League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1454: Game of the road

"Yu Ge, we want to kill them and kill them!"

Sheng Honglin cried with his teeth. ??八一中?文?W=W≤W≈. 81ZW. COM

Maybe I want Ye Chu to feel the most intuitive, so Shengyu waited until Ye Che was selected, and then chose the next way, took an adnetbsp; however, he saw Ye Xue's selection of ice, especially In the wild area, after seeing the ancient coins in the leaf clear ice inventory, it is also somewhat speechless.

The auxiliary selection of the ice is simply to send them a killing meal!

No displacement, no meat, no protection, no damage, no damage before the equipment is formed... He arbitrarily cites the flaws that the ice can't play!

And wait until you look at Ye Che's other people's selections, on the road Qinggang Ying, Zhongdan Frost Witch, playing wild millennium, adc bounty, this is completely four crispy skin, plus crispy ice, It’s not too easy to kill.

In the first-level wild area encounter, Shengyu opened a posture to invade the wild area, but in the end it was only an eye in the blue buff position on Ye Che.

Ye Che was there to guard the blue buff, and met the opposite of Hong Honglin. St. Hong Lin took the help of Moganna. Obviously, he was specially used to restrain the ice!

However, when she saw Sheng Honglin in the second sight, Ye Che’s eyes had disappeared.

As a detail control, when Ye Che meets his opponent at the first level, it is not meaningless to consume and throw skill harassment. After all, unless you can take the head, this kind of harassment does not make much sense, but can Take this opportunity to immediately check the other's equipment.

In terms of details, Ye Che paid a lot of attention. When he saw that the eye position on the opposite side of Sheng Honglin was gone, he immediately judged that he had placed an eye position in his family's blue buff. Now he gave his teammates a blue buff area. A mark was placed on it, and the time at which the eye position disappeared was memorized.

This time, Ye Che was born in the purple side, if the normal start, it should be the next two-way combination to help their own wild to get the blue buff.

Since there is an eye here, it means that the other party has a certain probability to grab the blue, or they want to know the branching situation of Ye Che.

After all, a weak ice assist, especially in the case of Moganna, is possible to change the line, so I want to observe the movement of Ye Che.

Ye Che is just not letting them do.

To be honest, in the face of the same strength opponents, it is really difficult for the ice to take advantage of the auxiliary. However, it is not afraid of the ingenuity. It is a special fear to study. It is a pity that the ice assist is specially studied by Ye Che.

Below the Weave Staff, there is no rune in the canyon battle, and the talented **** tree does not have much effect.

But now Ye Che has already reached the realm of the Weaving Staff, and has already broken through the limitations of the talented **** tree and runes. The talented **** tree is directly filled, and the runes are also equipped with the ice-assisted exclusive.

In short, it is minus netbsp; rune 1o% minus cd, plus 5% of talent, plus 5% of ancient coins, Ye Che's reduction cd has reached 2o% at 1 level!

The aid of the ice is the mobility and the amount of blue. If the cd is piled up, the 10,000 arrows will be released more quickly, and when the blue is returned, the amount of blue is enough, which is enough to disgust the other party.

Of course, if you configure this, the attack power will definitely be almost the same. It is only in its early fifties, but how is it in its early fifties? Anyway, it is not playing adc, as long as it is sufficiently sticky.

Because there is a blue buff with eyes, the millennium is extremely careful, and the blue buff is pulled deep into the grass to kill.

After that, Ye Che and the bounty went on the line.

When I got to the line, there was no leaking of a small soldier on both sides, and the experience was exactly the same.

The adc bound by Shengyu is the revenge spear. Obviously, I want to help Mogana to complete the multi-person control by big tricks. This is naturally a lot of flaws in Ye Che, but it is terrible in the parent star. Team battle combination.

"The next soldier, they go to 2, we are one."

Shengyu said to Sheng Honglin.

Because there are thousands of arrows in the ice, the Qing soldiers are faster than them.

Sheng Honglin nodded. He and Shengyu have cooperated many times. He knows what it means to be a little earlier than his own.

Originally, he didn't care much, but when he remembered that Shengyu said that he won the beautiful point, he did not despise it.

Thinking of a tried and tested means, they did not retreat, they waited for the opposite level.

Sure enough, at the 2nd level, Ye Che and the bounty suddenly pressed forward.

Shengyu glanced at the blood of the soldier not far away. When Ye Che and the bounty came in, he pushed it with his hand, and a fierce attack, with a whistling scream on the soldier.


Jinguang emerges, level 2! The breath of the two is greatly enhanced!

Fight back! ! !

After the upgrade, the two did not retreat, directly facing the ice and bounty rushed over.

The seduce of Shengyu and Shenghonglin is wonderful. First, they deliberately show the weakness to Yee and the rewards of the first level, and give them a line of soldiers. Once they pass the line, they choose to fight back!

The same is level 2, who is afraid of who?

What's more, there is a Moganna control here!

St. Honglin has found an angle that can be used to ban the leaves, waiting for Ye Che to make a slight mistake.

"Look back, they are level 2." Ye Che said to the bounty.

This kind of calculation experience, he can also say it with his eyes closed, that is to say, when Shengyu and Sheng Honglin went to level 2, he was equally clear.

Well, deliberately showing weakness, waiting for us to start first and then suddenly fight back, the heart is really not deep!

At this time, because Ye Che and the bounty were withdrawn in time, both sides just flattened each other and did not pay any skills.

This seems to the outsiders as a very ordinary one-in-one retreat, nothing is born, but in fact the two sides have completed the round-up game that you come to me.

"Yu Ge, I will deter them, you will be able to make up your knife!" Sheng Honglin said to Shengyu.

Sheng Honglin knows that Shengyu wants to play an absolute suppression effect, but if he brings this emotion into the point of forcing the bounty, the opposite ice will definitely point him to consume him. This kind of exchange is not worth it.

I have to say that Shengyu did play a very good offensive surname. He knew that he was standing next to him with a second aid to the shield. In the face of the double reduction of ice and bounty, he did not need any concern.

However, after hearing the words of Sheng Honglin, Shengyu also knew that he was in a hurry. After all, both the ice and the bounty were reduced. It is unrealistic to kill.

So, he began to reassured the knife, and Sheng Honglin, pressed the past.


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