League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1427: Space freeze! (four more)

“Well? This is obviously the source of the aroma, why is there no purple nuclear debris!?”

"Well!? It's our people, all dead!!!"

"Who is who did it!"

The group had just stopped, and the puzzled expression immediately angered when they saw the murder of the black gold murderer. In August 1st, the text network W ≤ W ≠ W ≥. ≈81ZW. COM

They are the people of St. Peter!

Because of the death from time to time, St. Berth decided to gather all the black gold people to search, but did not expect to smell a hundred times more fragrant than before, and quickly rushed over.

However, I did not expect that not only the purple nuclear fragments were not seen here, but the corpses of the people were seen.

At this time, St. Peter was extremely angry. His dark face looked like an eagle, but in an instant, he condensed on Ye Che.

"It's you!?"

St. Burt’s face was cold.

This little boy in front of him has been following St. Research, and he naturally remembers it clearly.

Before, he didn't take Ye Che too seriously. He only thought it was the confidant of Shengyan, but now it seems that this is not so simple.

According to the tips of the men, this Ye Che appeared in a scene when he died under a genus named Albin. Then, in light of the current scene, the frequent death of his men is likely to be related to this kid!

"It's no wonder that St. Yan's kind of enthusiasm has followed me to come here. It seems that you are his card."

St. Burt said coldly.

"St. Burt, your mouth is best to put it clean!" Suddenly, a cold sound sounded, and a figure disappeared and appeared in the field.

This figure is Shengyan, but at this time he dominated his body and has been replaced by his sister, Sheng.

"I'm not correct? You are just the embryo that was born after the father's experience, and the birth of the indigenous star, and your niece will protect you from the price of the bipolar palace. Otherwise, you will develop a double." When you were born, you have already been dying!" St. Burt's words, a sentence hit the heart of the Holy Grail, making her face, instantly incomparably pale.

"St. Burt, one day, I will kill you!"

Sheng Sheng said with a bite.

"Oh, you won't have this opportunity!"

St. Burt said, suddenly turned around, and looked at the group of black gold people behind him with respect and respect, and said: "Hey brother! Next, I will give it to you."

As soon as the voice fell, a black gold man slowly came out from the inside, and then his head lifted, his gaze directly locked on Ye Che, faintly said: "Give you ten seconds, hand over all the purple Nuclear debris, then waste both hands and feet, otherwise..."



The breath of this elder brother burst out instantly, and its momentum is full of impossibility and the world.

During his speech, the huge pressure shrouded it, and the nearby trees actually slammed, and some of the slightly lower trees were actually stretched directly.

"Holy! How are you here?!!!"

At this moment, the sacred face screamed incredulously, and she looked at the holy shrine, and her heart was extremely shocked.

Almost no hesitation, her fast voice to Ye Che, "Ye Che, you are fast! Immediately! Run away! This holy shrine, he is the grandson of our bipolar palace speaker, just this year, he has officially Stepping into the incubation period, although the rules of talent have not yet been fully developed, it is not at all that you can compete! Of course, he never dares to kill me, but you..."

When she had not finished speaking, she was interrupted by Ye Che. "You said that his talent rules have not yet been fully developed?"

"Yes! According to time, it should be about one-third of the total, which is weaker than the whole one, and not stable enough."

"I understand."

Ye Che nodded, then looked at the holy shrine and said: "Do you really want to kill me?"

"I started, always scribbled the roots! Of course, if you can take the initiative to surrender, and then blew the star nuclear embryo, since you waste your hands and feet, I can wrap you around!"

The holy shrine is faint.

Ye Chemo silently, he turned his eyes slightly, and fell on St. Burt, and those black gold people, seriously asked: "You, too, want to kill me?"

"Hey, kid, don't struggle! It's clear that in order to prevent the news from leaking, except for the people of my bipolar palace, one does not stay!"

"It is your pleasure to be able to die under the command of an adult!"

"Purple nuclear debris, not what you can get, don't get it, so you don't have to die!"

The black gold people sneered.

St. Berth also sneered: "Dare to extend your claws to my St. Burt, you must have the consciousness of death!"

"I understand……"

Ye Che slowly sighed out, and then he seemed to say to himself: "You and my agreement are temporarily invalidated, except for the person around me, killing you!"

Only Ye Che himself understands that this is to say to the purple stone.


Some people are unclear at the place.

But in the next second, the sacred face suddenly changed his face. He seemed to have sensed something. He shouted: "Danger, get out!"

However, it is too late!

Compared with the degree of his speech, the degree of the sable stone is tens of thousands of times faster. He only listened to a burst of "bombing" and blasted. There were seven or eight black gold people in the room, and the whole explosion was inexplicable.


Everyone was awkward, and those black gold people were even scared. They all wanted to escape, but they didn't have any effect. After listening to the deafening explosion, three black gold people exploded directly.

The power of countless heroes escaped from their bodies, and they disappeared into the air.

"Damn, smash, kill this kid! It must be his ghost!"

St. Peter was also bungee jumping and couldn’t help but scream.

"you wanna die!"

The sacred nature also reacted. At that time, a dark black planet with a grinding disc floated out from behind his back. The volume of this planet is more than ten times larger than Ye.

This is because the holy 綮 did not fully form during the full incubation period, otherwise the volume of the natal planet, in this degree, can also increase by a hundred times!

But only to this extent, the sacred face of the side has been made like wax paper.

"Fast, escape!!!!"

Shengyan screamed.

"Escape? Late, I want to tear you all into pieces! Talent rules, space freeze!!!"

The sacred bang burst out loud.


The natal ball behind him trembled, and suddenly a strange wave swept through him.

In the next second, there was a very strange scene. When the fluctuations passed, there was a sound of "咔咔咔咔", which was the space that was squeezed, and the ripples that followed the falling leaves of the sky. The whistling wind, the black gold man who was escaping, the stunned Saint Bert, the horrified holy shrine, all settled in place.

Whether it is an expression or an action, it is completely like a stone sculpture, and it is fixed.

They simply can't have other movements, just like the meat on the chopping board. At this moment, they are completely sacred!

At the same moment, this strange volatility, devastating from Ye Che, swept away, suddenly, Ye Che whole person is also fixed in place.

However, just before being frozen by the space, Ye Che made a lot of time in the blue jade timeline in the hourglass. In his eyes, a cold mang flashed away. "Looking at your space is still very good, or my time is fixed. Stronger!"


At this time, the holy shrine was a cold drink, and the power of the hero under his feet exploded, and the whole person shot at Ye Che.

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