League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1455: Daily deception shield series


A circle of cold cold arrows flew out from Ye Che's hands. When Saint Honglin just walked a few steps, he was forced to retreat, and the soldiers also hanged a lot of injuries. August 1 Chinese W≥W=W. 81ZW. COM

You must know that Mogana's shield is only able to block magical damage, but the ice of the arrow is Qi, but physical damage!

Sheng Yu frowned, after seven or eight seconds, he attacked with Saint Honglin.

However, the ice directly shot him over 10,000 arrows, and then he twisted his waist and escaped Mogana’s imprisonment. Then he reversed Mogana twice and the bounty was rewarded. An "one arrow and two sculptures" came over, which led to not only the holy ice did not touch the ice, but also the blood volume of Sheng Honglin.

"A bit disgusting."

Sheng Honglin’s face changed slightly.

He now has a thousand arrows with ice, and Shengyu seems to be unable to get close.

Everything that follows, he argued his conjecture, no matter how the two attacked, they could not enter the ice and bounty.

This bounty is passive, moving very fast, Sheng Honglin simply did not know how to imprison, and this ice is very popular, and often only a key pendulum position, it avoids the past.

Shengyu wants to support, but is hanged with a thousand arrows.

If the shield is given to Shengyu, he is only afraid of being double-decreased by the ice and the bounty, and forcing the hard-won to force weakness, and even may be killed. After all, before the sixth level, there is no flash to show!

In this way, very quickly, the two roads came to the fifth level.

Shengyu and Shenghonglin are now, although the damage of the ice is not high, but the frequency is very high, and the consumption of blue does not seem serious.

"This kid, who specializes in ice assist, has a special talent and runes!"

Sheng Honglin said with a cold face, he looked at the 2o% cd reduction on the Ye Che status bar, only to feel glare.

Level 5 ice, Wan Jian Qi only 10 seconds, 2o% cd reduction, only 8 seconds, this is absolutely disgusting, plus the return of the Blue Rune, they simply can not attack.

"It doesn't matter, wait for the group, this ice will be abolished, just a big move, and at a close distance, it can't be controlled for a long time, they have no flesh, this game will win! Since he wants to disgust us, let him Disgusting, I guess this Ye Che is also because I don't want to lose too ugly, so I got such a disgusting aid to prevent the road from bursting. Then, look at the knife!"

Sheng Yu smiled.

At the same time as St. Honglin nodded, his eyes condensed, and then he smiled and said: "The bounty is only thirty-seven, and you have been smashed by Yuge!"

"So don't look at what we didn't take advantage of when we attacked. At the very least, we deterred the bounty of the bounty, but that Ye Che is not a genius, and the mind is more stable than the indigenous bounty." Sheng Yu laughed.

"Hey, I will be shackled again after this calm, and we will kill us with a level of thunder!"

"it is good!"

After the words, the two quickly began to clean up the small soldiers.

At this time, Ye Che said: "Bounty, you back, do not take experience! Come to the wild."

The bounty was a glimpse, but it was still obedient to retreat from the boss for a distance, and this wave of soldiers was suddenly eaten by Ye Che.


In an instant, this wave of soldiers just died, Ye Che has come to level 6.

Seeing Ye Che 6 and summoning the canyon outside, the summoner’s eyes are smashed, and Tudpan and the Holy Grail are also the color of expectation.

"The bounty comes over, fight the wild, go up!"

At this time, Ye Chezheng said quickly.

The move of the bounty was very fast, and it quickly came over. Shengyu and Shenghonglin had already seen Ye Che at the 6th level, and the bottom of his heart was slightly awkward, but seeing only one ice, the heart was loose.

But when I saw the bounty, my heart lifted up.


Shengyu took the initiative.

However, not waiting for them to retreat, Ye Che's body moved, the corner of the clothes set off a storm of ice, and he had already rushed over to the two.


The eyes of Shengyu flashed a calm light, and the help of his own side was Mogana. Now even if the other side has a wilderness, as long as the ice is too big, there will be no danger or loss.

"Da da da!"

The two of them paced very fast and instantly retreated a hundred meters away.

However, Ye Che's degree is not slow, and he has been maintained within four or fifty meters with the two, and the degree of bounty is faster in the passive, only less than seven or eight meters away from Ye Che.

At this time, Shengyu’s pupils were shrinking, and now the millennium has arrived. If they are living in the ice, now they have no level 6, and at least one person has to explain it here.

So I know that Moganna has a magical immune shield, but Shengyu’s heart is still beating a lot.

"This Ye Che is really enough. I won't say it if I choose a cold ice. I actually let the bounty withdraw from the experience range, causing him to go to level 6 before us, and take the initiative at once!"

St. Honglin was not stupid, and immediately understood.

"Don't think too much, pay attention to the shield!" Sheng Yu said with a calm voice.

I don't know why, I always told him that the sixth sense of danger, this time I want to escape, it seems not so simple.

Because, Ye Che’s killing is too strong! He can smell it from the distance of forty or fifty meters!

Ye Che pursued Shengyu and Sheng Honglin, which was pursued by the side.

In this way, it is to prevent St. Honglin from being in a straight line in front of Shengyu, but even if it is side chasing, it can't be delayed for too long. Once St. Yu is blocked by Sheng Honglin, there is no way to make it big.

Ten meters... seven meters... five meters...

Seeing, the two of them soon joined together, and Ye Che finally decided not to wait any longer, and his body was slightly stunned. Then, with a dazzling white light, from the virtual bow and arrow beside him, like a blast, he shot at the past. !

"Quick Shield!"

Sheng Yu Li screamed.

In the canyon battle, although the distance has been expanded, but the response, the skill of the flight, has also accelerated countless times.

Although he is separated from Ye Che by a distance of 50 meters, but converted to the League of Legends interface, it is also a flashing distance, how long does it take for the ice to fly in a flashing distance?

Estimated to be o.2-o.3 seconds!


Sheng Honglin did not hesitate. As early as Ye Che’s body, the shield was ready, and when Ye Che’s hand lit up white light, a purple-black shield was already shrouded in Shengyu’s body.

Then, the ice ...... "Eagle hit the sky", blocked it!

"What, not big!!!"

Shengyu stayed, watching the white light pass by himself, and the whole heart was screwed up.

Not to mention St. Honglin, this moment is completely dumbfounded, he actually, by the ice a vision of open vision, deceived the shield! ?

At the time when he was shocked and inexplicable, "bang", the real big trick of the ice "magic crystal sword", such as the indestructible soldiers, the shuttle space hit him heavily.

The ice crystals burst, and the whole person was stunned in the same place.

Seeing this scene, the summoned people outside the canyon, snorted, can also lie to shield! ?

Of course, they are very surprised, but in Ye Che's view, it is only the most common skill.

"Uge brother quickly withdraws, don't care for me!"

Sheng Honglin said with a blue face that he had a feeling of being crushed at the moment.

Needless to say, Shengyu saw the millennium rushing with a cold air, and rushed down the tower.

Because, the ice is still pinching the weak and weak!


Thousands of people looked at Sheng Honglin, who was stunned by Ye Che in the original place.

Carrying the wolf spirit and the sheep spirit, they rushed over.

Sheng Honglin sighed, and the "dark imprisonment" that had been imprisoned for thousands of miles could only be broken out of the jar.

"The head is left to me."

Ye Che shouted.

A thousand miles, but think of the level of the Millennium, a hand, leaving the head to Ye Che.

After the 3oo gold coins arrived, Ye Che’s eyes fell on the defensive tower in the distance, and the cold face of Shengyu.

(Going out with my parents once, I haven’t seen the sun this year. I don’t have to negate the extra plus. After all, this is not a chapter that is not owed, but a thank you, but because the situation has changed, it will stay in March. Adding more in the first half, to be honest, the time to go out with my parents is to plan for two more, because updating outside is extremely inconvenient, but I can still overcome this kind of thing that can be overcome. In the field, it is also three times a day! )

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