League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1435: Tudpan, 666

(When I get here, I am entering the final real main line. The heroes of the heroes of the heroes will be completely squandered and resentful. The next story will be meticulously conceived and strive to be perfect, such as the perfect opening. ?八一?中文?W≈W≥W≠.≤8≈1≤Z≤W≥.=C≈O≈M≠)

With the voice of the messenger of the gods, the scene was quiet, and the eyes of all of them went to the body of the messenger.

At this time, Ye Che, and Tu Dapan, who followed him, had already stopped by the black and white tower master and others.

"Ha ha ha, Ye Xiaozi, three years are gone, more handsome!"

As soon as he saw Ye Che, he laughed and patted him on the shoulder.

Ye Che also showed a smile, his eyes were self-ablative, the girl, the black and white tower master, and the other towering elders next to them, swept through them, and then fixed on the black and white tower master, laughing: "Lucky Not insulting!"

The black and white tower main eyes brightened, said: "In the first five hundred!!"


Ye Che smiled and nodded. Looking at these acquaintances, he was also extremely relaxed.

"Good boy!" The black and white tower flashed the light in the main eye, and the back was suddenly straighter.

"It's really amazing, this is the top 500 in the identity of the indigenous star!"

"Ye Che, I have long since cherished your name. In the Summoner's House, the canyon battle never lost. At that time, I felt that you are the dragon of the people. Now, I see it, it is extraordinary!"

In the second half of the black and white tower, the chubby tower owner said with amazement.


The stunned exaggerated horror color said: "Two years ago, who said that Ye Che’s bottom was fixed?"

"Oh, what I said is that he will fly to the sky soon. This is a thick accumulation and can't understand!?"

That fat tower is saying the word.

Listening to the two people arguing, the black and white tower master, as well as the lord and other people, all smiled and looked at it. Now Ye Che has entered the top five hundred, representing the great power of joining the rune star is a foregone conclusion, they will follow the big Light, the mood is naturally pleasant.

Many of the original residents summoners on the side are looking at Ye Che with a bright gaze. This is the character who entered the top 100, or the identity of an indigenous star. It is really rare. It is definitely a good seedling!

At this time, a man with a goatee came out from behind. He had a slap on his face and asked Tadapan next to Ye Che: "Why don't you talk?"

"Tower Lord..."

Tadapan’s face showed a shy color.

The goat Huta’s heart suddenly screamed, but he still had a glimmer of hope: “Is it not the bottom?”

"It's not the bottom, it's going to the top 150,000."

Tudapan said quite a bit of Vino, and at the same time, he looked at everyone and seemed to be ashamed.

"This kid is also planning to grab the limelight." Ye Che’s heart smiled, but for Tudapan’s acting, he still wanted to say 666.

However, it doesn't matter if you grab the limelight. Before that, Tudapan had already planned to follow Ye Che and join the Bipolar Palace.

"The first 150,000!?"

The goat Huta listened to the surprise. He knew that he thought that Tu Dapan could only enter the top 180,000. It is not bad. After all, 99% of the testers are original residents.

Of course, comparing the Ye Xue enchanting, it is far worse.

Thinking, he glanced at Ye Che again, and then looked at the black and white tower master with envy, and then he said to Tupanpan with a sigh of relief: "It's very good. In time, on the rune star, there will be a place for you." You can rest assured that this reward, I have already prepared for you!"

Tudapan said vaguely: "In fact, my achievements are far more than these..."

"Oh? Did you touch the top 100,000? Don't you open your mouth!"

Goat Huta master, Tupanpan used the "far more than" qualifier, which made him somewhat suspicious, rankings are already before 150,000, almost the limit of the Summoner's House Summoner, how could it still Will it be much higher?

"If your ranking reaches the limit of the first 100,000, I can be the master and give you the identity of the elder!!" Goat Huta promised that he thought that Tudapan would have heard his promise very much. Excited, I didn’t expect Tudapan, or I was eccentric, and I was inexplicable.

"How, I doubt that I will not redeem my promise!"

The main voice of the goat Huta is cold, obviously unpleasant!

"No... It doesn't mean this. It's really a bit special, and my ranking is probably not as simple as touching 100,000.

Tudappan said, peek at Ye Che, Ye Che lazy to pay attention to the play, eyes condensed on the messenger of the door, at this time the **** messenger, is opening the threshold of God with some mysterious power.

"What are you talking about?"

Goat Huta’s main brow wrinkled, and he sees Dapan’s stuttering look. Now he is a bit skeptical about whether the so-called top 150,000 ranking is true.

Just when the Goat Huta Lord was extremely suspicious of Tudapan, the mark of the gods on his body suddenly turned on.

This ranking has already begun to be unsealed!

The goat Huta master quickly moved his fingers, and the phantom of the gods emerged. Then he saw the number of planets in Tudpan, and the growth of the ranking began to show up. It was only a blink of an eye, and its ranking reached 150,000. before.

Seeing this, the goat Huta master breathed a sigh of relief.

"Not bad!"

His unpleasant face has also eased a lot.

To put it bluntly, the results are the most important, and the results are good. Even if Tu Dapan had any disrespect to the goat Huta, he could reveal it.

And in a few blink of an eye, Tu Dapan's ranking is already close to 100,000. In the mark of the Shenmen, the pieces of the planet are densely packed together, all belonging to Tudpan.

The number of stars will exceed 200,000.

The face of the goat Huta suddenly appeared happy, and said with satisfaction: "Very good, as long as your final score is close to 100,000, I will definitely honor my promise and give you the position of elder."

However, his words have not been finished yet, and Tupanpan’s ranking has already passed through 100,000.


Suddenly, the black and white tower master and the eyes of the lord and others turned and turned.

Ye Che can get this kind of ranking. They are not unusual, because when the ranking was not unsealed, they have already seen Ye Chechong to a very high ranking, but Tudapan, he has been ranked after 200,000. Now it has rushed into the top 100,000, which makes them unexpected.

"Dapan, you are so good, you have hidden this hand! Could you secretly prepare a secret weapon?"

The goat Huta master touched the beard and his face smiled even more. He called the words after Tu Dapan, which was a very affectionate title.

It was so kindly called by the Goat Huta, Tudapan coughed and did not answer, because he knew that as the degree of unblocking became larger, his ranking would become more and more horrible.

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