League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1457: Redemption! ! !

In the Summoner's Canyon, Ye Che's face is expressionless, and his gaze has been moving with Mogana's body. ?八一中文??网?W≤WW. 81ZW. COM

The key point of this wave is that Mogana, her magic shield, does cause some interference to Ye Che.

After all, the guy who assists in eating ice is a big move!

Some people say that it is your own death, choose what is not good, choose a cold ice assist.

Is the ice aid really weak?

If you ask this question, I am afraid that many occasional attempts to use the ice-assisted hardship will spray you a face, mud horse is not weak?

However, Ye Che does not think so. She feels that she is weak and can only say that the style of play is not correct.

For example, Ye Che, the original talent rune has given 2% of the cold contraction, plus bright shoes, and the big pieces just out, this is only eight, cold shrinking has reached an amazing 4o%!

Wan Jian Qi, every five seconds, can shoot once.

The big move is only sixty or seventy seconds.

Of course, these are all virtual, the real terror is that...

‘Ice girl, it’s a big flash! ! ! ’

Ye Che suddenly shouted, talking, and a very dazzling white light, flying out of his hands, such as the roaring white dragon, beautiful and crystal!

St. Honglin’s fingers trembled, but they stopped the impulse to release the magic shield.

This moment, he suddenly remembered the previous IQ suppression.

‘Mom, good risk! ! ! ’

To see clearly, this white light is really only the arrow of the eagle eye. After the area detects the skills of the field of vision, he often feels a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, St. Honglin sneered in his heart: ‘This kid, still want to play this set, when I...’

When I was still stupid, I couldn't think about it. His eyes were stunned, and a golden light flashed through it. A body with an icy breath was already nearly 100 meters long and appeared in front of the glory.

It is the Frost Witch!

'not good! ! ! ’

St. Honglin’s heart was shocked, and he was quick to hang the magic shield on the glory, but it was too late!

Ye Che’s temptation once again made his thoughts completely defeated. At this time, the ice girl suddenly shot, he was too late.

‘Ice it! ’

‘Hey! ’

As the ice girl raised her hand, there were countless dense ice particles appearing around the glory, and then instantly turned into a huge ice mass, and wrapped the glory in the dead.

Then, a sharp ice spurt was launched from his hand, and the big move was picked up, directly killing one-third of the blood.

‘Grass, it’s being played again! ’

St. Honglin’s face flashed an unhealthy red, although he felt that even if Guanghui was charged, nothing was wrong, but it was inexplicable.

‘Pan Sen, fast! ’

Sheng Honglin whispered.

Pansen didn't hesitate, and his body moved, ‘砰’, and a shield stunned the millennium that wanted to follow the ice girl’s output.

Only his shield had just squatted down, and he saw an incomparably sensitive figure. The wall next to him leaped high, and then he took the wind and kicked it on the shining body.

However, he jumped into the defensive tower and the beam of the defensive tower immediately fell on his body.

‘Hey, you can kill! ’

Seeing that the glory was set on fire, Sheng Honglin not only did not panic, but sneered out.

Because the glory has been restored from the past, the hand is thrown out of the imprisonment, and then the shield, then the light burst, and the big move laser!

After the set was finished, Qing Gangying ate a complete big move, leaving only a quarter of the blood, and the ice girl was also blown up by the light.

Not only that, a wave of small soldiers in the distance Ye Che is also directly cleared!

The soldier is gone, the Qinggang shadow is in the tower, the ice girl has not flashed, and the adc of her own has arrived. This wave of groups has won, and it is very likely that it is blood!

After all, although the glory has been killed after a set of skills, the damage has been hit.

‘Zi! ’

螳螂 啸 ,, such as the hunting eagle, flew directly to the body of Qing Gangying!

The 6th-level evolution is the wings. He is trying to catch people. His jump distance is very horrible. When he blows out from 6f, he is full of momentum.

Seeing this scene, the indigenous summoners with God's perspective changed their faces, and the discerning eye can fully see that the Qinggang shadow, as well as the ice girl and the millennium, are extremely dangerous.

Ice girl and Qinggang shadow, even dead!

Even if there is a thousand big ones can hold for a while, but one of them is a deep defense tower, one is already not flashing, even if there is still displacement, but after killing Qinggang shadow, you can come over again.

Not to mention his flash, Pan Sen's flash is also in the hands, Mogana has not opened the magic shield, it seems to be waiting for Shengyu to open and throw him out, and then complete the lore!

‘This wave is dark, kill a radiance, die three, and still throw the dragon, don’t tell me this is the command of Ye Che! ’

Shi Zihan’s words have already brought an inexplicable tone.

Bi Rui did not speak, but his face was not good.

And the holy shrine, but involuntarily bite his lips.

At the same time, Qing Gangying faced the slap in the face, and Pan Sen's behind him, his face slightly flustered, but fortunately, at this moment, Ye Che's order came from his ear.

‘Qing Gangying, you big Moganna! Millenium, after he is out, you will be big, and the bounty is ready! ’

This sentence is like a cardiotonic agent, so that his thoughts suddenly turn up.

‘Great Moganna! ’

The Aboriginal Summoner yelled at the bottom of his heart. In the next second, he took only one-fifth of his blood and jumped up, and then slammed into Moganna!

Hex last plate, activated!

'boom! ’

The ground trembled, and then a star-studded star with a strange light appeared!

Under this star, any skill, any way, can't be separated!

Whether it is flashing, displacement technology, or even transmission, you can't leave!

This is a party, absolutely cage! The duration is enough for four seconds!

And the millennium followed, and also made a big move, 'Yang Ling live!'

The sheep spirit live, under the skill, within the scope of the skill envelope, as long as it is inside, in the four seconds, neither the enemy nor the enemy will die!

'Boom! ’

A sound like the sound of the morning bell, the Qinggang shadow that immediately died, immediately left 1% of the blood, regardless of how the enemy output, keep this blood volume.

‘Millennium, it’s up to you! Ice girl, you also go in, you remember, the moment when Pansen and 螳螂 are close, open the ring of frost! ’

Ye Che’s language is extremely fast, while at the same time speaking, he still counts a 1 in the bottom of his heart...

At this time, there was no nonsense. When the big move was opened, he rushed into his own big move, and the ice girl also followed the common sense.

All three, all entered the enemy tower completely!

This approach, for anyone, is stupid!

Simply put, it is to die!

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