League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1477: Star country!

Ye Che was shocked, but he did not dare to have any words, because he was too familiar with this tone. Once on earth, he used thousands of miles, and there were thousands of games without thousands of games, so even if the millennium only reveals a word, Ye Che can also tell if it is him. In August 1st, the text network? W=W≤W≈. 81ZW. COM

"Millennium, actually a thousand, this spiritual image, can really communicate with the thousand bodies!"

Ye Che’s heart rose to a cool heart.

Because, he can't be sure whether this millennium is a foreign creature of the Valloland galaxy, or it belongs to Valoran, if it is a foreign creature...

When I read this, Ye Che did not dare to speak.

But then, there were endless doubts in his heart that rose up, and where did he go wrong, actually attracted thousands of true bodies! ?

Ye Che did not answer, but the black and white cyclone, but the riots, such as the needle generally whirl, facing the area where the colorful soul blood is located, tied up.

This piercing is fast and unexpected.

Under the circumstance of Ye Che's defense, he was actually swirled in black and white and plunged into it.

"Oh... this breath...good... it really is my descendant, for millions of years..."

The sound of the millennium contains a trace of satisfaction and memory.

"A million years?"

Ye Che is a glimpse, but there are moments to relieve, because the time flow in many places in the universe is different.

But the next second, he still did not respond, he heard a "rumbling" sound, in the space above the thousand spirits, suddenly broke open, followed by a black and white illusory figure, like streamer Directly rushed into his body.

"this is……"

Ye Che’s eyes flashed a shock.

"My descendants, I will give you the wolf and the sheep." These two spirits are the essence of the Hell and the Eternal Stars from the Supreme, and they are homologous to the death of life. It will be more than 100 times the normal degree of cultivation!"

Thousands of voices are said to be ethereal.

"Wolf and sheep double spirit!" Ye Chemo sighed, and his heart was filled with boundless surprises. He didn't even think that he actually got a double avatar, and if he didn't get it wrong, the two avatars were better than the average avatar. Hundreds of times!

"According to Kieran, the blood of the colorful heroes is the blood of all the heroes! Obviously, the familiarity of the millennium is the blood of his own blood in the blood of the colorful spirit, which makes him misunderstand me as him. Later generations!" Ye Che quickly figured it out.

So he was no longer so careful and restrained, but deliberately looked excited: "Thank you... thank you ancestors."

After a thousand words, then the words were very cautious, he said: "Next, I said, you remember not to mention it to anyone!"

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Che felt a powerful force that shrouded the Spiritual Image itself, making everything inside it invisible.

"what happened!?"

Beyond the spiritual image, the guards and the old men were shocked. They wanted to be close, but they were hindered by a boundless force.

Even if the old man used the power of the natal star, he could not get close!

For so many years, the Millennium Spirit has never had such a thing. For fear that the spirit is like a problematic old man, he quickly said: "Come, please go to the palace, the speaker!"


The guards also knew that things were urgent, and they all rushed to the Wolf Palace.

At the same time, the sound of the millennium, as if through thousands of years, long and ethereal into the Ye Che ears.

"You, as my descendants, are qualified to understand the true mystery of the hero and are qualified to know the situation of the Valoran galaxy today!"

Ye Che’s heart trembled and desperately let himself calm down. He didn’t expect that an accidental spiritual baptism would actually know some secrets!

"Before the hero! Start with the lowest level, the black iron to the king, then the trainee warrior or mage, etc., to the weaving stick, the blade of conquest, etc. This last stage, such as the Blade of Conquest, most summoners are At this stage, the star nucleus embryo can be condensed! The star nucleus embryo is the source of all summoners' power. Even unceremoniously speaking, in the universe, the planet is the cradle and source of all life!"

"On top of the star nucleus, it is the incubation period, the star period, the young week, the giant week, and the last life week! The last life week represents the Summoner's life star, which has really formed! The summoner The power is enough to compare a superstar! At that time, the power of a big star is blessed, the planet is annihilated, the waves are falling apart! There is also enough energy reserves to truly travel the universe!"

The words of the millennium have become faster in vain. "However, at each stage, enough heroic power is needed to motivate. For example, above the blade of conquest, it is the heroic messenger, corresponding to the incubation period, the hero elder, the corresponding star. Infant, hero king, corresponding to the young week, the hero of the king, corresponding to the giant week, the hero emperor corresponds to the week!"

"Only the power of the hero can reach the corresponding level, and the power of the star can be fully realized! Now, what I want to tell you is what happened after the week!"

I was shocked to hear that, Ye Che was a glimpse, and asked: "After the week of the week? This is too early for me, I am only the nuclear embryo period, the life star has just been born."

"Early? Not early! Because after the week, you want to improve your strength, and will be closely related to countless summoners and even creatures!"

Ye Che's pupils are shrinking. Some of them don't understand. The strength of the life after the week is related to the summoner's life. Is this a bit of a mystery?

"After the week, you have to establish a star country, such as the mother star you are now in. This is a strong person who has reached the heroic emperor! This is not known to the ordinary summoners, only our heroes. Later generations were told, or, after the week of life, they will naturally be clear, but by that time, it is late!"

“Is the star star a star country? Or was it left after a hero emperor was created?”

Ye Che’s heart was secretly shocked, but it was late, why?

Seemingly knowing Ye Che’s doubts, Qian Qian continued: “The role of the star country is to gather the elements of the universe in a large scale. The power of one person alone, and the elements that are calculated in light years, is too long. Long, so you have to establish a star country, gather countless summoners and creatures to believe in you and support you! When they practice, they will aggregate elements, an ordinary summoner, not much gathered, but 10,000, hundreds of millions, tens of thousands of dollars? The elements that are gathered will reach an astronomical number that cannot be measured! And because of the supply and the supply of their faith, this number has to be doubled! What is even more terrifying is that because of the star The country is built by you, so you can extract the power of everyone at any time!"

Ye Che has a big shock at the bottom of his heart, and instantly understands it. It’s hard to say that the so-called Xingguo is to accommodate countless summoners and souls to serve them!

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