For the sake of the heart of his own tower master, he looked like the Ye Che messenger. Eight? One Chinese W (one) WW. 81ZW. COM

"The first 100,000! Tudapan is a blockbuster!"

After the goat, there are some elders, and their faces are also very satisfying.

"I estimate that his final ranking will be close to 90,000 or so. Hey, this is among the testers of the Summoner's House, but there is nothing... the amount, of course, Ye Che, the enchanting."

Aside, some of the tower masters of the Summoner’s House are talking, but they slowly shut up, because Tudpan’s ranking has already broken through 90,000.

Watching the rankings still rise, they have a doubtful color on their faces.

"How is it still going up? It’s already 90,000!"

"Unbelievable, Tudapan is going to be against the sky, and then catch up with some indigenous geniuses!"

"Indigenous Stars, the more genius of the original residents, it is rare!"

"It seems that even if Tu Dapan is not as good as Ye Ye, it will not be much worse."

Seeing this scene, many people around the world talked about it, gazing at Tu Dapan, a very interested look.

And just in this stall, Tudapan's ranking has come to an extremely exaggerated height.

"80,000...70,000...60,000... No, it’s 50,000!"

Many of the summoners in the Summoner's House have been stunned. The ranking of the top 50,000, which represents the number of planets that Tudpan has won, has reached more than one million!

"The situation is not right..."

The goat Huta main eyebrows frowned. For the strength of Tudapan, he knows best. Even if Tadapan hides his strength, can't he be so exaggerated?

"It's a bit wrong, but it is estimated that Tudapan is deliberately hiding his strength. He wants to make a blockbuster, just like Ye Che."

After the body of the goat Huta, the elders smiled and said.

However, he soon couldn’t laugh, because Tedapan’s ranking had already reached 30,000.

The first 30,000! This is an incredible height!

Before I had a Ye Che, they could still think that it was a rare encounter in a million years. Now, at the same time, there is a Tu Dapan, but it is somewhat ridiculous.

At this time, Tu Dapan’s ranking, with a slamming sound, has already rushed to the top 10,000.

"The top ten thousand, heaven!"

Many indigenous stars, called up.

When Tudapan rushed to the top 10,000, the number of his planet's growth has reached a metamorphosis level, which is exactly one million and one million. This made the Goat Huta master, as well as many tower masters and service elders, including the black and white tower masters, all dumbfounded.

"The situation is wrong!"

The presence, as well as the original residents summoners within a hundred meters of the surrounding, stood up, their eyes curled round, staring at Tudapan's name.

"The first five thousand, is this going against the sky!?"

The higher the ranking, the more horrible the increase in the number of stars. According to their past experience, this degree, the number of planets in Tudpan, I am afraid to break five million!

However, in a blink of an eye, they realized that they were wrong and that they were wrong.


Tudapan’s name trembled a bit, then suddenly disappeared, and then rushed to the second place with a number of 10 million!

At the same moment, Ye Che’s 18 million planets also appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Quiet, as long as you see this scene in the vicinity, it is all silent.

The face of the goat Huta is green, and the reason tells him that this is absolutely impossible!

He can accept Ye Che's performance because he was famous before, and there have been no records of the canyon battle, but there is nothing in Tu Dapan, and some are barely qualified to carry out the test of the Shenmen.

"No.... Second place, day!!!"

Countless indigenous summoners, chins have to fall to the ground.

The head of the goat Huta’s mouth, at this time twitching, he glared at Tudapan with his eyes, but could not speak.

In this way, after the strange situation lasted for seven or eight seconds, Tudapan laughed out loudly and said: "Let me see what I am doing, I am following Yee!"

"With... with the leaves??"

"God, is it..."

At that time, the eyes of all the people in the vicinity were falling on Ye Che.

Ranked first in the rankings, but also brought Tudpan to the second, its strength and enchanting degree is almost impossible to imagine!

"Leaf... Ye Che..."

The black and white tower chanted and looked at the name that occupied the number one position of more than 18 million planets, and Ye Che in front of it, but could not say a word.

I thought about six years ago, the boy in front of me was just a child. Even the darkness system was just getting started. Now, not only is it strong to get the first, but it is also easy to send Tudapan to the second, this strength, only I am afraid that in this test of the gods, it is completely crushed.

"I drip, what did your kid eat, so force..." The rumor also sucked up the air.

The rest of the lords, as well as the murderers, and the summoners of the Summoner's House, not to mention a dead silence.

"Brother... my brother is amazing."

In the home of the Summoner No. 3, the 14-year-old Ye Biaoba’s eyes are full of worship.

Aside, Ye Yongfan and Zhao Yingxi are also shocked.

At this time, the **** gate messenger said: "At this time, the test of the gods is over, the top ten please come forward!"

"It seems that I have to leave..."

Ye Che sighed slightly, then slowly closed his eyes. The thunder element spread out from the house of No. 3 with almost light. After two seconds, Ye Che’s face flashed a smile, “Found it!”

"call out!"

Ye Che disappeared instantly in place.

The degree, even the black and white tower master and the lord, can not be captured.

"This degree..."

They were all stunned and their faces were covered with sorrow.

At the same time, in the home of the Summoner No. 3, Ye Hao and Ye Yongfan and Zhao Yingqi exclaimed, only feeling a great suction came, but they have already been down to earth.

They looked around and were now in a strange forest in the depths. These forest trees are all thousands of meters tall and spectacular.

Just when they were amazed, Ye Che’s voice came from the sky. “Parents, and little sister, this is my private planet, mica star. You are living here for the time being, after I arrive at the parent star, Let's get together again."

"Private planet?"

Ye Hao and Ye father Ye mother stayed together. They could not even leave the Summoner's house. Now, the son has already owned a private planet, which really shocked them.

At the same time, Ye Che has already disappeared and appeared in front of the Shinto messenger.

He was the last one to arrive, and the other nine people have already been lined up here.

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