League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1437: Going to the parent star

"Congratulations to ten of you, you are qualified to go to God!"

The sacred messenger said faintly, the voice was spread around this million miles with some strange fluctuations. August 1st???? Chinese W(1)W?W?. 81ZW. COM

When I heard the words of the messenger, the nine people were excited, but only Ye Che knew that the so-called **** land is the mother star.

Underneath the shadow of the gods, the testers looked at the eleven people, especially the Tu Dapan, who was obsessed with it. After all, the rest of the nine people said that they all rely on hard The qualifications that I got, only this Tupanpan, rely entirely on luck and smashed the big tree of Ye Che.

"However, the ugly words are in front! In addition to the first of you, the other nine, after arriving at the Divine Land, will pass the entry test of the Divine Civilization. If the test fails, it will only be a servant. Survive, can't leave!"

The oracle commander said, his eyes swept over ten people. "Now, if you decide, please come with me!"

After that, the Shenmen messenger slowly turned and stepped into the shadow of the **** behind him.

"The identity of the chores, can't leave?"

Tudapan was shocked and his face was bitter. He said to Ye Che: "This... I still don't go. With my strength, I really only have to do the chores..."

"Nothing, I will find a chance to get you into the inner palace."

Ye Che calmed down. Before that, he had already told DuPont about the situation of the Bipolar Palace.

Originally, he did not intend to take Tu Dapan to go, but suddenly thought that the initial manpower did not seem to be enough, he sent him to the second place, and then went together.

At this time, with the Shenmen messenger stepping into the shadow of the gods, in addition to Ye Che and Tu Dapan, Xuan, and the other seven people, did not hesitate to follow in.

Ye Che was slightly indulged, and the elemental fluctuations carried his voice. He rang in the ears of the black and white tower master, the lord, and the rumored girl. "So many years, thank you for your care, this is four Purple nuclear debris, you accept it."

After that, the four purple lights flashed and fell into the hands of four people.

"this is……"

The four people were shocked. They only felt the purple fragments in their hands. It seemed that there was an infinite force surging. For a time, they were shocked and surprised.

However, now that Ye Che is gone, they don't think much, and they have each passed back to the past.

"Ha ha ha, polite, you can go to the gods, we are too happy to come, after all, you are out of our 3rd Summoner's house!"

"Go, the rune star is too small to really hold you."

"If it's possible, come back and see, after all, you are out of the rune star."

The black and white tower mains and other people are gratified and sigh.

Ye Che nodded, then took a sigh of relief, carrying a somewhat nervous Tadapan, stepped into the shadow of the gods.

As soon as I stepped in, there were countless fantastic lights condensing inside, like thousands of fireflies flying together, the space appeared silky, but underneath, it was dark.

Among them, the Shenmen messenger and the other eight people have stood together. With Ye Che and Tu Dapan coming in, the eyes of the nine people are all condensed.

Xuan's eyes are extremely complicated, while others look at Ye Che with respect and smile.

"Next, we will pass through the music circle and arrive at the parent star!"

The gatekeeper of Shenmen said quietly.

"The music world, the mother star?"

Including Tu Dapan, the faces of nine people have appeared in ecstasy.

Only Ye Qi’s heart is like a mirror. When he arrived here from the earth, he passed through the music circle. This should be an extremely powerful transmission tool. After all, it is a light year.

At this time, after the Shenmen messenger finished, his arms suddenly stretched out, and the power of a hero who was moving around the earth swept out of him. The power of this hero is terrible, and everyone who has pressure has a kind of The feeling of suffocation.

Then, everyone only felt a whirlwind, and countless streamers flew like a rainbow, and then a huge and colorful channel that included everyone.

It seems that it is just a blink of an eye. When Ye Che returns to the world, a vast expanse of the magnificent, suspended in the universe, appears in a place far away from him.

This far-reaching degree is estimated to be calculated in light years. After all, he looks at the lake, and it is like watching the galaxies from the perspective of God.

But this is a big 6, its size is enough to compare the level of the galaxy 6!

"That is the land of God, the mother star, which is 1.7 light years in size. It is about o.1 light years away from us!"

The Shenmen messenger faintly finished, his arm was a roll, and everyone including Ye Che, only felt that his body was unstable, and he was swept away with the mother star with a degree of terror.

"The mother star, a total of 628 civilizations, all inherit the rulers of the Valoran galaxy, heroes! Of course, many of these civilizations are not Orthodox!" The door of the gods carries the people Keep flying high, and say to everyone by the fluctuation of the elements.

"Orthodox? What is it orthodox?" Xuan asked.

"It's very simple, it is recognized by the hero! For example, Moganna Mountain, Rune Land, Kyle's Gate, etc. are recognized by the hero. If you believe in a hero, you can get the power given by the hero, and how much is given, and Your talent, and credit."

"As for the sidelines, it is separated from the orthodox civilization. It is very interesting to want to stand on its own, so it is clear that their overall strength is inferior to the orthodox heroic civilization."

When I heard this, Ye Che was a wrinkle and asked: "What do you mean by heroes??"

"Every orthodox civilization will organize all the children and regularly deliver the heroic power or elemental essence to the heroic image. The advantage is that the civilization will be protected by the heroes it worships, and it can also be given a good summon. The teacher's exciting resources."

When the Shenmen messenger said that the floating mother star was 6, in front of everyone, it was already the size of the lake and turned into a sea-like size. Obviously, the degree of the messenger was extremely terrifying.

"Obviously, the bipolar palace is the orthodox hero inheritance, but Shengyan said that the bipolar palace is only a one-dimensional low civilization, this low-level understanding, but why add one-dimensional two-word? One-dimensional, understandable Dimensions, but we obviously live in a three-dimensional space. Why is it on the parent star, but it is degraded into one dimension?"

Ye Che’s heart was full of doubts, so he asked it out.

The Shenmen messenger sank a bit, then lowered it down, then pointed to Ye Che and others, pointing to a distant planet, saying: "Looking good..."


There is confusion in the minds of everyone.

But the next second, looking at the scene in the distance, including Ye Che, everyone was amazed, only felt creepy, all stunned!

(When I get here, I am entering the final main line. The heroes of the heroes of the heroes will be swearing and swearing, and they will really start. The next story, I will carefully conceive and try not to ruin.)

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