League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1461: Panson's scream

He must ensure that adc and himself survive to win, so doing so is the most correct decision. August 1st? Wenwang?W≈W≤W. 81ZW. COM

Thinking of this, Sheng Honglin took another look at the millennium, and his heart flashed a hint of heart and grievances.

If it is not a thousand, now you can directly drop the blue steel seconds, you do not need to make such a difficult choice!

'boom! ’

Without the expectation of Sheng Honglin, there was no brilliance in the body, and it was immediately shot.

Then I ate the second combo of Qing Gangying, and the blood volume fell directly by half.

‘Ness! ! ! ’

‘Good blow! ! ’

‘Haha, the glory is going to be seconds again. ’

‘Cough, you shouldn’t be so happy, glory is also our indigenous summoner! ’

‘You didn’t cough twice, I almost wrote it. ’

Outside the Summoner's Canyon, everyone talked about this scene with a talk of laughter.

Only the sacred look was grim, her eyes were on the road, and these indigenous summoners were not able to think of this. She thought of it as a younger lord.

That is Pansen, what to do after Pansen is broken!

Even if the second is brilliant, this wave can't be beaten!

She just thought of this, and sure enough, a circle of red lines has been blocked behind Ye Che and others.

Pan Sen, started to jump!

Danger! ! !

There were countless alarm bells in her heart, and the rest of the Aboriginal Summoners also showed this scene, and each smile was deadlocked on the face.

The faces of Shengyu and Shenghonglin are sneer, and this wave is no more than the last wave.

First, Shengyu was directly at the scene, instead of slowly coming. The last wave was that the ice girl opened the group and Qinggang reconnected, so that they did not have any chance of reaction.

The most important thing is that the last wave of routines made them unprepared, but this wave, they learned the lesson, they will not enter the scope of Qinggang's big move.

The role of the bounty big move will be reduced to a minimum!

In addition, Panson cut off the road and jumped the bounty, so that he could not open a big word, how this wave is all winning!

Only the next second, their sneer is a stiff, because the red circle of Panson's big jump just appeared, actually disappeared!

At the same time, there was a strange scream from Pansen.

This... This is canceled, Pansen canceled the big move! ?

Hy! ? ? ?

They are still horrified, the Frost Witch has been displaced and dizzy, thousands of miles, and the ice that directly rushed, has also entered the field.

The brilliance was instantly passed by the second. This time, because there was no Pansen limit, and another ice rushed over, he didn’t even release the big move, and he fell to the ground.

However, in order to have sufficient output, Qinggang has installed the whole pile. At this time, in the case of resisting nearly three defensive towers, the blood volume is only half.

Moreover, he was also imprisoned by Mogana, and the blood volume dropped quickly.

The vengeful spear is outputting him very, and he can immediately receive a ‘tearing’ burst.

Weakness to the millennium, give yourself a shield, open big!

Sheng Honglin blushes and completes all operations, but the person he most wants to kill at this time is not Ye Che, not an enemy.

But Pansen! ! !

The gou day of Pan Sen, has not jumped up until now, he has the heart of this product!

He has a faint feeling that this wave is only afraid of being black, so he wants to block all the enemies now, and then escape!

However, he thought too simple!

'call out! ’

Ye Che's ice flashed and rushed straight to the front of Shengyu, and hanged him down, lest he jumped.

'boom! ’

At the last minute, Qing Gangying took only one-third of the blood, and directly slammed it on the head of Shengyu.

At the same moment, the arm of the millennium was lifted, and a layer of white aperture covering more than 100 meters was raised from the foot of Qinggang and the revenge spear and Ye Che's feet.

The sheep spirit live, not dead! ! !

A series of operations, quick and dazzling.

‘Damn! ’

The sacred qi is not good, but there is no way, flashing the last wave, has been forced out by the ice.

Just can't just walk away inexplicably, after all, he also holds the idea of ​​a lucky kite Qinggang.

I didn’t expect the ice to flash directly to reduce it, but he couldn’t do it.

‘Hey! ’

‘Hey! ’

Countless blood flowers, shot on the body of Shengyu, in just two seconds, under the ice and Qinggang's cofferdam, his blood volume dropped to the bottom.

After all, it's just a crispy adc. Although the ice has no output at all, but with the level of growth, the attack power is also more than 90 points. With the skill, two seconds can kill nearly two hundred points.

Not to mention the blue steel shadow, in the scope of his big move, the general attack will cause a high amount of extra magical damage, plus skills, it is completely closed to play dogs.

At this time, a slap in the air, the ice girl, the millennium, all were imprisoned by Mogana.

However, they are not dangerous, because the damage of the previous defensive towers was all resisted by Qing Steel.

However, the bounty is dangerous. He originally wanted to follow the instructions of Ye Che, but now there is only one spear of blood and revenge, and after Mogana, he is willing to adapt to the past.

But he was kept staring, preventing him from opening a big cockroach.

After chasing for five or six seconds, the shackled claws fell to the ground.

‘Quick, kill Moganna! ’

The ice girl whispered, and the scene did show his expectations. He was also the target of a big revenge.

However, the calculation of the distance is not correct, not only the leaves of the leaves are flashed, but they are also controlled by Moganna.

So if he didn't do it, he gave it to Mogana at the moment he was controlled.

Mogana's big move and the ice girl's big move, the control time is 1.5 seconds, so the ice girl, the millennium two just got out of trouble, they rushed to Moganna.

Over there, Ye Che and Qing Gangying have already taken the spear of revenge, and they are coming here.

‘You are standing first, my blood is not enough! ’

The Frost Witch spoke to the millennium and then went out to the side tower.

When Ye Che’s arms were lifted, redemption finally came out, and at the same time, a million arrows were tied to leave Moganna in the scope of redemption.

‘Hey! ’

The treatment of redemption rushed to the sky, and the blood of the three men increased in addition to the Frost Witch who went out.

St. Honglin faced the attack of three people and bit his teeth.

The dead Shengyu, his fist is more and more holding.

The sac, the dead is too sac.

Opposite is completely without any technical content, directly unreasonable rushing tower.

Sustaining tons of damage? It doesn't matter, I am a thousand big.

Withstand no CNC, countless skills? ? It doesn't matter, I have a thousand big!

And with the threat of Qing Gangying's big move and bounty big move, that feeling, I want to die.

‘This Pansen, it’s **** it! What is the good end to cancel the big move! ’

Thinking of this, Shengyu could not help but ask.

The answer given by Pansen, but he, and the just fell to the ground, Sheng Honglin's heart is cold, his face is full of gloom.

(Seeking a ticket, what?)

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