around the other side."

Shengyan said that the two began to sink from the left side. As they approached, there was a giant object that completely occupied all the sights of Ye Che. The whole object was grayish brown, and its volume was larger than the rune star. Countless times!

"After the end of the star cluster is in a frequency-dead period, it will cause gravity imbalance, attracting countless stars to gather, some will be destroyed, and some will be together! The final star in front of it is obviously condensed by countless stars."

Shengyan said with a hot face.

Ye Che is also shocked in his eyes. He is condensed into a class of stars by countless stars.

"Go, they are out, obviously, the mica star is in it! It's a miracle, a star of the dead star, actually will be born purple star!"

Shengyan exclaimed, and the body followed the past like electricity.

Ye Che is also following closely.

Suddenly, Shengyan took out a thing that made Ye Che’s familiarity, and it was a hands-free bracelet.

"With such a large size, gravity scares people, mom, don't wear this stuff for several years, but have to say that this thing is an artifact!"

St. Yan's side of the mind, while adjusting the value-free.

Ye Che is relieved, because his hands-free bracelet has never been taken down.

Soon, the two men continued to descend toward the bottom, and the appearance of this ending star gradually appeared in front of the eyes.

The gray-brown mountain peak of up to 10 million meters has a gushing degree of millions of meters.

Here, it is dark all year round and wet everywhere.

With the approach, Ye Che can hear the roar of the terrible starry beast from time to time. This is a world where the stars and beasts are rampant!

It is also a place where the Weaver Staff has the following power summoners, the place to die!

Suddenly, a mountain peak of more than 100,000 meters moved up. Ye Che looked at it and took a breath of air. The mountain of tens of thousands of meters was actually the leg of a starry beast!

"Be careful, there are some starry beasts here, powerful metamorphosis! But we have this level of existence, like ants, as long as it is not specifically to wake them up, there will be nothing."

Shengyan said, suddenly his face changed, and he reached out and yanked Ye Che, "Your Majesty!"

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