League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1428: Half-step incubation period, fallen!

(Four consecutive weeks, four more, mental exhaustion, take a break today, continue to four more tomorrow.? August 1st?? W (a) W? W?. (eight) 81ZW.COM)

But at about the same time, a more peculiar wave of volatility swept out of Ye Che's body. This volatility was like a vicissitudes of life, and it was far away from the distant. As soon as it appeared, he heard a "slap". The space within ten meters of him is actually like a mirror, broken and opened.

"this is!!!"

Ye Chegang just regained his freedom, and his heart was a big earthquake.

Looking at the broken pieces of space around him, he suddenly understood, it turned out that there is more than one layer of space!

Just like the flesh of the palm of your hand, you cut off one layer and don't bleed. There is another layer below, and even the third layer of flesh.

"I understand that the space of the earth is very easy to break. That is because the number of layers in the space is too small. If the earth's spatial layer is only ten layers, then there may be thousands of layers, just like there are countless steel plates. Together, the endurance rises geometrically! If I have not guessed wrong, this holy control should be the surface space!"

Ye Che’s thoughts flashed.

At this moment, watching the space around Ye Che suddenly broke open, the face of the holy shrine, amazed: "This ... how is it possible?"

This kid in front of me, but just just condensed the star embryo, how can break the space of his own space! ?

"This kid, there is a problem!"

The sacred look sank and once again decisively shot, and in an instant, the space around Ye Che solidified again.

However, in a blink of an eye, it was shattered again.

"Change me!"

Ye Che sighed low, and under the eyes of Sheng Luran, two purple fragments were held by Ye Che in the palm of his hand.

"Purple nuclear debris!"

There is a greed in the eyes of the Holy Ghost. However, what does this kid do now with purple nuclear debris? However, even if the star nuclear energy in the purple nuclear debris is nearly ten times purer than the average planet, its degree of conversion can not reach the point of instantaneous turn, so it is funny to take it out?

His heart disdain, Ye Che's eyes are a condensation, squatting, a sly hero's power poured into the two purple nuclear fragments, suddenly, such as Tianlei hook fire, these two purple Nuclear debris instantly has infinite star nuclear energy coming out.

Is it really a supplement to the power of heroes? Is this kid's brain a problem?

The Holy Ghost is inexplicable, and the three-year-old knows that the power to convert the nuclear energy into a hero is not something that can be done in a short time. However, the failure to freeze the space for two consecutive times has already made him extremely angry. Therefore, this moment has been too lazy to use the space for the third time, and directly turned into a phantom, killing the past against Ye Che.


The sacred owl is still not near, and Ye Che feels that the blood has begun to violently boil, and only feels a suffocating feeling, pressing on himself.

However, Ye Che did not panic. After he took a heavy breath, he slammed, and the source of the gods had turned into a giant energy converter, the star nuclear energy in the two purple nuclear fragments, just When he rushed into his body, he turned into a heroic power.

In the sacredness of the source of the gods, the distant purple stone trembled fiercely, and the space around it suddenly appeared numerous marks, and it actually shattered. Then, it turned and fixed. Ye Che’s direction is like looking at something carefully.


At the same time, the power of the hero in Ye Che has just been added, and he has instilled all the words into the hourglass. For a time, the blue jade timeline began to shine, the gear of time, like Being caught by a pair of invisible big hands, you will be caught in a state of unpredictability at any time.

Starting the hourglass and dialing the blue jade timeline requires a lot of heroic power. Before Ye Qi only controlled his time, it took 10 minutes to run, and it cost all the heroes. Now if you want to Enemies, especially those who are completely self-powerful like Sheng Sheng, have more heroic powers to demand!

"Little devil, go to hell!"

The holy sacred drink, his palm, with a volcanic blood, directly cut off Ye's head.

At this moment, there are seven blue jade timelines on the hourglass in Ye Che's body.

Just in the palm of the holy shrine, when you want to touch Ye Che’s head, these seven blue jade timelines that connect with each other are like bombs, bursting wildly.


Near the 10,000 meters, it seems that there is an invisible heart that beats a bit, and then instantly dies, and the space that has been fixed by the sacred sacred, like an invisible impact of something, "snap", such as The rain bursts, but in the cracked cockroaches, it freezes again.

However, this time it was fixed by the space, replaced by a more mysterious time freeze!

The space freezes, the space is fixed around the enemy, and the time freezes, but it freezes everything, including thinking, including countless existences and non-existence!


The eyes of the holy eyes are round and round.

However, he just showed such an expression, and he was fixed in the air.


At this moment, Ye Che had already prepared the Thor hammer to scream out, and a million Raytheon elements flew out from the Thunder hammer, and then squatted on the head of the holy shrine.

Although the holy shrine is the strongest in the incubation period, however, after all, it is also the mortal fetus, and the head is hit by this blow, and it is directly broken.

Ye Che's face was white. With this shot down, he almost fell from the air. The power of the hero in the body was even more empty.

If it is not the continuous supply of purple nuclear debris, the time has just settled, and it can hardly break through the space of the holy shrine. Fortunately, the holy shrine does not fully understand the space, otherwise the space level will be more than dozens of layers. I just estimated that I can only escape.

When I thought about it, Ye Che converges on the time of the blue jade line. Suddenly, the unclear sacred sacred sacred, the heavy self-space has fallen, and the natal star behind him is even like a leaky balloon. The innumerable nature of the elements of life, from the inside, like the spark of the night.


It was at this time that St. Bert screamed in horror.

Everyone followed his gaze, and they immediately saw the ghost, and they also screamed.

"Holy Master!!!"

"God, what was born!!!"

"Dead, the sacred man is dead!!"

The black gold people present were horrified, and the blue veins on their faces burst out.

The holy shrine is not much better, and the whole body is in the same place.

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