League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1476: My...the posterity?

"This spirit is like baptism. It takes a day or two to be short, some blood is pure, and the spirit is baptism. It takes six or seven days. Eight?? One? Chinese network W? WW.81ZW.COM" one of the guards Shaking his head, "The old man has gone to practice, we have to stay here."

"When you make a major contribution to the bipolar palace, or have a major breakthrough, you can also have a lot of time to dominate."

"Significant contribution, major breakthrough? How easy it is." Such a guard is somewhat helpless.

"Well? The exploration of the talents of the thousand spirits has weakened!" one of the guards suddenly said.

The other guards turn around and look at it. It is true that at the moment, in the body of the Millennium Spirit, nearly thirty of the thirty-three black and white silkworm cocoons have stopped absorbing black and white airflow, or that black and white airflow has stopped exploring them. .

There are only thirteen remaining, and the black and white airflow is still being absorbed.

"The people who came to baptize this time, the qualifications of these 13 people are not bad."

One of the guards praised, "The longer you can be explored by the Millennium Spirit, the more pure and pure the blood is, and only then can it take more time to confirm it."


The other guards nodded. "But now the children of the second generation of the Bipolar Palace, the blood is very thin, the investigation is completed, and then the activation of the Millennium, it is considered to complete the spiritual baptism."

"I heard that the second and third generations of the most powerful people in our bipolar palace, their spirits are baptized, and they will be investigated by the thousand spirits for a whole day or two!" said a guard, mysteriously.

This is like a valuable thing. The more expensive and rare the item, the more you should carefully check it out.


A young guard can't believe it.

"We are now a young man in the bipolar palace. It is only a moment to complete the investigation. The second generation and the third generation are so exaggerated, and the blood is so thick?"

"Cheat what you do! Our current palace owner knows? He was inspected for two days at the beginning! In the end, he was given a thousand blood, this is the palace!" Said the guard.

"I know this!"

That year, the small guards envied: "The blood of the millennium, although it is only a trace, but the blood of the palace, I am afraid that it has already matched the third and fourth generation of the bipolar palace people?"

"So, the sons of the Lord's lord are also dimmed, you see... that is the sacred sacred, the power of the spiritual image has not diminished, and the rest has stopped." Pointing at the inside of the spiritual image.

This year, as the little guards looked at it, they saw that there were only four skeletons in the body of the spirit, and they were still being examined by the spirits of the millennium.

The rest of the cockroaches have stopped exploring.

The surrounding areas of these four gongs are full of black and white airflow, as always, the source of the sputum is flowing inward, and the four silkworm cocoons are like bottomless holes, how much to smoke.

At the same time, only the sound of "嗡嗡嗡" continued to sound.

On the other hand, the silkworm cocoons that have been stopped from exploring have black and white spiral marks and light up.

They are strewn with strange white light, white light edges, and sinister black light, which looks like the imprint of the heavens and the earth.

"They began to condense the seal of the Millennium, and it was not given to the Wolves."

That little guard snorted that year.

"Give a avatar?" The old guard turned his eyes. "You really dare to think that the palace owner was not given a avatar at the beginning, not to mention that they can condense the seal of the millennium and improve the overall strength below."

Just as they discussed it, the black and white airflow on one of the four silkworm cocoons began to weaken.

Gradually, the black and white airflow of another silkworm cocoon also began to weaken.

There are only two silkworm cocoons left, as always being explored.

"There are two left, one of them is a holy shrine, but she understands it well. After all, it is the son of the current palace, but the other one?" The young guard showed a mystery.

"You just got back from the palace? The other one is Ye Che's! Although he is an indigenous summoner, but he is a purple star nuclear embryo, the talent is amazing, this spirit is baptized, the palace owner hugged him. Great expectations!"

"Purple-grade nuclear embryo? Nima, I have cultivated for more than four hundred years, and the quality has only improved to the blue level! This guy..." The young guards squinted.

Then, on the matter of Ye Che, he began to ask with great interest.


Time passed, and soon, one day passed.

The silkworm cocoon of the holy scorpion was finally stopped and explored, and then began to condense the seal of the millennium.

"Oh... that Ye Che, actually still being explored? What is the situation!"

Seeing this scene, the guards on the scene were filled with horror.

Even the daughter of the palace has stopped, this Ye Che is still non-stop, is the blood of his body pure, more powerful than the daughter of the palace! ?

For a time, there was some commotion in the scene.

The old brow wrinkled and felt the elements of the chaotic elements on the four sides. He couldn't help but open his eyes. He was trying to swear, but when he swept the inside of the spirit image for the first time, it was a slight glimpse.

Before Ye et al., when he was wrapped in silkworm cocoons, he remembered the position.

Now the only remaining silkworm cocoon to be explored, he remembers clearly, it is the Ye Che, but this is exactly the point that makes him horrified.

"what happened?"

He was shocked and stood up.




The guards on the scene quickly stopped the commotion and his face was awe-inspiring.

The old man did not pay attention to them, but stared at the thousand spirits, the only remaining silkworm cocoons!


The black-and-white airflow is constantly flowing in the cocoon where Ye Che is located, and Ye Che’s black and white silkworm cocoon is constantly absorbing and constantly absorbing these airflows.

The power of these thousands of spirits to explore, such as the tides, constantly flocked to Ye Che body.

In Ye's mind, there is a time hourglass, the body has the source of the soldiers, and deeper, it is the blood of the colorful heroes. These are the points that the exploration force can't break through, plus the bones of the body's initial energyization, leading to the exploration. More and more force, but it is impossible to break through.

Therefore, the power of exploration believes that these incomparable breakthroughs are the thousands of blood that have not yet been excavated, so the power of exploration is beginning to enter the madness.

"Oh, it’s all day and night! Actually it hasn’t been explored yet?”

"This kid is incredible. Either the talent is really incredible, or it is the blood of the millennium. It is extremely rich. According to the time, I am afraid that it is comparable to the tenth generation of the bipolar palace members?"

"You said, does he have a chance to be given a avatar?"

"You have thought too much about this. For thousands of years, people who can be given a singularity by the Millennium Spirit are not the top talents of our Bipolar Palace. He is still a little worse."

The guards have a lot of arguments and they are very interested.

The old man ignored them at all, and he looked at the only cocoon in the thousand spirits, but in his eyes, he did not know when he would rise up.

Because he himself has faintly felt a breath that he couldn't resist worshipping, and this breath is getting stronger and stronger!

"This... This... isn't it true that the gods and gods are coming?" The old man swallowed his mouth, and it was hard to suppress the thoughts in his mind.

At the same time, Ye Che also felt this mighty atmosphere, like endless life, and like endless death!

"My...the future?"

Suddenly, there was a sound of double tone like a gold-like iron cross, and it slammed into the air from Ye’s mind.

(Seeking a recommendation ticket~)

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