League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1470: Shengyu's performance

At this time, Shengyu’s face was sneer, and continued: “Fortunately, the routine of the child can stand the test. Even if there is a stock of the head, we have won! But what do you think...”

He said, his fingers trembled and pointed at the holy shrine, and said with a look of anger and anger: "Which think she in turn steals the routines that I have painstakingly researched, and even filthy children, and in turn advocates that I am defeated and tarnished my reputation! ”

"Look for my father to be the master of me!"


He squatted down on his knees. Eight?? One? Chinese network W? WW. 81ZW. COM

The wolf palace is silent, and most people’s eyes are on the holy shrine.

In the past three days, the Aboriginal Summoner preached the news of the defeat of Shengyu, and everyone who had already passed it was well known. In this way, the persuasive power of Shengyu's discourse is enormous.

The sacred heart was cold, and she never thought that the plan of Ye Chubu had such a large loophole, which turned out to be a slap in the face.

She already doesn't know how to explain it. Is it necessary to say that the news of the defeat of Shengyu was accidentally leaked out? The people in the audience are idiots who will believe this.

"Ye Che... What should I do now??"

The holy shrine is crying out. She is used to low-key in the bipolar palace on weekdays. Where are the few opponents of the few palaces who are fighting for the infighting palace.

"No hurry, you can keep silent, your father doesn't ask, you don't talk."

Ye said faintly.

Shengyu, because the indigenous summoners preached his defeat, obviously was forced to rush, so he only squatted. However, he did not understand the emperor's heart, and the more he expressed his grief and grievances, the sacred ruling, only fear It is not easy to fool the past.

Sure enough, Sheng Yi cut a glance at the silent sacred, and then said to Sheng Yu: "I don't know what the routine is, let you win in the case of teammates giving the head, can you let your father open your eyes?" ”

Shengyu Yixi, quickly said: "Of course, I am already ready!"

Already ready? Sheng Yi cuts his brow slightly.

With a wave of sacred arms, there were ten people who came out of the crowd and then held it in a 55-column formation.

"This routine has been stolen. Obviously it can't be saved. If so, I will make it directly to the public to expand my bipolar palace!" said Sheng Yu Da Yi.

"it is good!!!"

"Yu Shaogong Lord's Righteousness!"

"In the case of giving the head, you can win, this road is obviously extraordinary!"

"In fact, it is obvious that the holy shrine is just a blind man. The talents cannot be compared with the Yu Shaogong Lord. The set of roads is clearly stolen."

After hearing the words of Shengyu, there was a big or small voice coming from the field.

Shengyu has already smiled and nodded to the ten people. The ten people breathed and the power of the hero exploded. Suddenly, they only heard the "bang" and summoned the canyon, and came!

Looking at the Summoner's Canyon, the ten people who walked through the practice routine were shrouded in, and the Wolf Palace began to boil, and all kinds of expectations or exuberant eyes were all lingering in the Summoner's Canyon.

The selection of the two sides was quickly confirmed.

One side of the selection is quite satisfactory, while the other side is exactly the same as the hero that Ye Che was bound at the time. Except for the ice girl in the middle of the road, she was replaced by the enchantress. The assistant was replaced by the dawn, and there was no difference.

"Which side is the routine that Shengyu has developed?"

"Blue side? Blue square selection, it seems that there are some routines, the purple side of the selection, there is a problem, Qinggang, enchantress, millennium is also strong in the early stage, in the late singles, very Weakness, and the reward is a late stage."

"Then focus on the blue side first."

There are many people talking about it, but Shengyu is a smile.

"These people are really stupid. Actually, it is said that this routine is the thief of Shengyu!"

"Oh, don't blame them, blame only St. Yu's child is too treacherous!"

"Why is Ye Che still not arguing? This road is obviously his!"

"How to argue? Tell everyone that he got the top information on the 3D civilization canyon battle? The consequences, it is entirely conjecture, these top information will definitely be forced to ask, the Lord of the Palace, and the hope of becoming the palace owner. ”

Among the people, the seven or eight indigenous summoners who were brought by the Holy Grail, humoured and sang each other.

At this time, the summoner canyon has begun to fight.

There were some come and go in the early stage, but I don’t know if it was deliberate. The purple side is not even superior to the other roads except for the road.

"Well? Is this the way, is there an advantage on the line?"

"You are not stupid, the routine has not yet come out, this is just the advantages and disadvantages of the online."

"Oh, let's continue."

Just at the mouth of the argument, time passed by, and the purple side was a thousand miles. Qinggang’s side is already very inferior. The ratio is 7:13, which is quite different.

Many people's brows have been locked up. They have to be in a close match, and they can see that the routine is so powerful. The purple side is so miserable. If the blue side uses the routine, it is only because the advantage is too great, not the routine.

All, some people have cast doubts on Shengyu.

However, Shengyu is carrying his hand and his face is confident and confident.

"This guy, it really will be loaded." The holy bite bite his teeth.

It seems that I noticed the expression of the holy shrine. Ye Che smiled and said: "This is the gap between you and him. It will not be installed! Of course, this is an advantage, and it is also a shortcoming. See how you understand it."

"You still laughed." Sheng Sheng said with no anger.

"I laugh, you will have one less competitor soon..." Ye Che squeezed his fingers and said.

A sacred priest asked, "What do you mean?"

Ye Che did not answer, but pointed to the Summoner Canyon.

The sacred eyes looked at the past, almost no difference in time. In fifteen minutes, the purple side was pulled by the single fire man, and the five people held the group!

"Hey, are you going to open a group?"

"The purple side directly holds the group of five people, this is the rhythm of death!"

"In the case of inferior circumstances, I dare to directly hold the group of five people. Hey, if it is not Shengyu who dominates this exercise, I am already going to start dark."

Seeing this scene, the arguments in the field suddenly rose.

Only the Holy Trinity seems to think of something, and the color of doubt is passed.

At this time, it was unexpected to everyone, the dawn of the purple side, directly moved, a big move, accurately fell on the opposite side of the tower, so that it was reduced.

The enchantress moved in two consecutive stages, approaching crazy, and the strip was reduced. The chain was directly attached to her body, fighting, and started!

Qinggang jumped close to the wall, and the Millennium shielded it.

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