League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1462: Shengyu's strategy of breaking the enemy!

‘It’s interrupted, you mean you’ve been interrupted! ? ’

Sheng Yu asked in amazement.

Pansen said with a smile: 'This is indeed the case. You haven’t officially started playing. I’ve already come here, but I’ve just made a big move, and I’m shot at that spot. . ’

‘How is it possible, do you have their eyes on your side? St. Honglin asked.

Shengyu is sighing and said: ‘It should not be the relationship of the eye position. Don’t forget the eagle-eye arrow of the ice. It is estimated that in advance, he will use the eagle-eye arrow to detect it, and the consequences will be pre-judgment and shoot a big move! ’

It is said that St. Honglin and others have a cold that cannot be said.

Actually just probed a bit, dare to shoot a big move through such a long distance, this is absolutely confident strength, or luck.

If it is the latter, it is okay, if it is the former.

When I think of it, St. Honglin and others are completely angry. In the eyes, the only thing left is absolute dignity!

In the mouth of their conversation, only one-fifth of the blood was lost, and Pansen, who walked by, had already surrounded Ye Xue and others.

Upon seeing it, Shengyu’s face changed and he quickly said: ‘Don’t go, the ice is still weak! ’

'weak? ’

Wen Yan, Pan Sen and Yan's heart snorted, and quickly stopped the pace, watching the Ye Che four safely evacuated.

They understand in their hearts that giving up and chasing is equal to giving up the dragon.

The big move is gone, the flash is gone, and it is used to kill the bounty.

After all, just bounty is a treatment with flash, and you can't use it if you don't use the card.

In the absence of a big move, it is difficult to grab the dragon, but even if he grabs it, he will lose a small life. In this case, the rhythm will be even more collapsed.

Therefore, this wave of the group with the life of bounty, replaced the enemy three plus a dragon, and the end of the play.

‘Yu... Yu Ge, how do you fight next? ’

St. Honglin asked quite a stutter.

Nowadays, he is extremely confused about the situation afterwards.

The opposite play is completely inconsistent with the rogue. If you make a big move, you will go directly to the group. You will not go to the wild area at all, and you will not be single.

There is a slap in the bottom of his heart, and the enemy is not at all reasonable!

Shengyu took a deep breath and stared at Ye Che, who had just walked to the line. He said, ‘I just want to say that if we don’t want a way to break the enemy, this game will lose! ’

To lose... to lose... to lose...

The last two words of Shengyu, such as the magic barrier, linger in the minds of St. Honglin and others.

They couldn’t think of it, the district’s indigenous summoners, plus a new one that couldn’t be new, Ye Che, actually made their bipolar palace orthodox children fall into a position to lose.

St. Honglin’s face showed an unspeakable look, and replied: 'Yu Ge, to be honest, they have never seen this kind of play, even unheard of. Now the enemy is currently, I can’t touch the cracking method. The clue. ’

‘Yes, they are brainless, and they are still under the tower. If we want to open a big dragon, we will only be more passive. ’

He also said.

What I want, this sentence makes Shengyu's eyes shine, saying: ‘You just said, we will be more passive? ’

‘Yes, I’ve been left without a brain, and I’m disgusting, how can these indigenous **** come from such a disgusting routine!螳螂 螳螂 frowned and said.

On the face of Shengyu, I don’t know when it’s a happy color. With a heavy arm, I said, ‘Where did they get this road, don’t mention it, anyway, this can’t be what they can study, the point is, passive! ’

'passive? Everyone has a glimpse.

‘Not bad! Every time, we are all started by the group, then next time, we have the initiative to open the right to play! You can give priority to the big moves of the millennium, making them inconspicuous! ! ! This is the strategy of breaking the enemy! ‘Sheng Yu said with a cold smile.

First hand out a thousand big tricks! ?

St. Honglin and others glimpsed, St. Honglin was a surprise fist, saying: ‘That’s right! ! ! As long as we play the first hand, the opposite will be a big mess to the collapse of the army, Yu Ge you are too smart! ’

Others, after the reaction, Pansen did not hesitate to praise.

Glorious laughter, in order to avoid being retaliated, is also consistent with a few words.

He didn't say no, the first few wave battles, he always had to be second, this is not a state now, this pot may even be his back.

However, Shengyu still burned his fire.

‘This wave, if you are still seconds off, huh, huh...’ Shengyu sneered.

The rest of the people, also one by one, stared at him coldly.

Glittering at the bottom of my heart, quickly said: ‘No, I promise that this wave will not die! ’

Shengyu nodded indifferently and said: ‘The next wave, if they dare to report to the group, we all go around and fight! Pan Sen jumped directly, Hong Lin, you sold your eyes, directly naked naked, I am going to send you in, I will keep up with them, and they are caught off guard! If they dare to open the dragon, it is the same, see the enemy, all on, don't give them a chance to breathe! Have you heard it clearly? ? ’

‘Listen clearly! ’

'Yes! ’

‘Follow! ’

Shengyu’s teammates said one after another.

At the same time, on the other side, Ye Che is also arguing about this wave of team battles.

Once this wave of battles wins again, there is no suspense in this game.

On the contrary, I am afraid that it will be delayed for a while.

‘This wave, we don’t play the group. ’

Ye Che is faint.

'what? ’

Everyone has a glimpse.

The ice girl asked in amazement: ‘Why, we played the group and it was very violent! ’

‘Yes, right, in front of me and the Millennium’s big move, the opposite side was not beaten! ’

‘This kind of team battle is just a kind of enjoyment for us. If this wave comes again, can it win directly? ’

Teammates, they said in confusion.

Ye Che glanced at them and smiled and said: 'I ask you, if the opposite side starts to open the group, Mogana will give up the golden body and put a magic shield on it. The vengeful spear will be thrown into our camp and stun us. After a few, then the glory of the ban, the light burst, and the 螳螂 also jumped in to output one person, how long does it take to force a thousand big moves? ’


After a thousand stays, the rest of the teammates are also calculating in the bottom of my heart.

‘No calculation, let me tell you, it’s only two seconds! Qinggang is a pure output, in order to lower the blood volume of the other party, the same is true for the millennium, then no matter who they gather, for up to two seconds, the millennium will open! ’

‘And wait until the millennium has been forced out of the big move, they directly retire temporarily do not fight, wait for the end of the Millennium, and then Pansen opens our way, we... can we win? ’

Hearing here, the four teammates all breathe in the cold, which makes you feel the risk of this wave!

St. Yu et al., after all, is the top of the Bipolar Palace. There is a once or twice experience. This wave is very likely to come up with this method of breaking the enemy!

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