League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1458: Super reverse!

‘It’s stupid, stupid! ! ! Qinggang is stupid, and this ice girl and the millennium think about it, can run away for four seconds! ’

‘It’s true that I’m speechless. August 1st Chinese website? W?W?W. 81ZW. COM’

'can not read it! ’

‘Don’t tell me, this is the so-called Millennium Routine. ’

Outside the Summoner's Canyon, everyone shook their heads and their eyes were full of disappointment.

‘The opposite adc came, completely finished. ’

Someone suddenly saw a green figure in the corner and said quickly.

However, his voice just fell, and the bottom of his heart was a violent shock. He now has a circle of great circular energy at the foot of Pansen, Moganna, 螳螂, and the ice girl and the millennium. The line appeared.

'this is……'

Not only him, but other Aboriginal summoners saw this scene as well. For a time, an amazing speculation emerged from their minds.

The holy shrine seems to have understood it, and it is sucking cold.

At the same time, almost the moment when the circle appeared, an amazing smirk suddenly burst into the air.

It is a bounty, and the bounty finally made a big move!

'Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha! ’

The body of the bounty is shaking wildly, and the arms of the two arms, countless fire tongues, such as tyrannosaurus, are sprayed out, covering the land of Moganna, Panson and Skull.

‘First to avoid. ’

The three thought about this almost at the same time, but they stumbled as soon as they walked.

Can't get out, can't go out! ! !

Around, it has been completely covered by the big move of Qinggang Shadow.

Want to go out, there is only one way, only the only way to crack! ! !

That is, kill Qinggang Shadow!

However, his life was swayed by the big tricks of the millennium.

'Oh my God! ! ! ’

His face changed, Pansen's change, Mogana, and the skate shoes that have already begun to output, the glory of the dead, all face ups!

The big blue steel shadow is not daunting. After all, you come over and frame me. I kill you, or kill you with teammates. Can I go out?

But now, looking at only 1o% of the blood, but hard to live by the millennium hanging undead Qinggang shadow, Shengyu and others are all cold.

Qinggang Shadow is not dead, which means that they can't leave this area, which means that you have to eat the bounty!

‘Ah hahahaha! ’

The bounty is still roaring, and the bullets pierce their bodies like a bobbin, and the blood volume bursts wildly.

In conjunction with the output of the Millennium, Ice Girl and Qinggang Shadow, the original **** sputum, only one-third of the blood, Pansen also lost half of the blood.

Only Moganna, under the command of Ye Che, did not output him, so the blood of Sheng Honglin remained very good.

‘Danger, danger! After the end of the Millennium Campaign, first flash, and wait for Yu Shaogong to harvest! ’

Sheng Honglin immediately said!

'it is good! ’

'no problem! ’

‘There are Yu Shaogong’s owners, and Hong Linge is here, these three are dead! Now, I will kill them as much as possible! ’

I have to say that they are the elite of the Bipolar Palace and immediately made the most correct choice.

In exchange for Ye Chelai, I can only make this choice.

‘Hey! ’

‘Zi Zizi! ’

'Puff puff! ’

‘Hey! ’

The claws of the cockroaches, the spears of Pansen, the ice of the ice woman, and the big bounty, the general attack of the ice, the general attack of skateboarding shoes, are intertwined in this area.

Especially in the continuous range of the Qinggang Shadow and the Millennium, the people inside think about lowering the blood volume of the other party as much as possible.

Everyone's mind is stretched tightly, and they all know that the moment when the big tricks are over is the time to win the game!

However, in addition to the indigenous summoners with God's perspective, including St. Honglin, and Ye Che's teammates, this short period of time did not notice that there was a circle of light circles in the area.

It is really too much skill intertwined, and the bodies of the people are almost overlapping and standing together to die.


St. Honglin’s heart was desperately counted down. In these three seconds, they almost completely ate the bounty.

In addition to the output of the enemy, in addition to his Mogana's blood volume is half, the other two have reached the minimum blood volume!

‘o! ’

Sheng Honglin once again silently, at the same moment, he screamed: ‘Yu Ge! ’

He wants to shoot, he wants to kill!

The muscles of the rest of the people are also tightening one by one. Everyone knows that the last moment has come...

In addition, Ye Che...

He looked at the scene, his face, I don’t know when there was a smile, and then a faint whisper: ‘嗤...’

It seems to be in line with his voice, Moganna, Pan Sen, Bing Niu and other six people, suddenly set off a fierce storm.

‘Hey! ’

Just like a place to explode a thunder, the big moves of the Millennium and Qinggang Shadows have just ended, a violent shock wave, like a sleepy dragon ascending to the sky!

Put all six people in it!

‘This is... this is...’

The pupil of Shengyu is shriveled like a needle.

And Sheng Honglin, but it was called out.

‘Crash! ! ! ” Sheng Hong shouted out, no blood.

But it is too late!

Millennials will have a healing effect at the end.

The first-class grand tactics can simultaneously treat the blood of 2oo of both the enemy and the enemy.

For the blood volume of this 2oo, they did not immediately flash out, causing them to be rushed by this strong shock wave!

'boom! ’

The three men only felt a pain in their bodies. Except for Moganna, the blood of Pansen and Sui, actually dropped directly to the dead blood.

This kind of blood, I am afraid of whoever is, can feel the death!

On the other hand, thousands of green steel shadows and ice girls, their blood volume, actually increased sharply, among them thousands of, its blood actually recovered to nearly half!

That is to say, this one, directly responded with an additional 4o%!

'This is impossible! ! ! ’

On the side of Shengyu, including him, all screamed, and his face was extremely distorted.

Outside the Summoner's Canyon, I don't know which Aboriginal Summoner actually blew a ‘slot!’

It doesn't work if you don't break the trough, and this blood volume recovery is too special!

‘妍少宫主, this...’

Bi Rui is also a big brother.

Sheng Sheng took a breath, his eyes flashed a dignified, said: ‘Obviously, the enemy’s recovery of blood is so small, because the ice girl’s ghost book is seriously injured! And Ye Che...’

Speaking of this, she made a slight meal and continued: 'Ye Che, he has redeemed, the amount of treatment at this stage has almost reached a point of 32o or more, plus the 2oo point of the Millennium, which is more than 5oo, Millennium. The amount of blood is only a thousand years old... This is not the main thing. The main thing is that redemption does not treat the other party, but it can cause 1% of real damage to the enemy! ’

When the words fall, her tone is more solemn. 'It’s very horrible, but in general, redemption wants to hit the enemy, it’s extremely difficult... But now with the big blue steel shadow, and the big match of Qinggang Shadow The size of the millennium...the greatness of the millennium is in line with the bounty, or the big one, or the fire man, the degree of horror, can’t believe it! ! ! And the fit is perfect! ’

‘In this case, it’s easy to kill the tower! It’s no wonder that Ye Che said that the middle can be chosen casually, otherwise choose a strip or a fire man, or other group damage skills...’

Bi Rui interface road, his eyes flashed a trace of panic.

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