League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1471: Ye Che's review

This scene, seeing hundreds of thousands of people in the field stunned, this purple party where the courage, this is the disadvantage, but also dare to rush the tower? Not afraid of being destroyed! ?

However, the result of the battle was unexpected to everyone. After a battle, the purple side, no one died, and the blue side of the single, adc, and the wild all destroyed, leaving only the order and the auxiliary wolf to escape, while still Lost a tower. ??八?一中文?W(eight)W?W?. (1) 8?1?Z?W. COM

"God!!! What have I seen!"

"Assisting God's redemption, with the big move of Qing Gangying, the blue side is almost invulnerable! Then the blood effect, superimposed on the Millennium, smashed!"

"Before the first one, Qinggang will frame one more. If the enemy comes to save, you will get the bounty and enter the scope of Qinggang's big move. If you don't save it, you can only watch the two teammates die!"

"666666666, I am serving! It is a disadvantage, and it is a rushing tower. It is still a victory! No wonder you can win 4 games and 6 games!"

"I am convinced of the Yu Shaogong Lord. This road is really powerful!"

"Oh, the scorpion of the holy area, can you study this routine? Funny!"

With the moment of reversal of the situation, everyone praised the words of Shengyu, even if it was a sacred sect, and the eyes were full of surprises. Obviously, this road was extremely satisfied with him.

"Ha ha ha, well, my bipolar palace just joined the talents, and there is such a god-level routine, I am very grateful!"

Shengyi cut up and said, Yue said.

The canyon battle is the foundation of civilization. It is the cornerstone. Every self-developed one will be preserved and passed down by the civilization as a kind of cherished product. Now this road is so powerful, he is naturally delighted.


The holy rush is over.

The smile of the sacred priest instantly converges, faintly looking at the sacred priest, saying: "What else do you have to say?"

On the face of Shengyu, it is even more ridiculous. Obviously, he has already won this game!

"District scorpion, dare to play with us, Yu Ge, you can use a force to force, she will never be ruined." Sheng Honglin sneered and said to Shengyu.

Ye Che, he can't move now, but it is too easy to move.

At this time, I felt the coldness in the eyes of the Holy Trinity. The holy shrine that I was going to strive for was not able to spit out.

However, this scene of the Holy Grail has been seen as speechless in the eyes of the Holy Trinity and in the eyes of almost everyone.

"Since you recognize it, according to the rules of the bipolar palace, you will be punished for half a year, you can..."

The Holy One is still saying, a calm voice suddenly rang from the wolf palace, "Wait!"

"Well?" St. I'm a wrinkle, dare to interrupt myself, this crime can be small or big.

However, when he saw Ye Che stepping out, his face could not help but slow down, and then revealed the color of inquiry.

"This kid."

The faces of Shengyu and Shenghonglin are sinking.

Ye Che did not hurry and walked to the canyon battle that was still going on, and then showed a smirk of color, seemingly mocking the ongoing battles.

"What do you mean!?" Shengyu changed his face.

Others, also inexplicably watching Ye Che.

It’s a sacred smile, saying: “Do you have a view on this routine?”

Ye Che shrugged and said: "The view is not worth mentioning, just a few comments to say."

"Tell me."

There is a hint of curiosity at the bottom of the Holy Trinity. I want to see the genius with the purple-star nucleus embryo, and have a different view of this road.

Ye Chegan coughed and turned his head, his eyes locked in the body of Shengyu.

"What do you think I do!?"

Shengyu was slightly shocked by Ye Che’s gaze, and could not help but sigh.

"First of all, I apologize to you. After all, my comment is not for you, but for this routine." Ye Che grinned.

At the bottom of the heart of Shengyu, there was a slight hunch.

The next second, Ye Che's words fully confirm the correctness of his hunch.

"For this routine, I only have one sentence to say."

Ye Che has paused, and his eyes passed a hint of coldness, and then continued: "It is worthless, the **** is unreasonable, it hurts others, it is unbearable!"


Hearing the words, the audience was in awe.

On the face of Shengyu, there is a red tide, and angrily said: "Do you know what your words will bring to you?! My way, it is invincible, the inferior bureau can beat the tower, you I dare to blink and say something!"

Sheng Yi is also looking at Ye Che with a sullen face. Obviously, if Ye Che does not give a statement, even if he cares about Ye Che in his heart, he is not good at all the bipolar palace summoners.

Because this is ** naked in trampling the dignity of the bipolar palace!

"Do not believe?"

Ye Che smiled a little, then pulled out five 16-year-old teenagers out of the field and said, "I will use them to play a game with your subordinates. You will understand that your so-called routine is simply Unbearable!"


Shengyu instantly laughed. The five young girls were not even condensed with the star nucleus. They were not dominant in the canyon battle. Moreover, they could fight with this kind of routine and closed their eyes.

"This is what you said! If you can't win, you must be responsible for your words and deeds!"

Sheng Yu said coldly.

"No problem, but if you lose... Well, my purpose is just to point out the major hidden dangers of this routine, to avoid the bipolar palace people, and thus to die, so you will not ask for anything if you lose." Ye Che sighed.

As soon as this statement was made, many people who had sneered at Ye Che had changed their minds.

In any case, since Ye Che’s purpose is from this, even if the words are just hot, they feel understandable.

The face of Shengyi’s face is also a little slow, and it’s for two people: “If you do, you will start.”

"Wait a minute, give me five minutes."

Said, Ye Che gave the five young girls a voice.

He does not despise the five people who do not want to win. After all, this is a good opportunity to make a name for themselves and forever.

Soon, five minutes have passed, Shengyu also pulled out five subordinates and began to hold it.

"Ye Che, is this road really a major hidden danger?"

The Holy Spirit asked in amazement.

"Hidden dangers can't be talked about, but they can be rectified according to the enemy's situation, but Shengyu doesn't know. He didn't have time to study this method to use flexible methods. Instead, he fixed the game and died, so this game..."

Ye Che smiled lightly.

At the same time, the two sides were selected.

Blue Fang Shengyu here, on the single Qinggang, Zhongdan enchantress, playing wild millennium, adc bounty, auxiliary dawn, the lineup has not changed.

Purple side, single alchemy, medium single barrel, wild donkey, adc Wein, auxiliary machine.

“In the single-bin binding barrel? This is rare.”


Seeing the lineup of the two sides, everyone on the scene whispered openly.

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