League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1459: Exciting teammates

(About Qinggang Yingda, although the enemy flew the enemy, the protagonist used his teammates to support Qinggang, so he tempted Pansen to get close to the past, which is why the protagonist said that Big Moganna, not the whole. Eight ?一中中文网W≤W≈W=.≥8=1≈Z≤W≈.=COM

After approaching, the ice woman opened the ice and stunned, stunned the enemy three, and then the bounty opened. )

They have time to discuss slowly, but Shengyu and others don't have it. For them, they are now on the verge of death!

In particular, Pansen and Yan, because of the **** return of the Millennium, led to the real damage of Ye Che's 'redemption' and gave him a blood.

The millennium jumped back slightly, and the ice woman took the crampons, and the unprepared shackles and Pansen, both died immediately!

This is not the point. The point is that the state of the three people is really good. Three of them are nearly half blood, plus the full ice and bounty, full of deterrence!

‘Withdrawal and withdrawal! Yu Ge is fast! ! ! ’

Sheng Honglin screamed in horror. He is now without a golden body. If he makes a big move, he is afraid that the big move will not be activated, and he will be killed directly by the group.

Shengyu's face is extremely ugly, I really want to say something to you about St. Honglin. Why don't you go straight earlier?

But he also guessed the plan of Sheng Honglin. It must have been that Sheng Honglin thought that the three thousand people were absolutely dead, so he kept a big move and planned to send him to the body of ice and bounty, leaving all.

I did not expect the enemy's blood return so horrible!

In addition to returning blood, the cooperation between Millennium and Qinggang is almost no solution!

‘Damn, these earthen buns, how can they play such a horrible way, by chance! ? ’

There are thousands of thoughts in the mind of Shengyu, but the hands and feet are not slow. The arms are suddenly lifted, and a layer of green light and shadow will cover Moganna.

Then, the whole of Mogana became invincible and was completely energized by Shengyu.

The revenge of the spear, the release of the big, the hero with the contract, will be summoned, can not be attacked by any enemy!

Then release again, you will be able to fly to the target area, hit the enemy or use to escape.

Now, in this case, if you dare to go on, it is to find death. St. Honglin does not say anything and flees directly. However, in this way, the spear of revenge is exposed to the claws of the enemy five!

Suddenly, an arrow of ice and ice with a thickness of more than ten meters condensed from the front of Ye Che, and it was covered with endless cold.

‘Hey! ’

Moganna has just turned into a physical landing, the arrow of ice and cold, less than one meter away from Shengyu.

‘It’s over! St. Honglin’s heart trembled and his face was white.

At this distance, he had no time to give the magic shield to the sacred.

However, the performance of Shengyu made his eyes bright, almost in the middle of one thousandth of a mile, and a golden phoenix exploded from the body of Shengyu.

Suddenly, his whole person traversed a hundred meters, and he gave birth to himself from the gate of the ghost.

'it is good! 66666666666! ’

Sheng Honglin shouted loudly.

‘A good fart, roll over and keep the tower! ’

Shengyu’s tone is extremely poor and his expression is gloomy.

You know, it’s only fifteen minutes in the district. The enemy’s tower is not dead. In the case of Yueta, it’s actually killing three of them and forcing out their own flash. It’s a **** dog. This stupid pig Sheng Honglin is still shouting here, and Shengyu kills his heart!

Sheng Honglin also thought of this very quickly. At the same time, he immediately hid behind the second tower and planned to be stationed.

Only under the command of Ye Che, the people did not continue to enter the Second Tower.

The five-man big move is gone, and Mogana still has a big move, and now the time to resurrect is fast. When it is time to be retained by Moganna, if the person loses the dragon, the advantage will be ruined.

‘Canyon Pioneer! ’

Ye Che smiled.

‘hahaha, gogogogo, pioneering work! ’

‘Son! In the case of the mud horse tower, we actually did not lose the autumn, but also killed three enemies, so cool and cool! ! ! ’

‘Ye brothers, ah no, Ye Chege, I am convinced, really convinced, I did not expect that Millennium and Qinggang can cooperate with this! Plus your redemption, oh, you didn't see the enemy's face, your face was distorted! ’

'Key Ye Ge also took a cold ice assist, if this is the dawn, Bron type, plus a group control big move, just that Shengyu ah Sheng Honglin they have to leave, think about eating chicken ! ’

Everyone followed Ye Che to the canyon of the canyon, and said with a cool face, this moment, even the name of Ye Che has been changed, directly changed to brother!

'Hey, it’s Ye Ge’s heart and heart to give them a chance. I don’t want them to lose too much. Otherwise, let me bind a violent second person or a group injury, such as the fire female mechanical pioneer, they are more powerful. ! ’

Zhong Danbing is also a smile.

‘Ye Ge is kind, hahahaha! ’

At this moment, everyone in the team is eager to praise Ye Che.

If it is just a simple victory, they will not be so rude, but the current victory, but proves that Ye Che is not empty!

The information on the canyon warfare of the three-dimensional civilization is very likely to be true!

I am naturally excited and excited to think that I can get countless top canal warfare skills from Ye Che here.

Ye Che’s old face was red, and he said implicitly: ‘I’m doing it. This kind of big truth can be said casually. This world cannot be said casually, and it is easy to be hated. ’

'puff! ’

‘I serve! ’

‘Haha, we don’t want to tell the truth, but we touched our own conscience, you know...’

Everyone looked very happy, and this time, they have already destroyed the canyon pioneer.

Pioneer's buff, naturally won by the bounty, after all, he does not need to charge, just look for a good angle, open a perfect big.

Outside the Summoner's Canyon, the indigenous summoners are not happy, and they are naturally not so rude.

But now the introduction of such a routine makes them feel relieved about the canyon battles of the three-dimensional civilization.

How can they not like the brilliant road after the canyon battle data?

Not to mention the Holy Ghost, if she appears as a woman's body, it can definitely be said to be a smile.

At the same time, in the Summoner's Canyon, after the crowds finished the canyon, they returned to the process, out of the equipment, and then each returned to the line to raise.

The same is true of Shengyu. It has just lost three heads, plus one tower and n waves of small soldiers. The economy has already been rushed.

Coupled with the heart of the recent team battle, they did not dare to fight the group, but also each returned to the line to raise.

Sheng Honglin, also began to fully open his vision, he took a sigh of relief, and resolutely no longer give Ye Che a path to be awkward! ! !

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